Warlock, alliance or horde

roll human and stack stealth detection items :>

I rolled an alliance warlock and even though I get frustrated at times for not being able to play the spec I enjoy the most to a higher level of success the class is still strong on alliance, just saying it how it is.

no doubt, still strong, question is how is it fair to make such game breaking racials

Well, not fair at all of course. In the warlocks case it prevents the class to be played as it was intended in one the factions. Can adapt but it hinders the class and a couple of specs.

Idk I just think people that drop their preferred faction and race for an OP racial are pussies. I beat plenty of undead warlocks in 1v1 anyway. My fears work perfectly fine, Undead just often have a way to break it. Who cares. Good Horde warlocks go Orc anyways, I’ve noticed that Orc warlocks are often harder to kill than undead purely cause they think their WoTF button will mean a free win, but then are confused when you don’t even fear them, but silence them and banish their pet.

I just don’t like to bend over, cry about racials being unfair and then joining the other faction for those reasons.


You will be absolutely useless against 40% of hordes that play undead because of their broken racials, fair warning!

It is a reason that horde has so many more players then alliance, they have much better abilities for pvp and especially if u play lock on alliance - wich is the reason u dont see many locks on alliance!

Making a alliance lock is a mistake - roll a mage instead.


Stay alliance for both pvp and pve. However if you are a teenager roll horde and be one of those bazzillion ud caster stereotypes.

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HORDE always bro

Roll whatever you like but if you play Alliance make sure you go to a balanced server. 24/7 ganking at flight masters can get old really fast.

What pvp server then you would suggest?

It’s best that you look up for yourself.

I did, there is none.

how can it be so bad, isn’t same classes supposed to give same gameplay experience no matter what faction choosed

Its not a huge difference in the end, but a noticeble one as UD is one of the most played races of the Horde (specially by Rogues, in regards to you beeing a Warlock).

I’d run Gnome Warlock either way tho, become a Master. A tiny evil master…

Alliance SL locks are not that wise of a choice, any shaman worth his salt will always target the demon and purge SL …

No its not equal, listen please and look around. There is less warlocks on alliance for this reason alone!

Even if everything is equal, skill, gear, network lag etc. Undead warlocks will be able to break ur fear and be immune to it giving them a huge advantage in pvp.

If u wana pvp, dont do ally warlock. Everyone knows this and the numbers back it up.

Even if everything else is equal, youre still lagging behind a undead lock.


thank you very much, you strengthen my decision to stay away from alliance since I interested in pvp and don’t want to be gimped from the beginning lol

If you play Warlock, goto Horde. Orc stun resist will make you feel better and you don’t have to meet undead and shaman tremor totem :)) .

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Not many shamans worth their salt roaming around wsg then. Still the lesser evil compared to the other specs imo, but thanks for pointing yet another weakness I didn’t think of alliance side.

Playing an alliance warlock, you will face:

Undead edgy kids which make up for around 40% of your enemies.
Most of them will be rogues and you will have no stun resist.
Shamans that tremor your fear,
grounding totem and waste that one shadow bolt you will manage to cast once a millenia,
purge all your buffs even when they are a healer,
earthshocking and interrupting every second spell cast
and on most servers, a bloated horde population of 65% or more which will constantly gank and corpse camp you.

Playing a horde warlock you will have:
25% stun resist to counter your biggest enemy: rogues and warriors or the longest stun in game (paladins)
the ability to dispel fear/charm
and the ability to cannibalize and heal yourself after pulls/fights.
the extreme numerical advantage. whenever you start a fight with the alliance you know that you will have 3 suicidal basement rogues jumping on your target and help you.