I do need to do some remix for more mogs…
Why not.
Sorry your post has been derailed and so much spam but there is some good news about XP change’s coming…
I totally agree with you, not only I know a lot of people who love “leveling” which are just bad at end game content but also my best friend is one of them lol
Exactly as you said, he has like 60 chars and everytime you see him he levels another one…
Whenever he dip his toes into end game content, he did terrible and rage quit.
But why people antagonize and gaslights you, beats me. Theres a reason why there are casual / leveling guilds and then mythic guilds etc. The two almost never mix, with the exceptions here and there, that just confirm the rule.
Aye… the explosion on leveling is really stupid. Should be given a consumable instead that you can use that is acquired when leveling to make use of at one’s discretion.
Now you just gotta buy yourself a boost and in TWW you’ll be raidleading a RWF raid! Whether you want to or not!
Only noobs level
Nooo I will level in remix!
…and just lead everyone in there instead!
here it is. paladin ofc
I love you guys
Ooh if it built a charge and then you could set it off at a time of your choice, that would be great.
We need a guild called Puny Posse now but I don’t think it will work until TWW
Officially posse uniform will be the purple (LFR) set from Tomb of Sargeras
Great idea, I don’t often ding where it would be useful and the stat buff less so!
I am apparently a white knight for you, according to a certain Vulpera Monk.
So… Can I be part of your posse pwease?
“You have my bow.”
Or maybe they just found leveling more fun than the endgame content
Punytah in spirit. Already a gnome so it works!
Could make it work like a zone ability where the button pops up and you use it whever
Body and spirit.
(although I doubt I’ll level this character up; Paladin gameplay is not my thing; even though I enjoy their fantasy and themes)