Just for you
I had a look on beta
Yeah, not gear I’ll be using on my main, but I can probably use it on this alt when Remix ends and she’s added to the ‘real’ game.
Honestly; I’m not that hyped for the pre-patch event. It feels very much the same as we’ve been getting for years.
I’ll be there purely for the mogs!
It’s ugly stuff, imo.
I’ll probably collect it though. I mean… What else am I going to do.
Ah thank you!
The weapons are quite nice! The armour is just a purple recolour of a neh set but still…
I just exploded on a bonfire, just my luck! Thought of you
As a hunter this means awfully little to me.
Better then just flag cos you disagree
Ironically… if I really wanted to… I could blast them so far out of the water based on “skill” they wouldn’t touch solid ground until they hit Pluto.
But lets all sit back and watch the “I’m so leet bruh… Soooo Leet!” pretend that being somewhat good in a videogame is of any consequence outside of that videogame.
So incredibly hardcore they have to buy a boost because levelling is too hard for them. I would have thought such uber players such as yourself would have blasted through a mere ten levels in days if not hours.
Cmon lad, shape up., Buying a boost to level? Thats a whole new level of “Well maybe I’m not as good as I think I am…”
Interesting… Interesting… You missed out a very important part of Puny’s message because you thought it would score you a point. Never mind, I’ll post the part you “missed.”
If people feel rules are broken just flag and move on.
Do be a dear and point out where Puny specifically told her Forum Illuminati members (one for your usual conspiracy theory-believing simpletons) to target you for a swift and harsh flagging.
I wish I had a Puny Posse, but alas, I do not.
I’d be first in the queue!
Will there be Irn Bru?
Of course
Note to self… make… “Punynim”…
Note to self… make… “Punynim”…
I would laugh and laugh and laugh
Of course
I’m only here for the free Bru…
Decided. Next remix char will be punytesla.
I have a Punysoul somehere, I may have deleted it lol
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