Warlock Legendary needs to be changed

That’s why good Affliction Warlocks play Absolute Corruption like you because Affliction is already global starving. People who play Writhe in Agony spend half of the game reapplying Corruption so in fact they deal less damage because they have less time for casting Malefic Grasp.

On the other hand you can’t fix what’s broken with something more broken.

Imagine I played meelecleave into Arcane/Affliction/R Druid. The only way to connect to anything was kicking Mage into Arcane then quick Heroic Leap with Kyrian Covenant spell. Get Ice Block and repeat next time. It’s just wrong design. Also if mage is playing with Triune then good luck.

ok that’s fair enough I suppose…

Look, I don’t like the state of warlocks at the moment :

  • Borrowed power is too strong ( soul shape, legendaries, conduits )
  • Class specific design is too weak and bad

I really hope that they buff the core class mechanics and adjust the toxic borrowed power eventually.

But blizz doesn’t seem too keen on nerfing PvE items and systems, so …

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It literally can and the slow slows for more.
The ability that slows is called Slow.

his damage rotation isn’t corruption, corruption, corruption…

I already explained this.

“Just kick UA” ok but first let me sit through this coil into triple dr fear and ill get back to it when its my turn to hit the giga tanky warlock. without being nuked by dots or cleanse.



I realize that Winterscold had some good conversation actually…

Oh yeah? which spec the Arcane one?

What? currently you apply all your dots and the slow is there forever aslong as corruption is on you. The ONLY time you’ll need to reuse corruption currently is to refresh the duration of it or reapply if dispelled. So the slow is baked into your DoT uptime, you don’t even have to think about it because its tied to corruption.

Oh did you? I remember something along the lines off “Yeah but one shots are worse!” just because there’s alot of 1 shots in the game doesn’t mean the slow is perfectly fine and should be over looked.

Let me mention this to you because you seem to over look it, while that slow is on you there’s always something else hitting you along side the Warlock, normally an SP… do you realise how much extra dmg you take off both casters because of that slow? it helps enable other casters MORE uptime on things because they can’t LoS easily.


well yes, but it works both ways, Warlock does gain damage by slowing but lose damage by his slow being removed
Arcane doesn’t lose damage when his “Slow” is removed
and Chrono Shift is baked into Arcane Mages’ damage rotation

I did. And then I quoted it again.

Im not saying Warlocks are OP… something people don’t seem to grasp, Im saying that SLOW is OP. Its from a legendary not the actual class itself, im not asking for Warlock nerfs I’m, asking for some changes to be made to the counter play of that slow.

That slow in my humble opinion is what keeps Warlock even remotely viable.

Yes, and I’m saying there are bigger problems that need to be solved first.
You don’t lose game by getting slowed. You do lose game by getting one shotted.

Again its easily dispel able because nothing covers it unlike what UA does for the corruption slow… I don’t get how you don’t understand that. Also its not baked into an Arcane Mages dmg rotation, so if he wants to slow he has to spend his globals on applying that slow, which will be dispelled.

Uhhh, if you are perma slowed you can easily lose a game… you lack this little thing called up time. it also makes pushing in to CC a healer extremely difficult. I honestly don’t think you realise how much the slow enables the other players in your team to deal more dmg and avoid CC or allow another player to get away when he/she needs to. No offense but that could be down to a lack of experience in arena, maybe you haven’t really seen how a very good spell cleave can abuse this slow.

That slow is part of the same problem, just because you don’t one shot with it doesn’t mean its not a problem. Stop using the “other things are worse so leave my not so apparent broken ability alone”. Its a stupid argument.

This! Basically our specs were nerfed to the ground so borrowed power wouldn’t really matter. Warlock’s survivability nerfed to the ground so they can play with Night Fae. Elemental procs nerfed so that legendary giving procs is viable. There are plenty of examples like this. This stupid design and should never be the case.

well yes, but the cover need to be casted, so it’s not like “undispelable instant slow”
then it’s more comparable to frostbolt

your arguments make kinda sense, but not all put together

if you complain about it being hardly dispelable - there are undispelable slows
if you complain about it being in damage rotation - there are slows baked in damage rotation
if you complain about it being instant cast spammable - there are spammable slows

but it’s not really instant spammable hardly dispelable slow… if it is hardly dispelable, then you have to cast the UA and it’s not really instant cast by itself (and is thus similar to Frostbolt)

Arcane Barrage + Slow from Mage basically substitute everything you describe is wrong with this and yet it isn’t problem with Mage

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I agree… yet the ‘Ego’ barrier on Blizzard’s side is bigger when it comes to changing borrowed power than when it is about changing class mechanics.

For instance, they specifically said, they won’t nerf legendary items unless it goes through PTR testing first for an entire cycle… That 's a long time !
If they rollback their words, I would be very surprised.

It might eventually happen because of Mythic raids… but the chances are thin. And from what I heard, they don’t invite locks in mythic raids right now, they just get the green candies delivered and then move on.

I hate this sh** so much, no joking

I do not even play Warlock, so this yours notion of how I want “my” broken ability not-nerfed is quite idiotic.

The slow is fine and dispel able (even though its replied in a global) until they get UA’s out, yes you can disrupt and kick UA’s but at some point they will land over everyone, then you are perma slowed and you can’t remove it, so how you’re in a situation where you have all the locks DoT’s up and hes doing ALOT of team wide dmg and you can dispel the dmg because of what UA does now and its extremely difficult for you to move to a pillar and LoS while also taking even more dmg while moving out to try and let the UA drop off and recover. Thats the problem it creates… now if you pair that with an SP the Warlock also covers the SP DoTs also with his UA so you are forced to tank both casters DoT’s and everything else they cast until you get back out and recover.

While the Arcane slow is stupid it doesn’t create this situation where you’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t.

you’re the one using that argument while posting on a Warlock, not me.

I don’t claim to not be posting on a Warlock. I am posting on a Warlock.
I claim that I don’t play it now. So it’s not “my” broken ability.
You don’t get the ability on level 50 so I don’t even have that ability, so it’s hardly “my ability”.

well because you can’t dispel Chrono Shift… by this logic, just dont dispel the slow and it’s okay

you’re back to the argument “UA protects it so you can’t dispel”… there are literally undispelable slows already

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Whatever you say… why is this even relevant? you know what ability i’m talking about.

That can’t really be used to mass slow an entire BG worth of people with an instant cast.

It depends on the kick. No class has a “lockout duration”. The spells used to lock people do.

This is arena forum. Also you can’t slow entire BG with an instant cast.
You either have to hard cast or use more instant casts.
So that’s another lie.

Just pointing out your lies.

Back in WoD I think it was, the devs gave warlocks a -25% interrupt lock-out duration. But that is gone now unless omegalulVenthyr. So yhea, mage interrupt is 6 seconds as far as I remember.