Warband Warbanks are Temporarily Disabled

You broke all flying mounts for anyone who did not have Dragonflying on their account.

Going to Dragon Isles temp-fixes it so that I can fly on my old mounts in the old world again but I need to do so for each and every character.
It is a bit frustrating having to run to Dragon Isles and back again each time before I am allowed to fly.
I understand that taking away abilities we’ve had for decades is a joyful experience for some, but it ain’t for me, pls fix.


That’s optimistic

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It’s interesting that in beta it works fine :slight_smile: but not here

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It definitely is, and I hope it is only temporary for you. :dracthyr_heart:

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i didnt buy it for early access, it doesnt do much anyways and since i am working long every day i will fall behind anyways

just will see the forum go down in flames

besides selling something and not delivering warrants refunds. whether you fall for maketing or not doesnt matter. you bought a car with 4 wheels, so they have to give you a car with 4 wheels and not with 2

not like there wasnt a beta and ptr to get this found out and fixed now is it???


Yay I’m wondered too…

Hey Blizzard, long term player here, really not impressed with all the resources you now have at your disposal and the money you have as well that you seem incapable of getting something you added as a quality of life feature to work.

What is this another repeat of your previous chaotic launches of past things you seem to have failed somehow to integrate and put in properly, yet your PR team was put into a frenzy about hard selling something and then when it is supposed to be here you have “technical issues” and put a really annoying message on the feature that until I looked here left me confused as to what was going on with it.

Really does not bode well for the 27th of next month if this is the kind of :poop:that is irritating when it happens and time and again proves to me that you never seem to fail to mess something new in the way of a feature up I have no idea why you still so shoddy with stuff like this it’s beyond a joke.

Fix it!


Who says no one tried?

you’re the one being snarky

one of the biggest selling points of the expansion is not available on prepatch… months worth of beta testing was for nothing i guess because the game was working better yesterday lol


everything else aside, it is sad that a main feature of a band new expansion is broke on arrival.

and as some people above say, its not that we don’t understand how complicated it is to create/fix these things, but that people don’t think blizz bother anymore due to its past.

things go wrong, but when the creator doesn’t seem to care, it annoys the players.

as others have said, the alpha/beta should have been longer with more people allowed into it. beta these days seems to be a way to get more money from the playerbase as opposed to a trial and error period to discover and fix both bugs and making the game feel good.


i sal wait but whole see it so badly i where i be alone with that problem hope whe get it soon

An issue was I believe, that most beta testers were current gamers from DF. But gamers that were oldschool did not get in, but these do have a lot of old stuff on the bank and that needed testing, for compatibility.

Another reason may be, that retail WOW is linked with MOP Remix while the Beta and Alpha were not. It is possible that said link has caused issues now on the live realms, maybe MOP Remix chars had access to the bank and they did not want that.

It was DF.
Most Players couldn’t even login at Launch.

Fingers crossed… servers just went down …

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Warbanks still disabled in murica so doubt we get them first.

Patiently awaiting this feature. My banks/inventories are so full of crap after Dragonflight, I really can’t make any progress or prepare fully for TWW until I’ve had the chance to dump a bunch of stuff inside the Warband Bank.

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so not fixed yet, love this new feature

Is it up?
I’m away from home and can’t check.

Btw I’m having an annoying issue.
When I try to sell junk I get “the merchant doesn’t want that item.”

I already tried selling every crap manually to see if it fixes, also disabled all addons, but nothing.

And this problem only happens on this character, the others sell junk normally, addons or not.
