Warband Warbanks are Temporarily Disabled

IMHO and experience of unrelated issue management, a good [or even mediocre] comms plan doesn’t have to involve daily updates. I would sometimes tell stakeholders that resolution of a particular issue would move slowly, therefore daily updates were pointless, but I’d still give them periodic updates to give them confidence things were moving forward, that they were valued and respected, and that my team were competent, engaged, working with a sense of urgency and achieving things on the plan to get the issue fixed. Time taken to communicate was minimal, but the goodwill it fostered (and the breathing space it created) was priceless.

In the meantime I’ve been levelling some forgotten alts and enjoying different aspects of the game. No pitchfork, but high expectations.


She’s just taking a break from being the bad guy.

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I saw which talked about Mop remix anf Warbank.

Do reason blizzard dont want players use warbank early in remix mop.
Like they try send gems or high clock for alts, right?

If it’s true. When we get open warbank after Mop remix end…

The main issue is not that warbank not available.
Real problem that a lot of people experiencing game and even system crashes when interacting with items in the bags or on the characters. And it’s all the same global issue, related to the items data base.

I cannot play since the update cuz my system crashes on every attempt to equip/unequip items from the character.

“Timerunners cannot cast this spell.”

Maybe the fix is near? :smiley:
Yesterday I was able to use the Warband bank item with remix character.

yeah, seems like it. i cant use it anymore either

We finally got a cool feature for alts and we can’t even use it :clown_face:

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You can enjoy the new gigantic Spellbook being useless for the one thing it’s used for: Moving spells to the action bars it now hides beneath it :partying_face:

Or you can play Where’s Waldo while scrolling for an hour through your list of alts in the awesome new login screen. :tada:

I get the feeling we may actually be lucky this one feature did not go live :thinking:


Just because no one has done it here yet,
there has been an update to the issue on the NA forums:


So it’s mostly likely they disabled the bank because it was allowing Timerunning Characters to send items to regular ones or visa versa?

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not to throw fuel on the fire, but a whole day with no reply on eu servers? players have to resort to our own linking NA posts or has any been posted here an missed?

Thank you Traicey either way :slight_smile:

Our patch isn’t until tomorrow. So unless you play on NA, follow NA players or NA forums I have no idea beyond what wowhead publish.

i mean the blue update post. why does NA blue post an update in the NA warbank thread, but we don’t have one here is all.

i just checked who was the blue here. its the same blue as NA :rofl:

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