Warlock RP

Good morning. I have recently moved over to the alliance as I love the vibe in SWC as opposed to the desolation of Orgrimmar. Are there any warlock RP hubs or events that I could slide by?

Thank you,


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In the past I attended a couple of meet-ups of warlocks hosted by the Eredun Lullaby in Surwich but I have no idea if they’re still going - I haven’t been around in ages.

Aside from that there is the rare occasional warlock underneath the Slaughtered Lamb in the Mage District - aside from that I’ve found one of the best ways to get into warlock roleplay with others is to just ‘sense’ them out in the world and try and clandestinely involve yourself with them.

Or you could always end up talking to your demons when you’re lonely. Not that I do that. That’s sad. Haha. Nope.


Whenever I have tried to start a conversation with any of my demons they ‘dismiss’ themselves :rofl:


Man I hate it when I ring my Voidwalker friend on my Gnomkia smartphone and he answers with “WHY DO YOU CALL?!”


Warlocks are sometimes found in the Slaughtered Lamp basement
but may be more easily encountered outside Stormwind, Duskwood being a common place to find one as the zones dark vibes resonates with the typical warlock.

You may find them elsewhere, but warlock RP’ers are usually drawn to secluded areas where they can warlock in peace.
Most warlocks you meet in SW are probably hiding the fact or at the very least they aren’t casting spells while in the open.

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If you’re looking for some more evil, Legion aligned warlocks, I recommend The Shadowbane Coven.


The Shadowbane Coven interacts with anyone that we stumble and we obviously take more interest on those that are warlocks even if they are not aligned to our cause, if you ever want to rp just feel free to hit me up in game and we can arrange something ( You do not need to join the guild for that).


Can vouch for them, they run sick events + have a really cool GM.

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The realm needs a warlock/felhead guild that aren’t Sargeras cultists tbqh


It was what I envisioned with the Twisted Hand, but I just don’t have the time to run a guild.


Not all of us are devoted to Sargeras, devotion is not something that we in fact teach. Some are but if you delve in the crooked path (the progress/pursuit of power and the consequences of it) you will understand that allegiance is something that is only there until you can’t obtain more. That is why the guild is a cult, a coven, we have in-fighting etc.

On the other hand those that use fel/demons will have to always hide since the use of their spells are always antagonised by many rpers, many of our recruits have joined because the Horde or the Alliance rpers will never look with keen eyes or outright put them as outlaws if they do so.


I wasn’t even addressing your guild or post. I just lamented the lack of a non-Sargeras Fan club warlock guild, not whether your entire roster is dedicated to your guild concept or not.


Right after the Undead-only guild.

P.S. I know there’s the Forlorn Order, but I haven’t seen any of them in the game so far

Welcome to the “we currently do not recruit IC Warlocks”-life.

Not an Evil Egomaniac Pyromancer Doomsday device? Tough luck, buddy.

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You could take a look at Darkshire, there are some shady classes there.

If you seek a guild I would like to tell you that we. (House Bemoux) Or known as Elwynn Academy of Occult Sciences are a place where all occult magics can be trained. Warlocks, Blood mage, Necromancer. All occult magic is allowed under the watchfull eye of the Professors in the school. We have many like minded members in the guild to have daily interactions with eachoter.

Feel free to send me a whisper ingame, a mail ingame or even apply to the guild chart if you want more information! And if not I still hope you will find a place and will have fun on Argent Dawn.

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