Warglaives of Azzinoth

I really wish you could just unlock the mog on the 1 drop, as you can with everything else including legendaries, needing both is redundant these days. Keep it to classic tbc or something.

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The reason they made it DH only is because otherwise opposing players in pvp would get tricked into thinking they’re fighting a DH, and mess up their tactics.

Then allow us to use them :sob: i’ve had both on DK since 2012 and they’re just gathering dust in my bank.

Could you maybe ask the devs for letting all who can quip them be able to mog them pls thank you .


Thats pretty much why i left this guy “70”


Nothing because you can only use them on dh
 I mean it’s fine locking it behind the achievement but now that legendarys are transmogable let the original wearer’s use them again.

A lot of people falsely claiming they were the “original” wielders of the glaives. “There weren’t even DHs back then”.

The original wielder was in fact a demon hunter and his name was lord Illidaddy.

DHs were in space sacrificing their lives and hunting the burning legion trying to save your world while you fools battled each other.

Anyways warriors wouldn’t be able to use the mog unless they are protection
? On one hand
 otherwise don’t they just use 2h weapons?

And rogues can just stop the capppp. Imagine wielding Illidan’s big cool warglaives and going stealth for 2 mins to wait for CDs, XD.

None of you are worthy.

Also, #BUFFDH, thx bye.

You do realize a whole lot of night elf sentinels and wardens wield warglaives, and even a high priestess, yes? Warglaives are also a weapon used by troll shadowhunters. All of those used them before Illidan. He’s the original wielder of one of the most famous warglaives, but not the first glaive user by far.

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I was just talking about the warglaives of azzinoth transmog. If ppl wanna equip regular glaives its fine but like this is a case of “i want what i cant have” coz honestly the sword/axe/dagger choices are so much better looking than the glaives aside from the legion artifact and the azzinoth ones.

No, you are just lucky. It took me 7 years to get both.

No warriors can use all weapons. Cos we are warriors.

The original wielder of those blades is a pit lord, not Illidan, so your reasoning is still flawed.

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Was a doomguard actually I think, but either way bro, i dont believe any class other than Demon hunters should be able to wield the weapons of one of the most iconic characters in the game who happens to be a demon hunter.

In the same sense that wielding Ashbringer on a class other than paladin is just cringe.

Class fantasy is cool, lines have blurred over the years but that doesnt mean we should blur them even more.

Anyways we are all entilted to our own opinions :smiley:

And then he got killed by warriors and rogues who took his blades as the spoil of war.

Besides, Illidan in Legion used the Havoc Mage Tower artifact appearance. I guess DHs should have that appearance taken away from them because “Illidaddy” is using it?

Evidently he wasn’t killed, he was imprisoned.

And the glaives dropping was a shortsighted decision that was made at the time, 12 years ago. They probably didn’t have plans for legion yet.

Anyways I stand by my opinion, Illidan the demon hunter, is an iconic character in warcraft lore, and only demon hunters should be allowed to transmog his iconic weapons.

No, he was killed and his body was imprisoned.

My whole argument is only DHs should have illidans stuff , hello?

Why? DKs aren’t the only ones who can use runeblades gameplay-wise, and they aren’t the only ones who can use Shadowmourne. Should Shadowmourne be restricted to DKs because it’s a mourneblade?

I dont know much about Shadowmourne lore, but isnt just a crafted item? If thats the case then it doesnt matter who uses it, if frostmourne, however, was a drop from the lich king, then yes, only dks should be able to transmog it

Every blade is crafted. Shadowmourne is a mourneblade like Frostmourne and Kingsmourne (such a cringeworthy name, Shalamourne would’ve sounded so much better in my opinion). Mourneblades corrupt the bodies and souls of the living and twist them into undeath over time, as seen with Arthas. Shadowmourne is the same weapon type as Frostmourne, so logically it should be used only by DKs, and yet that’s not the case.