Warlock Legendary needs to be changed

it is very strong, and annoying to play against.
But we can’t just nerf it without survivability buff.
I agree with the nerf for sure.

I’m not saying just nerf it and not add something else in return, I even used the word change and not nerf on purpose so its viable but you can actually do something to get round it.

Perhaps only allowing it to be on 1 target at a time… maybe, not sure if they would ruin it though.

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Ok so we can work with that…

What I would suggest, is this :

Make slow decay over 6 seconds

and it is fixed

and we can forget about this stupid argument

This wouldn’t really work as you can just continue to spam out corruption to maintain the slow, since its instant cast there’s still no counter play to it.

So basically you mention reasons why it’s broken, and then when it’s refuted you are like “yes but still…”

so maybe first you should get your facts right, make up your mind, research it and then start to propose something

and not to just be looking at confirmation bias that suits your agenda

Well then it kinda falls flat. You demonstrate that this is your best legendary in your opinion by crafting it.

Triune Ward is far more broken than a slow from Warlock, when almost every class has a slow, some have even undispelable, unlike Warlock, plenty other classes do damage while slowing enemy, but there are not many classes with so many abilities to prolong game like Mage. And I talk about overpowered defensives, spammable CC, mobility, slows and possibly Cauterize and Night Fae Seed.

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Chains of Ice is instant cast with no counterplay AND undispelable unlike Corruption.

Well in fact, that depends on how it is coded…

right now Sacrolash is a separate buff… so I guess it can be coded with an internal cooldown or something. Just so that reapplying Corruption does not refresh the full duration.

But honestly, a warlock that spams corruption just for the slow would deserve to lose to you anyways so…

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I have mentioned that earlier, but …

you do know that we can also press Curse of Exhaustion right ?

No… because the way they are applied is different, you can spam corruption without and CD and wheel chair everything, you can’t spam Arcane barrage so the slow isn’t up that often.

Thats a huge difference in value due to that.

What bias agenda? that the slow is actually very strong with little to no counter paly? and you use the argument of Arcane barrage to try and justify it while the way both slows are applied is completely different which also changed the value of each slow drastically.

You can perma slow an entire team of players with that legendary ALL game long
Arcane Barrage doesn’t do that, it slows on hit then the slow fades and its not reapplied until you use Barrage again.

Not true, there are alot of Mages using the Crit one also, its more down to preference.

I know, its stupid, people have mentioned it several times, but he can’t perma slow 3 - 4 even 5 people constantly with it, it costs him Runes or Runic power to spam that out from what I understand.

Doesn’t cost a warlock anything to wheelchair multiple people.

Well the cost of playing with a warlock is already priced in I guess
You already pay a material cost by playing with a warlock and not something else

I’m talking about recourse wise, you don’t lose dmg or anything from applying it.

Well they’d only need to use it every 2 or 3 globals or so just to refresh the slow I guess.

While I agree with this topic because corruption slow is just a nightmare on Tol’Viron and Affliction being able to kite W Monk is just wrong. It shouldn’t be the case. The fact Warlock dies to everything as soon as something connects is a wrong design and while we don’t want BFA 2.0 it shouldn’t be this way. The fact that Affliction doesn’t one shot doesn’t justify the fact it’s almost untouchable unless you are a stealth class with stunlock or a caster. The fact it’s easier to kil afflicition with a caster is already a joke imo. Affliction has by far the biggest damage overall from all classes and once meta will stabilize will outdamage everything. With it’s ability to kite playing against it will be even bigger nightmare than BFA destruction.


With Chaos Bolt 22% buff destruction is also back btw.

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Can you do that too with frost bolt or something ?

well you lose time

you don’t lose damage by applying Mage’s “Slow”

Even if Warlock’s slow were the best (because it’s like Mage’s slow and deals like 500 damage or whatever, maybe less at the cost of slowing target for less speed % and requiring legendary)…
It’s still not comparable to other classes one-shots.

Balancing is relative. And right now this is relatively weak compared to other classes (like yours with Triune Ward) perks.

That’s quite a lot, if your enemy is “afk” half a game and you can’t win while yes-slowed, then I rly dunno what to say.

Thank you, some sanity at last.

Yes but you have to actually cast Frostbolt to apply the slow you can’t just apply it whenever, also you’d only be casting it on 1 person normally, unless you are trying to dampen, but even then you will sacrifice your dmg out put to slow 2 targets.

Why do you keep using 1 shots as a way to justify it? do you not realise how strong it is to be able to slow 3 - 4 targets constantly at once? even a Mage can’t do that. A Warlock currently doesn’t lose dmg either or time, he only needs to reapply the slow if corruption is removed, so its basically baked into your dmg rotation.