Again, all the hype about: legendaries can finally be transmogged.
To then come across this disappointment.
In all my farming the last years i never looted a or both warglaives and when i did i looted 1 warglaive on my hunter -.-
But i truly feel for anyone who has both of them and thought to transmog it on any char they want. (Certain class restrictions aside ofc.)
Their decision to make them DH only is just a really bad decision.
To everyone complaining about losing their unique looks because of mass farming stuff:
Cosmetic stuff like mounts and transmog always lose their value or “uniqueness” once the content can be ran with fewer people or just alone.
And here we can see hypocrisy of DH players, who do not understand that glaives as weapon type is not a DH thing, but are used by Dhs because Dhs are elves. Lore wise it is elven thing. And glaives as DH thing is artificial game mechanics.
Log to classic and go see elven NPcs. Those NPCs are hunter-warrior types. They do not hunt demons.
Then go hunt TBC blood elf NPCs, they also either wield polearms or glaive typed or … mix of both designed weapons.
Glaives as exclusive mog to Dhs is just idiocy, that’s all.
Lore wise is it even possible for DH to smack their leaders butt to get his glaives? When we did bt back in tbc i dont remember seen any dh on our side. Even one dh cinematic is little silly. Illidan has fallen and every dh attacks maiev when they did not get his glaives?
Well, I have the achievement, but I sold the ones I got it with sometime in Legion. Only reason I started again (which I’ve gained the Off-Hand now) was due to mog.
Ah well, at least I don’t have to go to Black Temple, cuz that Place suck.
I got my 1st set on L70, and oh my how I tried. And most I loved my wotlk era DK who really had to struggle while soloing (there was this issue with souls boss and infinite player CC which was changed later) and I still have used glaives on TW events (as frost dk). And those glaives really were worn by rogues and warriors in TBC, there’s nothing ‘iconic for Dhs’ in them. I see ‘BT glaives’ I think of rogues as original TBC player.
I mean, I can see that it’s iconic for DHs in the way that its Illidan Stormrages’ weapon - Ya know, the first DH and leader of the Illidari - but the ones dropping from him should remain swords, as they were added Before Demon Hunters became playable. They can still mog with 'em even if they’re swords.
Exactly my opinion. As a DK I do not feel ‘threatened’ by warriors wearing ‘a mourne’ or as rogue I can be ok with everyone (monks, paladins, warriors, dks, mages, warlocks etc) have a Thunderfury - one of the most infamous weapons in game. I just … don’t see an issue. If they want timewalking Achievement be relevant - just make people have the achievement. problem solved. I am sure players would just do the TW BT and be cool.
I do have Shadowmourne, and I would honestly not mind having it on a Shaman either, would’ be real dope. But sadly, I won’t be able to due to the restrictions, and I’m okay with it, it was Always restricted.
The glaives never were restricted in the way it’ll be now.
So how much DH-exclusive stuff must you get before you’re feeling satisfied? You got a DH-exclusive tabard and now the warglaives too? Can DKs get Shadowmourne usable only by them then? How about Atiesh being usable only by mages? Maybe Tarecgosa too?
Wait, what? That’s not cool. I have been waiting for a long time to be able to transmog Shadowmourne on my Paladin if they add some class restrictions other than what is on the Weapon itself, I will lose the little respect I still have for them.
I went to check on the PTR, so far, we can transmog Shadowmourne onto our 2 Handed Weapons as a Paladin, Death Knight and Warrior. Hope they don’t change this.