Warlock is not even playable in ph3

Nobody says we want to be on top dps with all 3 specs… but what we want is there should be no gap of 30% between them.

“Every spec will be viable”

Gnomeregan is as relevant as Deadmines atm.

Locks are B tier or even high C now. Turns out Conflag rune does not compensate for the flat 40% fire damage loss of Lake of Fire. Who knew xD? Haste also make mana issues worse. And Dance got nerfed in p2…that combined with long fights with a lot of movement = really bad.

Affli is still a joke but any serious lock did not need to wait for p3 to realize that. To make Affli viable you would need to either give pandemic rune passive at least 15% crit chance or boost all affli dots by at least 40% and make a pass to make all runes synergize with each other. Not happening.

Demo does not exist. Felguard damage is bad and it synergies with almost nothing from the tree.

Don’t be so dramatic… a simple bug fixing and improve haunt from +20% to +30% would be everything i wish for, and boost unstable affliction dot damage by at least 20%
Ok and maybe that the 5% crit talent from destruction tree also affects affliction crit chance. I am a simple and realistic man

Lol unstable affliction need 200-300% dmg buff ticks for 130 or smth? Not on pc atm so i cant test again to be precise. It was suposed to be a super strong dot ,its a 1.5 cast time dot its suposed to melt people.
Void plague hits for 300 with 200 sp and its instant.
Haunt needs also a bit buff should boost dots for 50% or smth and reduce the cd ,12 seconds its too much. And the range of drain life needs to be buffed maybe by rune or smth or make it to not break from range.
Even swp hits harder than ua and rune abilities was supposed to be way stronger.
Malefic affliction(or whatever its called) rune should also refresh ua.
Affliction lock needs a lot of work.

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Dude stop talking to him he is a self confessed troll :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

He is like a deranged parrot, says same stuff on every post.

Can you imagine what this guys life must be like that this is how he gets off? just think about that seriously for a second, feel sorry for the troll now a bit eh?

Poor guy /hug

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Yes that was my point. One needs to compare SP to Affli dots to see how bad the situation is. I don’t think i was over dramatic when SP dots hit multiple times for more than Affli. A boost of haunt from 20% to 30% would change absolutely nothing. And like you said, UA base damage is maybe half of where it should be.

In those wcl rankings, dps tier lists etc, note that you will never ever seen affli since p1. That’s how bad it is. If you thought frost mage was the worst spec in the game, think again :smiley:

If Affli was lagging behind destro by only say 20-30%, people would still play it.

Edit: after the recent fix for the Felguard, it seems Demonology / Haunt is almost proper BC SL/SL though. So that is one good news for pvp.

I was playing affli wl in gnomer raid.
71% parses competing with probably 95% destruction wls because affli is not a separate category.
If you know how to play it then affli is not as weak as everybody is dramatizing it here.

Yes it is true - i would also rather have haunt buffed to +50% instead of +20, and UA base damage +100% … but as i said before: i am a simple and realistic man and i know that improvements in this volume would never happen.
So i aim for +30% haunt and +20% UA base dmg. Expecting too much only leads to dissappointment.

In other words buff Affi dots.

“Every spec will be viable”

Reduce dot base damage by at least -30% BUT let it scale at least twice as much with spellpower. Or even x3.
And double haunt bonus damage for extra +20% then we would be a little stronger in multi target fights and also a good extra boost for Single target.

The current dot spellpower scaling is trash design anyway … was one of the worst things back in classic

Normal spells: 100% of spellpower per 3.5sec cast.
Dots: 100% of spellpower per 15sec duration.
So it takes more than 4 times the amount of spellpower to gain 1 dps on a Dot spell than it takes for a direct spell.

So in the current state to make up for this spellpower “loss” on dots it would be needed for haunt to make dot damage +300% instead of +20%.

This design is the root of all evil… to make a good change this needs to be taken care of

I will actually start a new thread now with exactly this topic.

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Glad you took your time to write it.

Skill issue

Locks are extremely busted in PvP right now. Go soul link + felguard and be amazed at the fact that you can 1v1 any class as long as your felguard is up.

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Boy am I glad I decided to not play ph3. It is looking roughhhhh

What are you on about? Warlock is in a solid spot. If you are looking at logs, dont forget the DPS ranking for warlock puts affli and demo into the same category as destro so it lowers their ranking, the same way frost mages with frostfire bolt are classified as fire. Warlock are strong in PvE, in PvP they are really good if played correctly. p3 for warlock is the best phase so far

I sm not sure busted is the right word if you can’t global in 2 GCD like other classes.

They are strong 1v1, but lack the killing power to be busted. It also applies only to orcs / ud because of racial. Ally lock should be easily CCd until they die.

Not yet… it will start to be fine on wednesday 17.

Thats just icing on the cake. Warlock is very good as is in all forms of content

If you need the odds stacked against you 3v1 to die, then I’d call that busted. You don’t need burst if you can survive for so long that your measly dots will take someone down eventually while you stay at full or near full hp. CC does not matter in the slightest if life drain is already up. You can screw them over if you can dispel magic on yourself, or if their felguard is dead, other than that, most classes lose against it, especially on alliance side since you don’t have to fight paladins, because they can dispel magic and out-sustain locks if they have all of their CDs up.

Nvm you are right. Just went sl/sl ish style (Felhunter + UA) and went 28-2 in Arathi. Soloing groups of 2-3.

I will enjoy it while it last. I get a flash back of tbc arena days


If they nerf it just go back to felguard/SL/haunt. I was running it before UA buff and it claps in pvp.