Warglaives of Azzinoth still restricted to DH

No im just not narrowminded or selfish I believe classes that earnt them should be able to mog them and you haven’t come back with one reason why but you have some back with insults and personal attacks .

Still waiting for you to show me where I insulted you.


A DK wielding their runeblade is what makes the DK, a DK.

If they’re killed and another class picks it up, so what? technically they’re just wielding a sword now, not a runeblade. It’s not a runeblade if it’s not bound to the DK anymore.

my point was arguing WGs are essential to DHs like runeblades are to DKs is wrong because runeblades make a Dk what they are, glaives don’t. I never said other people can’t pick up the runeblade? Just I said if the DK doesn’t have their runeblade anymore (it’s destroyed) they stop being a DK. So the weapon is KEY to their class fantasy.
If blizz did it properly, you’d be able to wield runeblades as non DKs but they’d give you tons of progressive debuffs over time like they’re supposed to.

My larger problem is actually that - despite my avatar (which is completely randomly chosen originally) I generally and mainly play night elves.

And I have always been a night elf - in RP realms, in PvP realms, in fan art, in anywhere. And for me the larger so called meta issue is that Blizzard ignores elven aesthetics on players. There are weapons NPcs wield, there are glaive type weapons and then next to none on players. And you can imagine my long-pale-colour-drained face, when warfront moongliaves were DH only.

… I do not think I actually ever have (really, and honestly said) whined so much about a weapon in-game. I got my darn moonglaive, but I truly hated Blizzard for it.

I understand the curved glaive-visuals DHs have - good for them, but night elven glaives have come in many shapes and forms in this game. But only for NPCs. Why not have some for players ?

Now there was ONE option for all who love glaive aesthetics… one option and they decided to remove it. It is as if they hare players like me - “the elven player”

So no, my crusade is not about Illidan weapons per se, its about ‘glaive aesthetics NPcs have and I want too’

So if my char beats yours and takes your runeblade you aren’t a dk anymore ?

If you manage to mess Dks actual runeweapon, then yes. You defeat them proper.

I’m not criticising your spelling, I was complimenting it.

I was simply saying a “that’s like saying you’re confusing glaives of war with warglaives” as a retort to my post where I said “you’re confusing swords with runes on them to runeblades” is frankly, child-level logic. It’s like asking your child if they’ve farted, and their reply is “no, you farted” and they think they’re being massively clever. In my case the point was apt, in the case you gave, not so much.

Your constant bait posts like

All those and more come under baiting and trolling in the CoC and harassment and derailing the thread to suit your needs .

Really Blizzard?

You really can’t help yourselves.

Well I see your point and I understand since I very much like NE aswell, however I think keeping the WGOA dh specific is a necessary evil. Wether or not lorewise other can use warglaive or warglaive like weapons blizz decided that the ability to use this new weapon type would be part of the new class features because they are it’s most iconic wielders. So even though other people in the lore use thoses ingame, and in a way in the lore aswell for their iconic status, it has been the weapon of the dh. You see someone with a warglaive, you know it’s a dh. Now the whole issue with the WGOA is that they were made before the weapon type, so blizz made them in the sword type but they are still warglaives in the lore and in the look. And seeing how massively popular they are if tomorrow other classes could mog them you would see tons of non dh doing it so it would feel like a class feature taken away.

While that weapon doesn’t mean anything for me. For others it showed it meant alot. Eh…shame that anti-fun police just had to get their way…


AIght, I know how we fix this. Let my DH carry the Scythe of Elune on his back and wield the Ashbringer in combat and then let mages and boomkin rock the warglaives. Fair is fair.

Class fantasy is arbitrary anyway.

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Being in a Bubble is an insult ? Really ? Flag all you want I Don’t care, I Don’t Believe I will get a sanction for that and if I do oh well will be muted for like 24h, big deal.

Destroys it. Not takes it. If you take it and the Dk is still alive, they’re still a DK, and the blade will probably kill you in your sleep because the DK it is bound to will be able to sense it, see through it etc. The sword has their broken soul in it after all.

If you destroy the blade, they just become a regular undead as their broken soul is released and it will either move on (and the Dk will quickly die due to their naturally decayed body) or their soul will reunify with them, like a regular undead and they’ll just be a typical bog standard undead.

What makes a DK a killing machine is their soul is being juiced by other souls (those they kill) plus necromancy (through runes) and is imperfectly attached to them through their blade (which means they feel the sensations of the living even less than other undead do, and are perfect killing machines as technically their soul isn’t in them). If you break the weapon, all the other souls move on, which means only the original unjuiced soul is left, which means no DK and no unholy power. This said destroying a runeblade that is forged properly for the creation of a death knight to serve as their “proper” runeblade (to house their soul) is not a bog standard task as they aren’t typically smithed weapons. frostmourne is a good example. It couldn’t just be smashed in two by a really strong guy for example. The more souls they consume, the more extraordinary they become.
This is even assuming the DK is carrying their proper runeblade at all. They may be carrying another weapon they’ve runeforged, but it isn’t their “true” runeblade. So you might break their current weapon, but so what? They don’t always wield their true runeblades. It’s just when they do they tend to be strongest because it gives them closer proximity to their power source and allows them to juice up more directly from those they kill, coming as the risk of their runeblade being taken/destroyed.

So, pretty clear the weapon is a big deal to DK. Now, if I smash your demon hunter’s warglaives in two, what happens? (apart from the DH double jumping and fel-rushing away and gliding as they tend to do in most pvp encounters anyway)


made me giggle out loud.

You are my MVP of the day !

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Might have forgotten since I didn’t do the DK starting zone in years but I Don’t recall any of this. Also the wowpedia article does define high elf weapons like felo’melorn as runeblades. Care to share your sources ?


if you click the reference links on the very link you posted… youd get some of what he typed.

Actually most of it IS explained during DK starter area.

It’s called tactical repositionning.

Fel tactical repositionning to be precise.

In the rpg section ? That’s not canon anymore.

No the links. The reference links. One even links to quest text that says what essentials with weapon are, then there are legion weapon quests.