Warband Warbanks are Temporarily Disabled

7 hours later still disabled warband bank. As you said soon…


It’s not like Warbands is more than a minor feature. They barely even announced it anywhere.
After all, they would never have gone live without testing it at all first if it was of any priority to them.
Blizzard would never do something as foolish as that, would they?



If you have the time to ask Kaivax, can you ask the Devs if the missing pants for the “Hallowfire Plate Armor” from World Drops are not finished yet? On Draenei they don’t show up, so I assume they aren’t finished yet in rigging?

Because I would be really mad if this expansion launches and the armor set that was shown complete stays incomplete :worried:

Warbands seem to work in general. It is only about the warbanK.

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wouldnt say they do good work, but at the moment it really doesnt matter. there is no reason to login anyways as there is nothing fun to do for another month.

they can take the time rhey need and fix it.
they just should make sure stuff works when early access begins.

if there are major issues during early access they will have big problems as people paid for that stuff


Do we have an ETA on this fix? Its been 9 hours since the last update so just wondered.

It’s still down in the Murica too, so don’t hold your breath.

It’s your fault for buying early access and falling for their marketing. There will definitely be issues at launch, as there always have been. People will complain and threaten to ask for refunds, but Blizzard won’t care. It won’t cause any problems for them; it never has.


only thing i was looking forward to thank you blizzard :clown_face:


They even screwed up the error message for the screw up.


These issues are just a side effect of upper management setting release dates months or years before they know if a product will be ready to ship, being unwilling to delay the release until the product is more polished (many players would be very upset also), letting go QA people, etc.

We, the customers, no doubt also share a portion of the blame, but we’re all still here, playing the game, and paying our subscription.

That aside, I’m not all that bothered by these growing pains. In the greater scheme of things, this is all small stuff. The game works, we can play, and whether they fix the warband stuff today or in two days doesn’t really make a huge difference.


Lies, last time we had major issues was WoD.

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Correct me if I’m wrong, but blizzard gave everyone 3 free days for that? Those were the times.

I remember this
Trying to enter your garrison you got dc or just teleported out

So all those who cryed about 3 early access… you should actually be happy because those who get early access will have to eat the bugs and lag and errors for you


I imagine half way through the launch of TWW :stuck_out_tongue:

Early access is before the expansion not the pre-patch.
Everything is going to be just fine

I too, am temporarily disabled, if that’s even a thing.


A lot of old raids got their HP increased by over double also. So even if you were planning on farming SL content, it’s harder than before the patch.