Warmode and Alliance

Doesn’t change the fact I’m forced to join other groups to phase out of my own realm/shard because Alliance are literally everywhere doing WQs… meanwhile Alliance on my realm/shard are probably 20:1 enjoying their 30% bonus…

This blanket static bonus is just retarded… it should be dynamic.

It does, here’s an example why…

Player A has WM off: They complete their daily WQs without any interruptions.

Player B has WM on: They complete their daily WQs, but it took longer due to PvP interruptions (fighting and extra graveyard walks).

Player B is compensated for longer WQ completion with the at minimum 10% bonus. Sometimes they will have a lot of interruption, sometimes none at all. But on average, there’s likely to be enough interruption to justify the minimum 10% bonus.

Player A had no interruption at all, and completed their quests at maximum efficiency. They can turn WM on when they feel it’s beneficial ofc.

Ye, blizz wanted to increase participation. It worked. However, it’s made clear when they turn on WM that there are PvP consequences. There is nothing to complain about. If they like it, they will stay WM on, and that’s awesome. If they don’t they can simply turn it off - a big upgrade over changing mind about being on a PvP realm, don’t have to pay real money for realm transfer now.

See my example above.

For WPvPers - well, for me anyway, I am just happy to have targets.
For PvEers - their choice to WM on. They can be annoyed, but it’s their own fault. Not a problem with WM.

Or, they can just turn it off.

The purpose of the outnumbered bonus is to increase Alliance WM participation in the region. Not compensate for shard outnumbering. The base 10% already compensates for time loss. The 15% to 30% is for region increase.

FYI: Shard balance is variable, but generally balanced. Lfg groups, player distribution, shard balancing in progress can affect it though. Excess of a faction go to single faction overflow shards, for free 10% bonus.

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[quote=“Vaëyn-outland, post:43, topic:128348”]
See my example above.

again, PvP servers didn’t have a bonus either… you were not forced to play on a PvP server either, you could just change server if you wanted…

if you want to have compensation for longer time needed, reward stuff ONLY useful in PvP

also I barely have any interruption on either character (Alliance or Horde) I barely get attacked and I NEVER attack anyone, because I know they want to do their dailies in piece like everyone else

and take longer for Progress… sure… do you know the difference between a few minutes interruption during PvP and still getting full rewards and several DAYS because the rewards are time gated and getting at least 10% less

Honestly I’ve found myself being ganked and eradicated by several groups of alliance members usually consisting of 2-10 people. Horde cannot even begin to compare to Alliance, at least not what I’ve seen and experienced(Played both factions a lot). Alliance seems to be the gods of ganking and putting up several groups to execute order 66 on any Horde players that meets their eyes. Usually the horde player gets eradicated before they can even react. :slight_smile:

Alliance literally scouts everywhere for any Horde player, and once they find one they probably say “HERE!” because once one finds you, an entire swarm appears out of nowhere.

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I moved to an rp realm to play with someone from work and by god it must be 90% alliance which would be fine if they would fight 1v1 or even 1v2 instead they form large groups and camp.

Why should they get 30% improved rewards and be the dominant faction? It doesn’t make any sense but then blizzard…

They did not require a bonus, since PvP was always on.

If they wanted to leave a PvP realm, they had to pay real money to transfer. The option now to PvP on/off is FREE!

I leave it on all the time, so for me it’s no different to my old PvP realm, except in BfA WPvP actually happens.

But for players across all realms, they can now decide to PvP on/off when they feel like it. That’s awesome, and I know players that have WM’d on and had fun in WPvP, that otherwise would not have experienced that.

I would like a single PvP realm though, for those players that want more pure WPvP experience. That would be cool.

That suggestion would not compensate for times loss during situations like WQs or levelling, makes no sense. Those are the activities that happen in the World. The reward for PvP activity is conquest points, and we get that anyway.

Then you rolled the dice on WM and won. However, from what people are saying, in general there is a good amount of PvP happening in WM. So, although individual experience varies, overall WM is more active than what I experienced on PvP realm in Legion.

Longer but with a predictable speed, unlike WM which is variable speed. Two different modes, just pick the one you prefer. It’s not complicated.

PvP can be very variable. I might get involved in a fight that lasts over an hour for example. I don’t actually care about PvE, but if I did, that’s a big impact on progress. Maybe that happens only now and again, and other times there’s a few minutes, sometimes none… variable.

The 10% is two things:

  1. Compensation.
  2. Incentive.
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This would only ring true to a resource like AP that you can farm in perpetuity to “compensate”, but CV, afaik, is finite per day so compensating for lost time, imo, is only valid when you can (in theory at least) use that saved time to ‘catch up’.

Not to mention that I honestly don’t see playing WM as horde that much more risk-free, especially early on in the week when there are groups doing the WM weekly quests.

Don’t really care one way or another personally in this matter, but I can see why someone might feel cheated out of something they have no access to on the other side.

Faction balance and the incentive structure is a bit out of whack overall I think, they really ought to make PvP progression more self-contained and then leverage WM bonuses for that, instead of what it is currently.

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Warmode needs to be dependent on realm pop not just a baseline stat.

You want to talk about ‘unfair’ , on some realms Alliance have a 30% bonus despite also being the dominant faction. That is even more unequal than Horde only having 10% as dominant. But keep crying ‘Horde bias’, i’m sure everyone cares


how is it not predictable… it is predictably FASTER
because you still get the FULL reward here… so you get the rep (I don’t know, too lazy to do the maths) some days earlier than someone without WM

time loss of only a few minutes if anything…

if you don’t do WPvP you have a time loss of DAYS

also my suggestion does make sense, you get PvP rewards for doing PvP…
and I think WPvP is still PvP

look, all things being said, all I want to say is, I can understand the players complaining about WPvP… they want to get the FULL reward for the WQ’s in Peace not get less and be punished for not doing WM
since you do not get the FULL reward for turning it off

exactly this (why am I so bad at expressing what I actually want to say?)

