Warglaives of Azzinoth still restricted to DH

Arguably being able to solo farm them on a DH now (even though you have to do the BT raid properly once via Timewalking to actually transmog them) means that a DH has put in a lot less effort than anyone who got them when BT was current content.

Takes me 10 minutes to get to Illidan in BT, one-shot him and loot him and yes I now have one of the glaives on my DH despite never having done BT when it was live. How could I pretend I have more of a special claim to that weapon as a trasnmog than people who did it back in the day with a full raid team needing tactics, gear and a hell of a lot of luck (or DKP).

That is the main point.

DH’s had a perk that let them transmog a Legendary when no other class could transmog any Legendary. Now that everyone gets to transmog Legendaries, all the DH would lose is that perk.

Also It is a sword (stupid to argue otherwise, it was a sword when I looted it 3 months ago) so arguing for DH exclusivity ‘because glaive’ has no validity.


I Don’t know, maybe the whole of this discussion is good enough of a clue ? Dh only can use warglaive, dh only can transmog this weapon with warglaives in it’s name might be cannonically a warglaive ?

Make another gm ticket to blizz to ask them I guess ?

But the weapons i and 1000s of others looted are SWORDS they are only glavies in name .
Give me one reason why you should be able to use Thunderfurry the most inconic skin in WoW?

So as i suspected no blue post just your view ok .

Look the fact that you spam the old version of the weapon wont change the fact the blizz decided it’s a warglaive. In a perfect world it would have been a warglaive all along but cutting content happened so we have this weird compromise with two versions of the weapon and blizz decided that the warglaive one was the canon one because of the lore. You may not like it but that’s blizz decision.

Yeah the WARGLAIVES of Azzinoth, must be an axe lol.

Sin looted one 3 months ago as a sword and they are still swords now in BT

Read the link stop trolling.

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If they were glaives only people wouldnt be able to equip them to get the achivement think about it its like talking to a 4 year old.

Still a warglaive, go make a ticket like the dk if you Don’t like it. Your tantrum wont change it.

They are only categorized as swords in-game because they were added in TBC back when things didn’t make sense were added. In the lore they are Warglaives. As if their names doesn’t already imply that. They were made obtainable for Warriors and Rogues, because the warglaives weapon type wasn’t added in until Legion. Which is why the moggable version you get from the Achievement are actually on the warglaives roster of weapons. Saying they’re not warglaives is like saying Frostmourne isn’t a 2handed sword.

Thunderfury isn’t lore-tied to a single class.

They ARE swords else people couldnt loot them hence

You go make a ticket.

Why would I make a ticket ? I am agreing withh blizz decision. Should I make a ticket to congratulate them ?

Don’t try, it’s like talking to wall, a wall of salt.

If it was lore if wouldnt be tied to DH only would it now every elf could wear them if based on lore so therefore rogues and warriors should be able too .

He atleast converses without insults unlike you .

I’m glad they stay DH only, less chars with the same weapon. I myself would not use them anyway.

Don’t start with the lore. Illidan was defeated, we got his precious. Rogues, warrior, DK, monk, doesn’t matter, you should be able to mog it. Demon Hunters got exclusivity for a bit, it’s fine.

I mean, you don’t restrict TF because you know rogue do have a hidden skin like that ?

That timewalking thing was fine before mogging legendary was allowed, but now it has to go.


That is true but Elves don’t usually use fel-powered glaives. Some of the glaives they use also resemble polearms, and it’s not usually their main weapon choice. Meanwhile DHs main weapon choice are Warglaives. The weapon that identifies with DHs the most are Warglaives.