Warlock is not even playable in ph3

Gg. Guess there is no point continuing the sub at this point. Sod team hates warlocks.

Everything else getting buffed to the moon and warlock will be F tier in PvE and unplayable in pvp.

Trash game. Gl hf


You got felgarud and you havnt able to play the game yet stop whining before even the patch release


Soul link will be still strong , u have 30% dmg resist +fellguard


More worried about tanking

SL gave us a much bigger health pool essentially, locks are pretty low on the HP compared to other classes atm. Would have expected meta to increase HP with this change.

If tanking still works they just created a diff problem, lock tanks competing on the dps meters

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Because nobody could guess a Tanking form and SL would have been of the hook …

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Was it of the hook though? Shammy and pala tanks were still the best. Warrior mitigation department very good but threat and fun wise very bad. Druids also good. Think rogues never even bothered to find something that works, never saw one try at least.

Think it’s the loss of basically 30% hp that will create some insta gib situations but if still viable it does open up so many fun ways to make a lock tank build.

And shadowflame will be a welcome change for ZF farm :slight_smile:

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Warlocks are literally top DPS.
You’ll be fine but please do unsub your incessant ranting on the forums is low effort trash doomposting


U are out of the point patrol. Demonology talent tree at classic was totaly garbage tree. Taking all the talent to Soul link in SOD was good because soul link was the definition of defensive Warlock tank. It was great that warlock has a offensive tanking style in destruction like wars fury/prot and a defensive playstyle like war prot with demonology.
They just killed a talent tree. So I suggest to play warlock tank a bit to know u just back up stupid change. If its about pvp just make a debuff associed to soul link when u have meta to diminish damage against player and thats it. Let us play pve tank Damnit.

The devs did great work so far but I’m so disapointed of this change for me who play warlock tank since the discover of meta rune.

Its really lazy change they did here. The nerf isn’t explained. Its sure its about pvp. So nerf the pvp side and don’t touch pve tanking damnit !


And this is my gripe always when balancing is made around pvp. Changes like these literally kill whole specs in PvE just because some memers were playing meta locks in pvp. Now meta lock are just going to spec full affli and still meme around pvp with drain life and soul siphon. I thought that meta was supposed to be demo based but guess I was wrong.

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Soul siphon? You have to be trolling mate


Is it not good ability? havent played deep affli yet

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Nah it only heals for 45 pr tick. Still going to be below 100 at lvl 50.

Not even worth the global. Let alone the talent point.

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Oh ok, I stand corrected then.

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Yeah there is just no strong pvp builds for warlocks now.

Either way we will be a meme. Every other class has instant cast nukes. Insane utility. High burst.

But we are forced to play regular classic with hard casts and ramp up DMG. We will be dead long before we can finish our setup for ramp DMG.

Can’t cast anything vs melee.

And now meta isn’t even viable anymore.

And the cherry on top. We will be F tier dps in PvE too.

No idea why the sod team is specifically going after warlocks and deliberately making sure we are at the bottom every phase… Really dissapointing.

I lost all interest for phase3 though. Not going to waste my time anymore.

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Deep destro meta will still be fine, dont be such a doomer.


Everyone hates warlocks, specially the 2 head Andys spamming jump while draining you.
Zero skill spec, good riddance.


U mad that rogues dont have autowin against warlocks now?

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It’s not about being a doomer. It’s the fact that warlocks aren’t fun in sod. Forced to fight uphill battles forever.

I had faith in sod but at this point there is no doubt. Sod peaked in phase1.

For a warlock main sod has nothing to offer worth my time and energy. Just going to do myself a favor an unsub.

Priest are still turbo broken and only getting buffs. But sure… Let’s nerf warlocks into oblivion. The least oppressive class in the game.

Clown dev team.


Well, in pve we had a reaaly nice phase now, i think the next one will be worse, but not by much.

In pve it just kinda switched for warlocks, we got better against meeles bht casters overall got stronger compared to us (except mage i think)

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Thats what I mean. Meta locks werent that strong in pvp even with soul link. I mean ye they were annoying to kill, but they had no strong spells so it was kinda slow death for them.