Warglaives of Azzinoth still restricted to DH

I think the flame-glaive is cooler… or should I say hotter though. I really loved that upgraded design Illidan got and better yet they gave that design to DH players too.

Yeah much of the time the adherence to the lore is good and I like it’s enforced. Sometimes people take “what’s likely” too far and it verges into weird headcanon territory. I mean I don’t RP on Nurglex he’s my pve char on AD, but I do on others, and I’ve had Orcs say I can’t be a real death knight because i’m a Goblin for example, and it’s unrealistic that i’d be a death knight. I mean that’s just complete rubbish. Pretty sure unholy strength makes your physical size largely irrelevant anyway?

another reason for the class to be deleted from the game.

dhs were a mistake.

nobody but 20 iq apes main and enjoy this 2 button class.

Yeah I agree with that but I am like a 100% player will mog a legendary when they can.

Mage tower ones for both specs are so good just missing the rated RBG one as I never do them .

Ok warlock.

The tanking one is eh… I prefer the raiding and secret ones for vengeance.

I agree. The Havoc mage tower appearance is my favorite after Werebear. I really love that design and use it in all my mogs.

That’s the one from the demon you can summon per day ? yeah that is a good one .I don’t tank much on my girls but doing the mage tower on that compared to my paladin I did 15 attempts DH and 125 as paladin .

Yeah this one, took me like a year to get.

imagine thinking your filthy 2 button spec is any better than any warlock spec lmao.

legit how do you not fall asleep playing this crap??

That one and disco bear :hugs:

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I Don’t feel like explaining that havoc isn’t two buttons, I will leave you in your salt while the adults are talking.

It was any awful drop rate truly bad I think it was more rare then others haha.

Well the drop rate dépends on what demon is summoned, on one of them has like a 8% drop rate but you have to get Lucky to summon this one then get Lucky for him to drop it. Most have like 0.3% chances though.

lmfao good one bro. i have a dh too, https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/character/eu/magtheridon/aerween . it is a 2 button spec

I liked… hum… let me remind where that big “plate” guard was from ‘quickly tabs to wowhead’ Ah yes, the hidden ones. Those really fit both - the lady and the guy night elf I had.

Then you are bad at it. Beside I have a lock, not exatly big brain.

Yeah it’s the hidden one, probably harder to get than the mage tower one lol.

i know it’s absolutely useless arguing with a dh main but lmao keep dreaming kid