Warband Warbanks are Temporarily Disabled

Yeah, it would be nice with an update from Blizz.

Guys if you take a look on the forum, you’ll see a lot of things not working like: warbands, realm trading, restoring character, deleting certain characters, action bars that disappear, characters that can’t be deleted, etc. They’re way over their heads.
They barely have time to breathe, let alone reply to this topic.

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so its 3 days later and i still cant use warbank? how long until its fixed???

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this is things you can expect from a free to play game. we pay to play each month and pay for new xpacs when they come out. they shouldnt release game content if they cant handle the amount of player who want to use it.


My guess is they are incapable of fixing this with remix characters still out there so they are gonna keep silent until that ends, and then suddenly, the bug will fix itself the next day.


I do not understand this approach tbh. They are working on it and will share news when they have some to share. How is having an update saying it’s broken, still broken, still broken, not fixed yet, still testing fixes etc helpful?

I am hoping we will get a fix with the weekly maintenance but I’ve not heard anything ofc.

I think wanting a basic level of communication is completly reasonable considering we are talking about a multi millionaire company that has millions of active players eager to use the new system they are still marketing even now while its disabled.
Last night we got the “whats new in wow this week” article and it didn’t even mention the warband bank being disabled so if someone doesnt find the article from wednesday, they have no idea whats going on.

They could explain what happened and give an approx time of when can we expect it to be fixed. Hell, they could (and should) completly shut off servers for like a day just to fix gamebreaking stuff.

We haven’t had such a bad patch for years now.

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They did communicate. They made a post saying it was taken down, they will communicate again when it’s back up.

I do not see any value in saying repeatedly it’s broken.

One would hope they would have progressed in fixing it by now and I do see value in giving us news about it. I sincerely hope some devs are working overtime, paid or not paid.

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I’d see value in them saying something like:

  1. It’s a complex issue that will take several days to fix, expect an update on the expected timeline by Saturday; or
  2. The issue is understood and a fix is underway. Expect resolution or an update by Saturday; or
  3. It’s no longer a high priority and will be fixed in a later patch, expect an update next Wednesday.

It would only cost them 30 seconds, and it’s communications / issue management 101. When you raise expectations you should manage expectations.


They aren’t going to give an ETA, this leads to more anger and frustration from the player base.

They have already said it’s not working and being worked on. it’s their highest priority. Honestly I do not get people. Nothing is good enough even when they do communicate clearly and concisely.

Warbands were the big feature of this patch, ofc they want the warbank to be working so people can benefit from it and test it out. I’m not being facetious but re-reading that blue post is exactly what an update daily would be.

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I completly disagree, a full list of known issues and what they are working on and an ETA would make most happy. They could say its not being fixed until launch and people would plan according to that. Anything other than radio silence for the last 3 days would be better.


No because ETAs on bugs is just impossible. They don’t have a crystal ball on when they can fix an issue. They aren’t clairvoyant. If bugs were easy to fix they’d all get done in a jiffy, but they aren’t easy to fix.

I find some of the playerbase utterly unreasonable. Bug fixing isn’t as easy as some seem to imagine. They have to identify the issue, be able to replicate it, be able to fix it, test that fix, etc.

As I said keep rereading the same blue post. It’s the equivalent of a daily update because nothing has changed. They will share when there is actually some news.

It would be better received than saying “soon” on Wednesday, then going completely silent on the issue for the rest of the week, and of course nothing happening on the weekend either.

The icing is that they have actively promoted the warband bank, the very feature that isn’t even available and that ticks off customers. I got an email about it, they posted on the forum about it, they wrote a blog about it. I realize that their marketing department is different from their development team, but that just further highlights the issue. Their internal communication seems to be insufficient also.

My frustration is 100% because of their lack of communication. Not because it takes longer, not because this stuff (and a lot of other things also) is broken, not because an estimate was missed. It’s the radio silence that feels disrespectful.


if thats the case they could still communicate that the issue is worse than they thought and they dont know when it will be fixed and maybe stop advertising the pre patch with the warband bank.

I am also rereading yesterday’s whats new this week post and this is what it says:
Expand the potential of all your World of Warcraft® characters with account-wide progression across your Battle.net® account, regardless of faction—including shared The War Within™ renown, a Warband bank, achievements, collections, and more!

Well isn’t that something. Achievements are broken, reputations not working, bank disabled.

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So you want them to make up ETAs that may or may not be possible because then when that date comes and it still can’t be fixed the same unreasonable players aren’t going to be back saying OMG you haven’t fixed this and you said it would be?

It’s unreasonable to expect ETAs on things that aren’t definite.

But nothing will change this expectation or mentality so despite Blizzard having clear and consistent communication. Anyone who has worked in a customer facing job is well familiar with this kind of behaviour.

People have every right to complain about the bugs but this is just unreasonable.

My criticism is the complete lack of any updates on the issue, of any relevant communication.

In my job, if I tell my customers on Wednesday that I’m working on a critical problem that affects them and that I hope to have it fixed “soon”, and that fixing it is my utmost priority, then I’d never dream of going into the weekend without giving them any kind of update.

If I had no idea when I’ll have it fixed, I’d apologize that it takes longer than I anticipated, say that I can’t give them an ETA yet, and that I’ll keep them updated the best I can in the coming week. In my view, this is very basic stuff.

I’d bet any amount of money that most customers would be more understanding if I did this than if I went silent and went into the weekend without following up on what I had said Wednesday, while my customers are wondering what is going on.


Could some indie company kindly give this indie company some tips on how to manage communication and bug fixes?

Nearly everything advertised for this pre-patch/next expansion that we have so far is broken. Blizzard can’t make 1 thing without breaking 10.

Free to play games have better track records at customer service.


Thousands if not millions of players were looking forward to the new feature. But now, even after 4 days, it is still not available. We are very disappointed about this inability.


So the blue post that this discussion is in, is not a communication with the player base that there is an issue, the issue is the highest priority and they are working on it?

I do not understand this unreasonable behaviour demanding more updates than they have news to share, but I have worked in enough customer facing jobs to know first hand how bad the ‘customer’ can be. And nothing anyone says will change that attitude.

But I will leave the angry mob to their pitchforks and patiently wait for the issue to be fixed. I’m happy with the level of communication, even if I am disappointed with the issues we are currently facing with bugged aspects of the game.

For anyone who is unaware there is a known issues list:-

Fixes are generally communicated in the latest hotfix notices, which are pinned in GD

As always Blizzard will share news when there is actually news to share, that includes the blue posts that something is an issue, and the eventual resolution.

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