Warlock is not even playable in ph3

much responses and no word about new affliction in this phase. we have unstable affliction and pandemic (dots can crit). it’s obvious it will be top dps spec

intercept, cleave and auto attk that hits for 60

Then you remember crit works on destro because of Ruin and +5% crit chance, both only affecting destro spells, and the affliction dream fade away :smiley:

As affli will you really take 10% crit rune on chest over master channeler?

Indeed. What a joke lol

So what we got :

  • Felguard that hits like a noodle, i realy thought he was gonna be terror like hunter pets
    in phase 1.nope its bad very low dps .

  • Immolation aura, also very low dmg every 2 seconds, Its around 25-30 dmg.

-And the most disapointing of all Unstable affliction, our super strong DOT that has 1,5 sec casting time and hits for 130 every 3 seconds LOL WHAT? Devouring plague is instant and hits for 300+

What is going on? I mean just inform us that the class is trash so we dont waste our time leveling this meme class.

Warlock needs dmg buff atleast on affliction - on the other hand destro build is ok using meta and spaming searing pain, but its getting old and our fingers will fall off!

If u gonna keep UA so garbage atleast make it instnat cast.
I mean why warlock is the only class with 0 mobility and has to cast everything?
Warlock is still playing classing hardcasting and pushback to hell while every other class has evolved.


Seeing the first week logs of ST says also more and more about where we stand.
Affi not on the charts, Destroy somewhere low…
Im a pvp player more than pve but ive accepted already that our class is more of an inconvenience for blizzard now. Make priest a better lock and then remove the class fully right?

after first ST attempt - afflie is totally useless because of bugs and no logic in runes. unfortunatelly there is also problem with drain life range on some encounters what wipes our dps out. i hope it will be fixed asap. we can’t be forced to play destro only for all phases. i really tried but it doesn’t work even on single target bosses. on bosses with add fire spec, immo aura, hellfire and metamorph (at least one of warlocks) to offtank this thrash

Affi is worth it if you are second dps warlock in the raid, demonic pact is a very good support and affi isnt that much worse, so if you really wanna play affli its worth it atm as a support.

The question is… since when is Warlock supposed to be a “support”?
We need bug fixes and improvements and not this “just accept it, it could be worse” mindset

Wasnt demo warlock in wrath a “support”? ^^

Make affi warlock great again!!

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Maybe it was… but this does not mean it is/was supposed to be like this.

Make affli warlock viable again would be fair enough… making them great is asked too much.
But bein a viable spec is that what blizzard promised “every spec will be viable”.

“sod hates warlocks” 90 locks in the top 100 in gnomeregan LMAO

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We are talking about REAL warlocks. And not that “firemage with lifetap” kind of warlock.
Affliction and Demo almost unplayable if you wanna compete with fire destruction

i cant believe not all 3 specs are completely destroying everyone. What a shame.

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You should just accept it, we are warlocks, not warriors, we arent getting any meaningful fixes. Our only chance is that on the start of the phase blizzard coinflips our way.

Yeah, and for that we have been nerfed to the ground.

Or they do, but we cant see the balance of it as we havent reached that point. Or are you thinking its doable to have 50 specs balanced through 4 Phases?

Cmon it hasnt been balanced it any point of this game
P1 was meele phase
P2 was caster phase
P3 is meele phase
My prediction is that P4 will be meele phase, but maybe i am just doomer

My point stands, if they first made runes/skills/changes plan on loose calculations on 60, then there’s no way one can expect any kind of balancing in the phases between 1-60. People want complete characters/rotations at all phases, but also additional runes on top of that going forward, hoping that somehow it will all just be balanced at every stage, with perfect rotations and numbers, for both PvE and PvP.

Unless one wants total overhauls at every phase, hoping there’s a plan waiting for when all the pieces of the puzzle are on the table is our best shot.
Giving in to wishes/cries about (example) a mobility rune in P2, when a mobility rune might be in store in P4, is less planned out than sticking to the idea they had (if they had one). If everybody was complete and in tune during P2, what would they add going forward? Another button to press that either is rendered useless, renders something else useless, or just falls into a slot thats already filled.