Warlock legendary slow

actually it would be an easy “first” fix for the legendary that corruption just also aplies curse of exhausetion. So its not the duration of the dot, only the duration of the curse. And it can be decursed but no longer dispelled on the other side.

But ofc this passive slow mechanic shouldnt exist at all. Warlock needs to be fixed defensive wise so they are not reliant on soul shape and this stupid legendary.


Nightfae lock doesnt need the slow.

Imagine thinking using a 5min CD that is also your best defensive CD to counter a spammable, no cost and no CD slow is a good play. Also, freedom is single target on a 25s CD and it’s not like you can just coil+fear a Pally to counter that.

Also, I play healer so why would I try to get onto him and HoJ with a freedom when I could also give that to one of my dps.

the problem is something like the soulshape shouldnt also be in the game

So paladin damage and self heal is shouldn’t even be in the game to begin with, no matter the overall state of Ret.

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imagine playing a healer and 1shoting ppl
imagine playing ret and outhealing the healers loool

Imagine beeing able to kite till 50% damp cause nothing can Touch u

I agree since I play Holy.

You have 0 arena achievs and 0 games played this season. Why are you even posting on the arena forums, spreading your bullsh*t nonsense.

me not doing arenas doesnt mean i dont see streamers doing arenas. always fun to see the dps go for the healer and drop dead.

I would love being able to do that.

Please just remove warlock class already, it has already been made so bad i dont wanna play my main class anymore.

US has found that death bolt hits pretty hard, more than full CD templars apparently, try giving that a go.

xD good luck trying to set this deahtbolt up.

what is that 1.5mmr?

cause this must actually be the worst turbo ever played that game.

First of all for this dmg you need a skyfury and your bolt to actually crit with 8% critrate an aff lock usually has.

Then he needs full 3 dots rolling on all the enemies + soulrot on atleasth 2 of them and phantom. Combine with darkglare to increase all dots durations and then you can cast deahtbolt with skyfury up and hope for a crit, which is 8% chance for this setup.

Ofc an ability shouldnt do this much dmg even when this insane amount of preparation is needed, but in rated arena at higher mmr this is litterly impossible to get off, even more against a turbo cleave

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Your response is cringe mate.
Nobody cares about how it happens, fact is - it does happen.
Don’t waste your energy trying to defend this or writing wall of texts for a single screenshot.

i just explained how this crit came together and if youd actually paid 20% of your attention into my post you would see that i said that something like this still should not happen

And you wont see this happen at any mmr higher than 2.2


Mate I really don’t care, I’m well aware it’s a stacked hit with Skyfury, you don’t need to chew the information for me, even though I salute your time investment in the end it doesn’t mean anything.

This is most likely false, there was an ele recently 1 tapping everyone at 2.9cr.

ehm, why talking about ele when im talking about deathbolt?

ofc ele is easier to get of LB turreting someone than getting such an deathbolt.

Ele is basically: Get an LB procc, echoing shock -> skyfury -> instant lavaburst -> Earthshock -> instant lavaburst. Higher when you pre casted a stormkeeper, SK is like so long you have time to wait out groindings etc, but keeper isnt even needed to melt away ppl.

you should care how things happen, thats the point of the game, so you know hot no not get oneshotted by stuff^^

Because, to set up this death bolt, you need to play with ele, who’s also a big threat.
You said it yourself - Skyfury.

I generally don’t lose to me being killed :laughing: