Just wondering what the Warlock RP scene is on the server for either Horde or Alliance? Got my orc on the go but i’ve always wanted to dive into the Warlock secret coven like theme.
So could anyone recommend or point me in the right direction for Warlock guilds or anything similar?
There aren’t that many options that focus on Warlocks specifically. If you’re fine with worshipping the Legion and being an antagonist to the Horde and Alliance there’s the Shadowbane Coven:
Your options become a touch more plentiful when you decide on what race you will play and how you plan on conducting yourself.
There are guilds like House Bemoux and The Cursekeeper Association ([N-RP] The Cursekeeper Association - Now recruiting!) that would suit warlocks who are less inclined to plot world domination and more interested in the scholarly, occultist aspect of the class, but they are not covens or limited to warlocks.
You basically get a plethora of options for guilds that accept warlocks (and utilize them) but have a very limited selection if you want something that strictly focuses on that, to the point there’s sadly no Alliance or Horde-Aligned “Warlock Guild”.
As a long time warlock roleplayer, I will say that I’ve always had more fun operating in environments that weren’t warlock heavy. To be judged and shamed at every turn, forced to hide your nature as a courtesy to those drooling masses who imagine themselves superior on some feigned moral principle - now that’s conflict. And conflict = fun. Besides, who says you can’t be part of a coven on the weekends?
Yeah, I quite like hanging out with warlocks and being sinister together but there’s also a lot to be said for being the creepy weirdo everyone kinda distrusts but who is useful enough to keep around. It’s a fun thing to RP.
It’s also really helpful and constructive when you can call upon 3-4 Dark Iron Warlocks to teleport a really angry Zandalari warbeast into another plane of existence (and out of your way)
I mean I just don’t get the anxiety around these guys, they get stuff done in an instant!
I’ve been running the Slaugthered Lamb as its usual front for warlocks for the past two years. It took us a while to have other players respect the basement’s secrecy once again. Though once it’s been spread enough, we had a small community for warlock running while handling the day-to-day RP as a completely normal tavern.
The problem with warlock and secrecy nowadays is everyone is a warlock:
Visit the Lion’s Rest: A dozen open warlocks flirting around with everyone chilling with them like it’s normal to use souls to empower spells.
Demon bad? You’ve got Man’ari everywhere preaching about peace&love&tolerance.
Fel is corruption? Forget about it, I cast felfire everywhere I go.
Discretion? Look at my fel staff, my fel tattoos, my fel skulls, my floating talking demon, my green eyes and my fel robes while I go buy bread by the Cathedral.
As a result it’s very challenging to be immersed in warlock secrecy in day-to-day RP. But we managed with the few willing to play by the rules.
Currently most of us are down into Azj-Kahet to investigate some artifacts, we’ll return by the Lamb in the coming weeks surely.