Warlock, alliance or horde

Hey guys, started to play as a warlock, because I think it fun class with many spells and even several different pets, but then I was in party with some pally in elven forest he told me to reroll horde while its not too late because horde warlock is better in pvp

what do you think should I stay with this toon because i like humans spirit and Stormwind and elwynn forest, or make an orc warlock, like this pally adviced to do

I would stay alliance if your intention is PvP. Horde has 20-30 min queue times to BGs and alliance races is not that poor in PvP that you need to faction change. Play whatever you like.

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Keep on going with your human male it’s ok

You will get killed by warriors most likely anyway . So don’t matter where you play .
Rogues are a pain as well and orc has a nice stun Res that could help u at times but honestly it’s prolly not going to help u much anyway

If you plan to focus on PVE, you should stay Alliance. Warlocks are needed in MC but currently there are too few of them as most people that wanted to play Warlocks including me simply rolled Mages instead in order not to suffer in PVP against Horde. If you plan to focus on PVP, I would roll Horde. I heared from our locks PVP is really bad as most of the people you meet on the battleground can dispell 2 fears… so they are getting destroyed.

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hmm I like pvping very much, tough decision. isn’t pvp like half of this game

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It’s cliched, but just play what you want to play… Unless you’re trying to min-max PvE or PvP then it’s more meaningful to like the character/model you create than worry about racials.

That being said, if you are looking to min-max then yeah, horde racials are better for PvP. Orcs have approx 30% base stun resist which is awesome against rogues that get the jump on you, and Undead have “will of the forsaken” which is basically a free PvP trinket on a 2min cooldown AND provides additional immunity against charm/fear/sleep for another 5 seconds on top.

Human racials are a little “meh” for warlocks as Spirit isn’t as useful (you get access to lifetap) and perception will only be useful in very specific situations where you already know there’s a rogue around. Having a felhunter out also grants you a perception effect by default.

TL;DR: If you like the look of humans the most, and how armor looks on them - stay human, ignore the haters.

If you want to min-max PvP/PvE but stay alliance for quicker queue times etc, Gnome is a better choice. Escape artist is a decent racial, and the additional intellect isn’t terrible either.

Otherwise yeah, horde PvP racials are better - with Undead being marginally better for PvE on the horde side due to WotF being more useful in some raid encounters.


It depends totally up to you :slight_smile: For some people PVP is 100 % of the game. For me it´s 1 %.

Horde is better in PVP, but queues will only get worse… so if you can´t spend waiting 2 hours in queues every day, staying Alliance might be better choice despite terrible racials.

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ty for reply, so undead is better both in pvp and pve?

also I find human male casting animation a bit strange

PvP-wise undead are better against other casters (especially other warlocks) due to being able to break charm/fear/sleep (they also have subjectively better casting animations!) - but I’d say Orcs are probably better overall, as engineering’s playing a bigger part in the meta this time around, and it’s nice to have a buffer against grenade stuns.

It’s personal choice though really. I went horde this time around simply because I spent the entirety of vanilla playing Alliance (and melee at that) and wanted to experience the other side. With the benefit of hindsight I probably should have gone Gnome Warlock… It would have been a new game experience (from the POV of a caster) while keeping an element of familiarity with the capital cities/quests etc. PvP doesn’t really mean much to me.

The best thing about Orcs though is just how massive the shoulderpads look on them :smiley:

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Alliance warlocks will need to be much more tryhard and use eng. Forced much more into the SL spec in group and even most 1v1 scenarios against the opposite faction as fear and seduction will be too unreliable to afford playing squishy specs. Play horde and you have more options, can make every spec work and have reliable fears and can use a succubus at all times. This said I went ally and with loads of gear and eng I still have a lot of success but just have to work harder.

More than what side it should matter what server.
If you roll alliance make sure is on the only server with more alliance than horde (forgot the name). Otherwise prepare for a lot of corpse runs because when given the occasion to be miserable 90% of the people will happily do so.

My advice, unless you have friends playing the game and you like to do instances and raids, stay away from the game. Don’t bother at all.

PVP is a mess at the moment. And trying PVE alone, trying to find groups on low pop servers … well, good luck with that.

thank you guys for all the replies

just checked undead casting animation, and it looks much much better than humans male one for some reason.

if undead is also best choice for both pvp and pve looks like its a way to go for me, don’t want to have my spells not working and be gimped because of wrong faction choice.

bye bye alliance, meet you in battlegrounds I guess

go orc warlock, you will thank me later…

Horde is better to pick as a Warlock in PvP, but not so much because of the racials you will have, its about the ones the other side wont, you will not have to face an Undead Rogue, warriors arent a problem for Warlocks 1v1 really, whatever faction you are.

But yes if going Horde, Orc is best for stun resist, as rogues are still the biggest threat really.

thanks guys, i’m confused once again ;D undead or orc… gotta check animation

If you’re not a pussy Alliance Warlock is fine. You’ll become better at PvP in general. If you always have to rely on your race advantage to win fights, that’s kinda sad in my opinion. As an Alliance Warlock you’d learn to rely less on your fear & seduction.

Winning a battle against someone that used both his trinket and WoTF racial feels a lot better than winning battles knowing you have an unfair advantage, but that’s just my opinion of course.


why defining it pussy lol, you call horde warlocks pussy

they have their spells working, you don’t, is it their fault, or game designers

I don’t see this as being an alliance pussy warlock or not. The class was given a certain toolkit by the Devs, it’s up to the players choice whether to use them to their potential or not. On the alliance side that choice is much more limited as the warlock will be forced into tanking melees much more often than what I think is intended. Can you imagine mages not using frost nova in the name of bravery and choose to tank willingly?

ye it’s strange ppl rolling alliance warlocks knowing their game life will be twice harder lol

better all roll horde and delete alliance already