Warband Warbanks are Temporarily Disabled

So the blue post that this discussion is in, is not a communication with the player base that there is an issue, the issue is the highest priority and they are working on it?

I do not understand this unreasonable behaviour demanding more updates than they have news to share, but I have worked in enough customer facing jobs to know first hand how bad the ‘customer’ can be. And nothing anyone says will change that attitude.

But I will leave the angry mob to their pitchforks and patiently wait for the issue to be fixed. I’m happy with the level of communication, even if I am disappointed with the issues we are currently facing with bugged aspects of the game.

For anyone who is unaware there is a known issues list:-

Fixes are generally communicated in the latest hotfix notices, which are pinned in GD

As always Blizzard will share news when there is actually news to share, that includes the blue posts that something is an issue, and the eventual resolution.

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