Warband Warbanks are Temporarily Disabled

Along with the launch of the pre-expansion patch (11.0.0), we’ve temporarily disabled the Warband Warbank while we work on a critical issue.

This is a top priority and we intend to enable the Warbank as soon as possible.

Thank you!


Do you know how long it will take?

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Fix the achievement called [Taking From Nature].
Multiple players lost “burning ascent” progress on it. This is ridiculous.


I vote to just call it Warbank!


Can’t you at least display an error message that isn’t completely misleading?
Right now you’re showing a passive-aggressive message that implies one tried to exploit…
When it really should be “We screwed up the one feature we released today. Sorry!”


Thank you for the heads up! Keep up the good work! :+1:


You trying to kill me?


No need to be so cruel and sarcastic. I’m sure they’re trying their best :rofl:


Yeah, that one’s weird.

I also lost that objective for that achievement, but instead gained “Roaring Dragonspring” fishing hole, that I’ve been waiting for the past 3 weeks to spawn and was my last one. This week, it’s of course up.

3 hours later. When finish fix…?
I’m sicked for waiting

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I wasn’t being sarcastic :sweat_smile: Some people only post negative stuff and have no idea of how complex these things are.

Looking forward cleaning up my bags and banks when I get home :confetti_ball:


I mostly agree, and I’d fully agree if the beta test had not been a paid perk of the most expensive preorder option.

An unrestricted (sub-only) beta test would have given them a better stress-test for more database-intensive new features.

Anyway, so I suppose I will hold off doing the Warbands quest for now, too.


if it’s technical server issue maybe not so long :stuck_out_tongue:
But if this was another way to copy items - we can wait a bit longer :slight_smile:

I know what happened: They used code from Diablo 4 that will load all stuff in warbank to yours PC memory while you are in town from all people around you :partying_face:

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Please also fix the achievement Hey Nanny Nanny. Lost all my progression while I was on the last dragon pet.

It’s the usual case for a free-to-play game … wait, this is not a free-to-play game. it was one of the features of a major expansion (a paid expansion) and they could not even deliver that … great job.


I also noticed that the Switch Flight Style button is only displayed for the first character that I logged in with. No other eligible characters have that button in their action bars or in their spellbook.

Edit: Found the draggable button in the Mounts window! Still, this was a bit confusing. :smile:

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All the extended maintenance on US servers and still the major pre patch feature doesn’t work…


hm, was wondering why it says it is used by another Warband member


I use the WW on my MW/WW while playing TWW! Can’t wait for TW content!

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It would be nice to have an update on the estimated time or any news about it.
We have been without news for hours.