Hello hello,
I am looking for a nice guild to do PvE stuff with, mostly normal/heroic raiding and mythic dungeons. Been playing since TBC but only recently returned, can also heal and tank on alts when need be, although some gear and practice will be needed for the healing part. Currently sporting a demonology warlock but I can play the other specs to some degree as well.
The most important thing I look for a guild is that it’s not one of those who auto-invite people randomly and have a gazillion “members”, I like a tight-knit groups with standards. All I have is time and poor time management skills so I play quite a lot. I’m 30+ years old so I might RIP from old age soon, but I’m somewhat sensible.
Oh right, my healer is a disc priest and I tank as either dk or dh depending on how edgy I feel.
Hey! Your guild sounds just like what I’m looking for. I’m not 100% sure how the process of joining a guild on another server works, but I’d love to join on my warlock. Like I said on the post I can do all roles if need be, but I love casters so this is my first pick.
It seems like we would be a really good fit for you, please feel free to take a look at our recruitment posting and contact us if interested. I’m in the same age bracket on the B side of the tape already, so at least we can play until the inevitable together haha
Hey, if your still looking for a new home, The Hackett Clan is recruiting to build our 10man raiding team for the new season, see below recruitment message, the majority of us are 30+ as we have been playing since Vanilla wow
The Hackett Clan on the Azjol-Nerub Server is looking for more players to join our friendly casual guild.
We have been together since vanilla wow.
What we do:
We do 10man Raids on Monday evenings at 7:30pm until 9:30pm Uk time, The target each season is to clear Normal and then work on progressing heroic.
We run M+ through the week and weekend.
What we are looking for:
We are a friendly family guild and all play casually when we have free time so looking for similar players, we have a mix of skill sets and all look to help each other out.
If you are interested, please apply via the guild finder or message Selita in game for more details.
Hi Selita I tried to contact you ingame but I think you are offline right now so I’m replying here. I joined the first replying guild on my warlock, but as stated above I do play an awful lot which means I have a few alts I’m rather fond of that need a home too. Besides, playing this game for over 15 years has taught me that it’s worth trying to find just the right people to play with, so I’d like to join your guild on either my priest or druid I can heal as penance or holy and I’m ok-ish as shadow as well, and on druid I can do most roles. I have not healed much as one, but that is easy to rectify. If you want you can add me in game through Battletag: Raiken#2202 and we can talk more.
Hi mate I’m Donzie from the guild MYTHOS. We are currently on the look out for 1 more Warlock for our raid team for season 2 . We are a Casual Heroic raiding guild on Emerald Dream Server.
A wee but about us, ill leave a link here to our post
Thank you mate and best of luck in your adventures