Warlock is not even playable in ph3

Yeah it’s a meme spec. Spamming seating pain forever. It’s not fun gameplay.

But running chaosbolt in pvp is impossible.

Haunt is somewhat viable but you will still be the weakest caster in the game running that.

Idk. Warlock is just the worst class in pvp now. And its not even close.

I cancelled my sub. Ph3 not going to be worth my time. Maybe I come back for phase4 if we finally get some love from these trash devs


Chaos Bolt should be treated as a Shadow Bolt spell and gain benefits from all Talents associated with it, meaning Nightfall. Still needs procs from Corruption but it’s better than nothing.

This would give Warlocks some kind of a nuke of their own in PvP.

Demonology tree needs a new rune (or just throw out one of the crap old ones like Invocation for this one) that simply duplicates any talent that benefits a demon. 30% more health, 30% more mana, 20% more effective spells across the board, 40% more damage. Demons are extremely weak to begin with in SoD, they did not get the Hunter pet treatment and get overtuned to the moon so they are lagging behind and need a serious boost. A simple rune like this could help make Demonology worthwhile on its own without being a meta warlock… Well, meta.

Another rune we should have is Complete Domination, it makes any subjugated demon ours permanently until it dies. The talent Improved Subjugate Demon would also enhance any and all abilities by the subjugated demon by 4% per talent point spent.

And what about the stones? I’m sure there’s a rune you could throw in for these as well. How about a rune that makes them not cost a soul shard and improve the effectiveness of all stones by an additional 20%?

I’m sure there are runes that could ‘fix’ demonology tree to make it more worthwhile and find a place of its own, the problem is that apart from Meta and the upcoming Felguard there isn’t any runes that explicitly benefit from Demonology as a talent tree. And with the change to Soul Link no Meta should be going into this tree and who’s going to go deep into Demonology solely for Felguard?

When it comes to the warlock and its runes it feels like it is leaning extremely heavily towards Destruction and like the devs have no idea how to make Affliction worth a damn and have forgotten that Demonology even exists.

I’m going to keep running meta tank. Did a gnomer run on sunday and I did fine without soul link but I was offtanking and not main tanking most stuff so, yeah.


I would actually make it synergize with a destro ability. They should make rune that makes Immolate damage reset chaos bolts cooldown and make it instant cast within X seconds, exactly like shamans power surge rune.

Lake of Fire makes warlock feel trash to play

Meta + Soul link and master demo voidwalker was way too strong even in PvE

Lock gets shadowflame buffed, immo aura, felguard, dots critting, backdraft, battlemaster trinket effect, coil, affliction with bane and sburn. Lmfao, its better than its ever been in SoD. Stop doomsaying. Its going to feel so nice that im still contemplating ditching my mage for warlock as a first lvl 50


So massive nerfs to the 2 things locks were good at.

The 40% fire nerf is probably compensated by the 30% haste from the new rune. (But then mana becomes a big issue).

The soul link thing is absolutely brutal though. This is a massive nerf to Meta. Partly compensated by the 10% magic damage reduction of immo aura. But a 20% nerf to DR.

Even if (and it is a big IF) felguard pumps, pvp will get it nerfed in a week. We are no shamans who can live untouched for a month.

Time to park the warlock?

Druid / Pal / Warlock at 40. I feel i should get the Pal first. Then see how good lock ends up being after nerfs or see if Gore / feral get some help.


Shadowflame is still competing with a rune that just gives a flat 56 spell power to me across the board.

Backdraft requires 6 talent points for Conflagration and to me that just isn’t worth it. Awful lot of setup to. First Immolation, then Conflagration, then you get backdraft so you can cast a 6 second cast 30% faster if you’re doing Chaos Bolt. Big ew. And if you’re a tank the you’re not doing Immolation because of its cast time and spell knockback and even if you are then ok you do a Conflagration, why? It’s not good for trash mob threat management and against bosses the threat management is fine as it is with just spamming searing pain. It’s not worth 6 talent points IMO.

