Warband Warbanks are Temporarily Disabled

I don’t want to be in the shoes of those who paid for the ‘epic collection’. Three days of early gameplay filled with bugs. Let’s stop launching live games. Use the PTR to fix these errors. Delay the releases if you are not ready with a product.

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I am wondering how smoothly my EA experience is going to be :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

so this community manager didn’t bother updating the list of known issues for 3 days now? i don’t see reputations, achievements being mentioned other than Some account-wide reputations may not show correctly across all characters. which isn’t even the main issue LOL

I think on this occasion I am on the side of the others Puny, and you know I am not an unreasonable person.

I think seeking some kind of update is the desire for many on what happened and to feel like they have that connection again with the dev’s like I was told it was back in the good old days.
I think further more the frustration of radio silence is because every company seems to adopt this approach now which over the years has lead customers to feel less than below valued.

I personally this this critical issue has something to do with the Mists time runner event and some kind of duping / being able to get items out of that instance into main wow which then breaks retail.

For me personally a quick update with a little transparency would show me they respect me, my time and my intelligence as an individual .
“Quick update guys, the issue appears to bigger than we first anticipated brought on by not being able to test for every case scenario in beta and so we have discovered an unwanted interaction with the Mists event.
As we discover more or find a path to resolve this issue will update you and keep you in the loop.”

See for me the above would make me feel in the loop, respected and also manage my expectations on a time frame for a fix.

Anyway, just my 2 pennies worth.


I assume they are aware and will fix the gold duping that we discovered on the beta, but ill post it here anyway, im very confident its atleast part of the reason they are disabled.

If you have multiple WoW licenses on your account, they all share the same bank.

– Removed so only mods can see –


There is a known bug with achievements at present, a fix is currently being tested so fingers crossed maybe we’ll get it with the weekly maintenance. Achievements are mentioned in the Pre-expansion Content update I linked and you can see it discussed here

These things are a pain. There was stuff I wanted to get on with during what I consider downtime waiting for TWW but at present I can’t. :frowning:

I would edit out the actual exploit. Worth reporting in beta itself using the blue extra action button.

A mod can still read that info after it’s been removed. But sharing exploits is against the forum rules.

Thank you for highlighting!

Was not aware this counts given this will 100000% be fixed and was reported from the first beta cycle they were up.

But ty, edited it out

Blizzard should hire some actual black hats to be honest, they will test their systems in ways blizz never thinks possible

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People who think outside the box to test stuff are invaluable.

Normal human nature is to full any void in information with speculation and we are strongly predisposed to do that in a negative way. Keeping your customers informed (even if just with holding responses) is customer service 101. At the end of the day customer service is 80-90% customer expectation management.

The bigger issue for me is that the team have managed to launch the pre-patch with the main interactive part of their biggest “back of the box” feature being broken and it appears to have simply not occurred to them to even apologise to players for the disappointment.

Instead- as well as no updates the issue isn’t even listed on their “Known Issues” page in game - If they team doesn’t consider it worthy of including there - should we really be so confident that the team really see it as a priority?


Yes, but it’s a shame that a significant portion of beta testers who do have that ability choose to keep it to themselves to exploit it at the first opportunity knowing they won’t really get punished by it.

I am not a fully fledged developer, but there are multiple intermediate stages when solving bugs. Some of them are:

  • Developer unaware of the existence of the bug
  • Developer made aware of the existence of the bug <= We know they’re here
  • Developer working on fixing the bug on test servers <= They’re probably here
  • Developer fixed the bug on test servers
  • Developer fixed the bug on live servers

Right now they are in deep excrement. Anything they will come out and say, absolutely anything, that isn’t “We solved it and it’s coming live on X day” is simply going to cause even worse bad PR than what they experience. Staying silent is the least bad situation for them, and that’s why they don’t say anything.

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i am guilty of this aswell, i did intend to abuse this but it never made it to eu before being disabled.

blizzard has conditioned us to exploit early and often, which leads to the good ones getting kept hidden for maximum advantage.

Wait for Early Access, i can guarantee you there will be stuff.

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If they drop the Radiant Echoes event on top of this, I’m going to bring popcorn. :popcorn:

Good job we get them a week later. Fingers crossed that runs smoothly.

I’m thinked maybe Warbank could open when Web’s “reset weekly” like Radiant Echoes’s day

Major bugs do tend to require a new client build and Blizz have a strong preference to rolling them out at the reset.

That said they do also push at odd times if the deep in urgent enough!

Come on man, this was not nice or warranted.
Puny was exercising her right to an opinion, no more than the rest of us.

I see puny criticize bliss just as much as defending certain changes or decisions. MVP’s are under no obligation to side with blizz.

Come on lets not make things toxic in here.


top 10 things that never happened but okay, lets move on from this


I have, not sure what else to tell you other than just keep your eyes peeled.

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I don’t like the bugs any more than any one else does. However, in my personal opinion the communication level has been fine and there is zero value in ‘sorry still broken’ daily updates.

Ofc we all have every right to be disgruntled with everything that is broken. Whilst I may not be wielding my pitchfork, it’s no less convenient for me to lose out on stuff.

Like my Sylvanas kill this week, no mount chance for me:-