Yes pretty much.

I actually like it when horde teams up and fights back. Then you have 30 people fighting.

The PROBLEM is blizzard servers cannot handle this, so the enjoyment goes down the drain because you can’t do anything but mash buttons and pray they die before you.

War mode is not realm based


The bonus is just a general compensation and incentive for WM. Turn it on and ‘risk’ PvP. Turn it off for no PvP. Want bonus? Turn it on. Don’t want bonus? Turn it off. Real simple.

Well, the ‘risk’ is the point of WM.

If talking about bonus in general: Cheated? For making a choice to not take a ‘risk’? If they feel cheated that those that took a ‘risk’ get compensated, that they themselves refused - wow, just wow. That’s on them.

WM is imperfect, that’s why outnumbered bonus exists. If WM can be improved, I’m all for that. But as of now, I have plenty targets for WPvP fun :slight_smile:

Individual realms are not relevant to War Mode.

WM off is predictable progression speed, zero interruption.
WM on is unpredictable progression speed, variable interruptions.

Well, it’s variable. Some are complaining of a lot of interruption. So your experience is the easy WM. The 10% is a general base compensation for all players, regardless of individual experience, but overall working out as both compensation and incentive.

Then turn it on, and get the benefit. Why making things complicated? Make a simple choice. WM on or off.

Simple choice. WM on or off. Nothing to complain about.

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I want to help alliance fight horde.

I am in a roleplay-server but alliance outnumbers horde here.

If I roll lets say Silvermoon, will there be tons of more hordes there?

And any alliance want to gank hordies time to time?

again… it is not variable…
you get more CV’s for being in WM -> faster progression there is nothing unpredictable in there…

the only way to turn it into compensation is to give a reward, which you can catch up with if you save time out of WM

so for example you need 20 minutes for a quest in WM but 15 minutes in a quest out of WM… you should be able to use the 5 minutes saved to catch up to the WM bonus… but with rewards like rep or CV’s you can’t therefore you can’t really call this a compensation instead it is bribing…

you are complaining about players complaining about WM, so you can easily be saved from that by getting rid of the WM bonus completely, even if WPvP was on all the time on PvP servers, and it isn’t now, doesn’t mean there should be a bonus to bribe players who don’t like PvP into this mess
there shouldn’t be a bonus and if you really want to compensate, you should give a reward, which you can catch up to without WM by using the time saved… not use a time gated reward

Ideally yes, but because we have a “forced” weekly progression that mandates X amount of resources in order to maintain, getting straight up more if you’re Y faction feels unfair.

Also, in more pragmatic metrics, the sharding balance feels a lot less bad right now overall, so you might be sharded with no opposition or hindrance as alliance.

Which I don’t mind, I accept the risks and if I get annoyed by gankers, I’ll HS or turn WM off, since I’m not too fussed about the WM bonus personally.

But it’s not just about the bonus to compensate for the risk, it’s about one side getting more of the finite, desirable resource. Whether you complete your dailies in 30min or 2 hours is irrelevant when your 30min run nets you less resource that you cannot bolster by putting 1hr 30min into something to catch up.

I like WM as a concept, I think it’s superior to pvp/pve realms, but you can’t improve it without changing the systems it’s trying to feed into with it’s rewards.

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I think the whole opt-in pvp and layering is what has mostly taken “World” out from “World of Warcraft”. It rather now feels like “Instances of Warcraft”, what completely sucks. If it was up to me, I would remove all these fancy layering, pvp and just go back to basics. If I am in PVP server, I am always PVP on and I am always with my server players and you can’t be both horde and ally in same server. Exceptions would be ques/instances where cross realm thing would be allowed. Also there would be somekind of system in place that would not allow create additional character to faction that has significant more characters than opposite faction.

Meanwhile horde pvedragons still loot 10% bonus without any chances to die from opposite fraction. :confused:

what does this have to do with my post?
my post is about the fact, that a lot of players turn on WM only for the bonus
if what you say is true and horde gets free bonus, then the chances are high most of those players who are in WM and are Horde are only in there for the bonus…

so getting rid of these boni makes doing WM pointless for those players, and they will go out of WM, probably making WM more balanced

(not talking about the bad sharding though, because chances are, that you end in a bad shard… the balancing in these shards almost never works, since you can just switch shards by joining a group

this also happens if you are horde… sometimes I do get ganged by an alliance raid, while being the only horde around)

So, how about just add, some type of mercenary contract for wm?


If you switch off the rewards for horde everyone will likely switch it off and you wouldn’t have anyone to pvp with.

This reducing your own exp gains to naught and raising the warmode exp bonus for players on the horde who actually leave it on.

I don’t know anyone who actively has it switched on for actual pvp content.

It’s generally zerging on both factions and It’s wildly unbalanced

You will just reverse the issue.

How about actually encouraging players to move to alliance.

Maybe if it wasn’t so difficult to change factions people would, what holds me to the horde mainly is the fact I’ve got tons of Alts who’ve got all my proffessions and more done on them.

So for me to reroll alliance I’d either lose all my proffessions etc etc or pay huge fees to swap.

If we could have all proffessions on one toon this would be more acceptable but a expectation I’d have to do 10 new chars up just to eventually catch myself up is a put off.