Subjective feedback from someone who loves his world pvp. I moved to Defias Brotherhood originally due to a 50/50 faction balance. This cost a lot of money. Then someone decided years later to merge a dominantly alliance RP server with it. Warmode, despite having its fun moments, is impossible for the horde player. I’m even finding that phasing to other servers is rendering the same results. I’m sure many alliance have experienced the reverse of what I have. Suffice to say there’s a huge problem, and the only logical solution anyone has provided to me is “turn off warmode”. I’m starting to agree with them and that’s really sad. Groups of 40 russians invading EU servers is funny for the first five minutes, but then it becomes just weird.
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25 kill weekly quest was changed and it’s no longer possible in raid, only solo/small group. You won’t see as much Alliance raids as you saw in the past week.
Darn, ah well, was fun while it lasted!
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