What is the “battlemaster trinket effect”, “coil” and “Affiction with bane and sburn”?


way too strong? this is thick especially coming from shaman cough WoE cough

Some good ideas in there. They should hire people you instead of relocating ressources to other games. I wish they had at least on dev for each class who actually know what they are talking about / working on.

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Thoose 40% were part of the 145% Fire Damage that a Warlock at 60 could get with DMF, Sac Imp, right runes and Destro.

Not hard to figure out that whatever end-game and balance they have in mind (theoretically) at 60 is hard to achive if people expect every part of the step/phase to be exciting, fresh, balanced, reworked and in tune leading there.

Blizzard struggle to balance complete expansion over 1-2 years, and now people think Blizzard can balance 1,5 month phases where new passives, skills and sets are added to more spec than ever. Keep dreaming. Even if they could people wouldn’t agree on the road there, players are too much here and now, me me me.


Makes me think that we never should have gone with this level capped content to begin with. At first it was fun, put a different spin on things and made certain low level things (20-25) matter a lot more than they normally would have but the balance clearly was wack even in P1 and the argument of “oh but at end game this and that” just makes me wonder what the point is of this level capping to begin with. Just get us to 60 already and slap out all the runes so we can finally get some semblance of real proper balance going.

Why waste time balancing things for 2 months only for it to be completely upended in the next phase?


Lol, new pets immolation on Rune and dots can crit now. Top dps in pve and unnkillible tank for melee. «Cant play» go uninstall please and save us from this.

Prob best tank ingame aswell


Not with the change to Lake Of Fire they’re not.

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Did you perhaps check wcl? Check how many warlocks exist in the top 100.

Warlocks will be fine. Apart, of course, from those that play it and have 0 skill. For those yeah, your kind of post makes sense. But for everyone else, they’ll be fine.


Cant have it all, altho thats what people want. I dont think SoD would have been the same thing if they just released new runes every 10 levels while not level capping at all. Would have been the typical fresh sprint with new skills. Hard to match the very unrealistic and high expentations of players while at the same time trying something new. As we have seen in SoD, but also in the gaming industry overall the last years, people want “new” things, but not really new instead familiar and “like before”. Try walking that razors edge.

All of what I said is with PvP in mind, but that said, Ill still enjoy it far more than mage in PvE which has always been notorious for being boring.

Shadowflame will be useful for destro PvP instead of flat spellpower for the conflag. Backdraft is useful for the same reason, also I was running conflag anyway in my destro spec in p2 because, why not? 2% more dmg? Conflag was very useful in cases where you had to move. 30% haste is something people really like to overlook for w/e dumb reason. Its good.

If Immo aura works how I think it does, it means stealthers will never be able to open on you, and it might even cause spell pushback if it functions like a magma totem

Battlemaster effect is the 30% bonus hp for 20sec, Coil is Death Coil, affli with bane and sburn is affli with bane talent and shadowburn, cant really be more obvious(guess I know the class better). Lock will be incredibly good in the hands of a player that can use all of its tools properly, as has always been the case.


The topic is really complex…

But it seems as if they have absolutely no thought about what is yet to come up to level 60.

Instead of making the talent „Soullink“ completely useless, you could have considered changing the buff in Metamorphosis, e.g. 15-30% more HP instead of damage reduction or something like that, but I find it completely unacceptable to make it completely useless.


This is my forum PvP alt to bait crybabies like yourself. Cope more, I dont play this char

Yep, they did the same to dual wield specialization rune for melee Hunters. It used to give 30% more damage if you have two weapons of the same type in each hand but that was too powerful so rather than changing it or just scaling it down they outright removed it completely.

Lol I havent cried at all :laughing: you are just low-effort troll. Just learnt the word cope and feel the need to spam it in forums?

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Trueee, you should mail your gold to (me) the (me) first (me) person (plz) you see to show your commitment!

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