Warlock legendary slow

can we just keep on the point that its really hard to set up but still shouldnt exist ofc? Cause this is my whole point, its like gpy was.

Also that ele burst is something else and definetly should have a look, cause i think, when LB hits this hard as right now, echoing shock isnt really needed for LB^^

I actually think this should exist, makes wlocks more of an immediate threat which is something you guys want, right?

Not a fan of the demon armor buffs however.

not for affliction. Aff is about rot dmg with dots, malefic rapture is way too strong and the dots ticking are too weak. UA dispell shouldnt critt at all.

Demonarmor is litterly irrelevant, cause the only melees dong physical dmg is ww monks and outlaw rogues. Not even monks playing TEB into shadowplay or warlocks. Warriors main dmg is condemn, even enh and sub rogue bypass armor somehow.

Warlock should get soullink back in general, balance out the pets tankyness that they can get killed by focusing but still tanky enough not dying by the way. This way we can get of that stupid corruption slow and not need to play nf, while this soulshape also is something that shouldnt be in the game.


They can remove sacrolash when they make mages channel during combust. Give me instant Chaos bolt on darksoul like you got.

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24sec is not forever dude, especially not in bold and caps

Every lock can i facef swapxy on lock and walli and merce those 3 didnt die before 50% damp and they do the most dmg ingame.
Yea u cant They can but every lock is able to do it.

I mean Warlock has not the best deff but wallirikz mate it to top 4 by just kiting.

Yeah but that has a lot to do with their mates enabling them by peeling and catering to them.

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But its possible?

Of course it’s possible. It was never impossible. But i think taking people who have been r1 since ww2 as examples is never a good approach. They usually play with other multi r1 who know exactly what to do to make their lock live and do damage.

True its hard for a glad lvl lock or a duelist i would say

Bubble lasts 8 seconds. Blessing of Freedom also lasts 8 seconds. So in your example, that would be 16 seconds of “no-slow”. Not 12.

Unless the Paladin is playing Unbound Freedom, BoF can be purged/spellstolen.
Even if the Paladin is playing Unbound Freedom, good thing Locks have instant cc as well.

Also, you haven’t been playing Arena if you think you can just HoJ enemy dps whenever you feel like it. Cause, you know… dispel? From healer?

Also, imagine finding it rational to casually trade a 5 minutes cd immunity to remove a slow. Yikes!

I mean, doesn’t the fact that you are so arrogant while admitting to being a “1k Andy” strike you as… irrational? I don’t know. Like, imagine admitting to being a “1k Andy” and then thinking you have the capacity to school others, or telling other people to learn their class.

Where is the arrogance? Just because I have a low rating does not mean I dont know how things work.

And yes, I said “like 12 seconds”, so it was an approximation. But thank you for the correction, much appreciated.

What if dispell is on cooldown? Then how is HoJ going to get broken? Also, if you go with double freedom talent, then eat/trinket the first instant CC, and go back on him? There are plenty of solutions to the “broken” slow.

So yeah, maybe my rating is low, but at least I have the brain capacity to try think of how to counter the “OP slow” instead of just whinging about it.

You can use the 5 min immunity to not only remove the slow, but also land the killing blow? Do you honestly think I was suggesting that you trade your bubble to lose a slow? Maybe, just maybe I was suggesting you use it to go for the kill? Or again, is that too much for your brain to handle?

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In thinking you can somehow come close to schooling other people?

^ This, followed up by:

Is pure gold! xD You literally have no idea what you are talking about.

Why would dispel be on cooldown when HoJ is ready to be used by the enemy? But even in that case scenario, you have Trinket. If you happen to have no Trinket during Ret burst and no dispel either, you probably played really badly as a team and deserved that loss.

Imagine thinking that this is the case. Just imagine.

Uhm… youuu really don’t. That’s the thing. Yet you somehow are convinced you do. That’s the whole problem here.

Scroll up and re-read your post. After that, proceed to thank me a 2nd time.

Which, by the way, would not make you sound or seem any less clueless. Especially given the generalization. As if Locks are somehow gated from playing with teammates who are able to provide peels and deny me the kill opportunity while I am in Bubble. You know, stuff like Leap of Faith, or Sacrifice.

You tell me, Sherlock. Am I the one who’s sitting below 1000 rating with a negative 40% win ratio?

So because I got the time wrong, I am now clueless?

What if dispell was used to dispell something else? There are too many variations here to just assume that you can use dispell on HOJ everytime. Or, does this make me clueless?

With regards to the trinket, again too many variations to factor the assumption that “You have trinket”. Brain dead yet again.

And yes, you bring up my rating again as your final reasoning that Im clueless.

Have a nice day.

Why do you defending this legendary by a reason like “lock is a weak class”? The point was that the design of this legendary is worst , i mean, even on BG,s the thing that does all time slow and you don’t need to press anything for it and it has no cd. May you really say THIS IS OK w/o compare to other classes and etc.?

You ever just be in the shower and need to take a dump but you can’t be bothered to get out and use the toilet, so you just do it in the shower?


Exactly! Because that can only really mean one of the 2 following scenarios:

  1. You cannot accurately calculate the mathematical outcome of 8+8.

  2. You were unaware of the exact duration of either Bubble or Freedom before commenting arrogantly. Ergo, clueless.


It’s amazing how in your head there are too many variations to factor in (which is not wrong) when we are talking about your or your team’s Trinkets, but at the same time how easy it is for you to completely disregard it all when it comes to people connecting on Warlock. :slight_smile: “Slowed? Just Freedom or Bubble and go right back at him! EZ!” Outstanding, even!

And yet I’m not the one who suggested that 8 + 8 = ~12. You might wanna double check on that.

Not really. What I brought up was all the dumb stuff you wrote, thinking you were making sense. Which, of course, fit your rating more than well enough. :slight_smile:

Have a nice day too.

As dk I got death advance in passive im not get slowed les than 70% this seems that I got 50% as it is. I think is buged also, can enyone dk feels the same?

The counter to warlock is to wear a mask in arena?

Out of interest have you beaten an Affliction lock Hollowinside?

Or is the slow just that strong that you literally cannot connect onto a warlock and deal your massive amount of damage? Does the slow mean you cannot play your toon, and just watch your health rot away whilst not being able to do a single thing?