Warcraft Around The World 🌍

People still stink lions roams out streets here in South Africa xD

Well sometimes the escape a nature reserve and go on a stroll then xD

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Whoot! Are you saying that this documentary production is a lie?


I can neither confirm of deny that xD

but the high-jacking parts are true xD

I actually met the girl in there, she quite nice though haha

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probably your ex name was Jessica ?

Sweeeeden :raised_hands:


Some people think that we’re Arabs that are terrorists (they also think all Arabs are terrorist but let’s leave that aside), when they learn where we’re from, they always use references like shish-kebab, döner, ayran; which clearly indicates at least they like our food. They think we’re a barbaric 3rd world country when it suits them. Yes, you guessed right, I’m from Turkey.


So cool to see where you are all from! Feels like we have players in all parts of the world! Love how games bring us all together :smiley:


not really .i am stil out looking for blood in pvp


Little do they know, huh? Our elders fought wars for this.


Eastern Finland.
Nobody understands our dialect and thinks we’re all nuts. And you’ll need a translator before coming here. :slight_smile:


Eyyy fellow itäläinen! Western side is overrated anyways :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Närpes? Finnish is impossible for me to understand, but i can get a few words of that, probably because I come from the opposite side of the same sea.

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I know (Second hand) that situation, one of my best buddies is Persian, drives him mad when people call him Arabian, not because he has a problem with Arabian people, but I suppose calling an Iranian/Persian an Arab is like calling someone from Glasgow ‘English’ (and no one sane would ever do that!) Plus in fairness I think when Turkey invented the kebab of any type, but especially shish-kebab(we have an upmarket Turkish restaurant in the nearby town, their Chicken Shish is to die for!) they could rightfully sit back, put their feet up and go “We’ve done our bit in making the world a better place!”

Definitely, it is a true thing, as stated by the late, great Stephen Hawking, The universe -is- getting smaller, or at least, our world certainly is, due to our ability to communicate, and I kind of want to say (but think that we will need to wait another few decades or so yet) that as the borders of our intellectual and social ability to communicate expand, so too, do the internal borders that our ancestors had built on maps, with bayonet and gunpowder, and religion, so too are they coming down, to a degree, as people all over the world come to realise that, heck, we’re pretty much all the same all over the world. In our case we’re all geeks who love playing an international Fantasy computer game, but it could be anything, we could be motorcyclists, chess aficionados, Parkour enthusiasts, Anything really. It doesn’t matter. The Internet is the great leveller when it comes to allowing such communication, I mean look at this whole thread. Can you imagine, just one hundred years ago, how long, and how expensive, and how unreliable, this sprawling random conversation would have been. We have people from other -Continents- able to communicate with a keyboard and click of a button in real time, rather than it taking three weeks by a steamer from South Africa to London with a picture of a cat on rollerskates and the word “LoL” written underneath.

The internet really is a remarkable thing, incredibly so, in terms of not just ease of communication, but to a degree in destroying one of the horrible barriers humans are able to construct around themselves, which is “The Other”. Hundred years ago, you could have made films stereotyping the enemy in a variety of villainous ways, usually involving twirling moustaches and tying women to train tracks. (Fun fact, that never happened, not once. No film was made where a villain did that to a shrieking heroine, except in later parodies, which referenced something that never actually happened! The only time someone was tied to traintracks as a serious thing, was actually the male hero who was tied to the tracks, and the female lead who saved him, yet we all have this enduring image of the evil baddie tying a woman to train tracks) Hmm, I , ahah, -derailed- myself there, which is an ironic turn of phrase given how I did so, But yeah, it is easy to make ‘Johnny Foreigner’ the ‘Bad Guy’ when your average British Squaddie can’t read, write or afford to communicate with people in France over an elongated time. It is harder to make ‘Johnny Foreigner’ seem like the bad guy when your British Squaddie goes “What? We’re going to war with France again? Seriously though, why, me and my mate Etienne cleared Siege of Orgrimmar for the lols the other day, it was mint, Etienne’s alright, why would I want to go and fight the French?”

An extreme example, somehow transplanting WoW into Napoleonic era shenanigans, but you get what I mean, as much as the Internet can be, and tragically is, abused for some hateful ideas to be promulgated, the overriding thing that it has caused is us all to realise that whatever our flag, our language, colour or creed, show us an animated gif of a cat trying to eat a bowl of cornflakes, whilst it is wearing sunglasses, and we will all laugh.

The universe has got smaller, or maybe, we’ve just gotten bigger, in being able to look beyond the petty borders that we used to impose upon ourselves.

Thank you for attending my TED talk on how humans can use the internet for Good. Next up, a Gif of a Giraffe trying to play the Saxophone, just wait for the Kenny Rogers solo!


Honestly after the first chunk, I eventually found myself skipping the rest of the post. While you do use paragraphs, and your post is technically readable, the paragraphs themselves could use paragraphs. Or a treadmill.

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Finnish was my very 1st foreigner language I did learn, 2nd was Russian. :crazy_face:

Talking about games bringing us together. My odd English you see me using here ? Comes from WoW. Without google translate had to use a old fashioned paper dictionary. It was printed in 1950s, and lacked half of the words !

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We need moar babel fish. :roll_eyes:

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South Spain here, AndalucĂ­a and no, there are no bulls running our streets, well at least not in my town jeje


Thats a ‘me’ problem to be honest, I’m the same way in spoken conversation, I can rattle on for ages…

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Oddly however, every Sunday we -do- have bulls and cows wandering down the main street in my village, makes going up the shop for a bottle of milk an interesting experience…


I’m from Northern Ireland. All sorts of interesting stuff here :upside_down_face: