Warglaives of Azzinoth still restricted to DH

I mean you Don’t seem to know how to count so I wouldn’t go around calling people dumb for their class of choices.

Well talking about hard to get. Whole legion… I never got blood dk hidden skin. Got its all colour tints though because my dk had all others unlocked.

RNG is a worst kind of son of a … lich.

I Don’t know that one, took me so long to get the dh one that I didn’t bother with the others.

Why just why did you have to bring that up :woozy_face: :crazy_face: :sob:

There are few other things I can torment other posters. Watch me :

“paragon mounts”

watches world burn

i’m not calling you dumb for playing a dh lmao, play whatever you like.

just don’t try to pass that disgusting spec as something a 5 year old couldn’t play.

also, yes, it’s not a 2 button, it’s a 3 button spec. eye beam has a 30 sec cd, it’s not part of your spamming rotation.

:rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: I miss 2 still

So thirty seconds cds aren’t part of a rotation now lmao ?

You do realize we have a talent to reduce it anyway ?

Even without eye beam it isn’t 2 buttons.

You have no ideas of what your talking about :rofl:

… and I really would love that legion artefacts wouldn’t be ‘spec locked’ - since we discuss mogs here.

Yeah I want to rock the vengeance balance of power one when I am playing havoc.

you press an extra button every other 24ish seconds lmfao WOW SO COMPLEX

A weapon is a class feature?

Damn, all those mages should be pissed that warlocks / priests and druids also can use staves and 1h maces.

After all, those weapons are sold as class features. (Applying your logic)

Not to mention warriors / rogues were using guns / bows / xbows all up to WOTLK as simple stat sticks.

And i can list all classes, but hopefully you got the point.

The link Daestra uses is the one for the TBC looted glaives from BT and is the version warriors / rogues and Dks will have in their bank.

Your link is the Legion / TW artifact transmog reward.

Down the line, the funny thing is:
Making legendaries transmoggable isnt even changing anything for DHs, if you want to mog them to WGoA you already can. (You dont need 8.3 for it)

As Nurglex posted already (if i remember correctly) they should have changed WGoA back in Legion when the TW stuff was added for the DH artifact transmog.

Althougj rogues can transmog Thunderfury from their artifact since Legion.

Their decisions and commmunication just are really poor.

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24 ish seconds ? Lol you must be terrible at dh :rofl:

Claims a class is simple and has no ideas on how to play it :rofl:

Beside you are a lock, not a Survival hunter or a WW monk. You can get off your high horses :wink:

I would love that MM for BM and Frost mage staff for all specs the list goes on and on it should be class locked ? but not spec locked .

There only high when im on my gnome lock :wink:

Female goblin warlock is the way to go, and I say that as an alliance fan.

demonology warlock is one of the most complex specs in the game lmfao.

i mean, i don’t why i even bother lmao, you’re only doing +10s and world quests on your dh.

I am not going around claiming what’s big brain and what’s not though.

Do you only play by using Demon’s bite and Chaos blade by any chance? Because no DH only uses 2 buttons, unless you’ve literally just started a DH at level 98.

I use more than 3 buttons too when I play my DH.

I might just do that after vulp and mech gnomes are levelled just to see what its like .