Warlock looking for guild


I left the game early WoD and came back around 8.2.
Don’t have much raiding experience or mythic + experience for the past few expansions.
But im trying my best to catch up!

Currently looking for a laid-back raiding team with one or two raids per week (prefer late evening times). Managed to do 6/8 heroic in EP.
Also enjoy doing mythic+!

I hope I can find suitable guild for myself here on Draenor!

Thank you for your time.

Add me, lets chat :slight_smile:

Hiya mate.

My guild is currently 8/8 Heroic, looking to find the last few people before we can start entering Mythic.

I understand you said you’ve not had that much experience recently with raiding / Mythic+ and that’s fine. We run Mythic+ pretty much every day, and you’d be welcome to join them. In terms of raiding, we have Heroic raids Wednesday before entering Mythic - as well as alts Heroic raids on Sundays.

If/when you feel confident, and are “up to par” with others, we’d also be able to talk about bringing you in for Mythic as well if that’s something that’d interest you.

My ID is ConnorRigg#2598 if you’d like to talk about it further. Thank you

Our guild jus transfered to draenor and we searching for new players pm me and i think we might be a good fit for u. :slight_smile: Vedetta#21504

Greetings, if you’re still looking for a guild, we are especially looking for a warlock, we have a soft spot for Imps and felhunters, Many members happy to babysit if you want the night off. But seriously give our page a read and poke me if you want to chat :slight_smile: [H] <Crazy Clan> HC. LF Warrior & Warlock

Hi there

retaliate are currently looking for some friendly and reliable players to bolster are numbers going into Mythic, we are currently 8/8h raiding two days a week fri/sun 8-11pm server time. the rest of the week we run lots of mythic plus from 8s to 15+, where always looking for nice friendly players to join us whether just for mythic plus, raids or having a laugh in chat

If interested you can wisper me in game
Mÿstie, shíka or just ask someone for one of are other officers
You can add me on battle net if ur interested Setana#21724

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