Nice, grats to warlocks, dh can change meta too, to look like mythic nighthold guldan last phase,, oh wait, kekw
It does seem a little ironic to see a complaint from a DH when you cost Warlocks their demonic/meta form
i did not cost no one nothing, they could have let demo locks have meta just with a different model and only spell casting, do not blame me for blizzard bad choices
Guys you have metamorphosis at home
Meta at home :
excuse me sassy pants, I’m all for them getting it returned
I’d love to see a Demo capstone talent where they can become the Demon
Well, Demon Hunters did sacrifice everything…
About time blizzard did something for us warlocks!!
I just do not understand, we can use the model of illidan’s weapons but not that model of meta, just give me that meta model and let me customize the grotto netherwing drake, charge me on the game shop or whatever, just let me have this
These poor individuals are suffering from something known as envy. Ignore them brother, we are used to suffering
I’m not really salty or anything, but I feel DHs could get some customization aswell.
After all, we have the least amount of available gear / sets to mog (evokers don’t really count due to perma dragon form anyways), meaning new meta forms could be really nice. I remember someone posting a venthyr form idea a couple of weeks ago, and it looked absolutely incredible.
EDIT - Found it. Venthyr allied race - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (
Yo thanks for linking my thread man!
I forgot to bump it and found a really good video that counter some common arguments
Ah yes, because Warlocks being able to change their Infernals appearance means DHs should be able to change their meta? Nah.
Warlocks are long overdue for new demon stuff, and you DHs can wait.
why though? Why nah? Just feelings or?
Warlocks have gotten glyph customisation like the fel tempress orb for their succubus
I wouldn’t say locks have been completely neglected at all. They also got an awesome Green fire quest chain don’t forget
It took how many years for fel glaive glyph?
Totally spoilt blind boys
How outrageous
Quite good at that
10 thousand tears!..or was it years?
I think you DHs are (puts up sunglasses) not prepared for it.
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