Warglaives of Azzinoth still restricted to DH

So why is Shadowmourne available to paladins and warriors as well, when it is a runeblade?


Again with quoting a fragment of my post. Careful not to hurt my feelings or I will have to flag your posts :frowning_face:

I guess Thunderaan as elemental is a shaman thing :smiley:


Well you know, weapons of the firelord, elemental and stuff. Sounds shaman to me.

Go ahead I haven’t name called you and gone after personal attacks please do go ahead do it .

Still waiting for you to show me those attacks.

Still waiting on you to flag me and go at me with more perosnal attacks

A shaman with sulfuras in vanilla used to make me cry. Now all my old wounds are open.

Then again a druid with sulfuras funny too since some point there was a bug (as it got fixed) where fireball damage scaled with spellpower and I was a balance druid with 900 spellpower at the end of it :smiley:

Ooooh the memories…

snaps out of old days and nostalgia

Where were we ?

Talking of class specific legendaries in a heated manner ?

Runeblades are what makes a DK unique.

You’re confusing blades with runes with runeblades. Things like Quel’serrar and Quel’dalar are not runeblades in the sense of DK Runeblades.

Quel’dalar etc have runes actually smithed onto them.

DK Runeblades might have this too, but these runes are not important at all (they are a simply a stylistic element) the runes that actually give the DK juice are Runes the DK places across the blade using a runeforge and necromancy, hence they glow are are “applied” onto the blade, and can be removed, and swapped as needed. They are not “smithed” into the blade. This is why DKs can wield any weapon and use their powers (even if not wielding their proper runeblade)

Secondly DK runeblades are bound to the wielding DKs soul, and typically drain souls of those they slay. Quel’Dalar and Quel’Serrar do not do this.

DKs do not always wield their “proper” runeblade, but all DKs have one; the weapon to which their soul was originally bound (at least as far as third generation DKs go) this is the weapon you receive at the end of the DK starting experience, until that point presumbely your soul is still being shackled to LK proper.

Even if you have a new shiny weapon somewhere, the idea with DKs is that they probably still have their proper runeblade somewhere. If you destroy it, it messes up the magic that keeps them up. Hence why, when Frostmourne is shattered, The LK starts to regress to Arthas again: the Runeblade holds the DK’s soul and keeps them from passing on. It behaves similarly to a Lich’s Phylactary.


throws some fire towards Demon hunters

I want glaives too :frowning:

You can say the same about Runeblade of Baron Rivendare being available to other classes. Shadowmourne is available to paladins and warriors because of gameplay. In the same way that Warglaives of Azzinoth (tbc version) are classified as a 1h sword because of gameplay. I wouldn’t have objected if Shadowmourne was made a DK only legendary.

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Not a paladin but in a Bubble, guess stealing class features is your deal.

Barons runeblade from strat we can all mog and wear

Good, because the situation is the same as with DHs and Warglaives.


Well then you are confusing glaives for war and warglaives.

This is one beautiful post. Don’t change!

Well technically a glaive is a short sword good for piercing but bad at slashing.

1/10 and that’s for maintaining your spelling.

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I am not a native English speaker and I am still learning so yeah my spelling is poo poo.

Edit: replaced a more familiar word with poo poo since we have a serial flagger on the thread.

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