I play on Defias, and in War Mode 100% of the time since pre-patch. Sometimes I play in the morning, sometimes in the evening or at night, sometimes during the day. But no matter what time it is/was, I have vastly different experience.
Before 8.1:
- For every 5 Azerite / Tortollan WQs I visited at least 3 were ether camped by Horde or a lot of Horde (5+) and 1-2 or no Alliance at all.
- On Kul Tiras, Horde constantly camped 2 FPs in Drustvar, and Tortollan FP in Stormsong. There is always small Horde activity in Tiragarde, mostly around Freehold, sometimes Horde raided Boralus.
- On Zandalar, Horde constantly camped Tortollans in Vol’dun, until enough Alliance killed to group up and wipe Horde, just to get wiped by more Horde later. Fort Victory in Nazmir was constantly camped by Horde, same situation as Tortollans in Vol’dun. Zuldazar is a mirror of Tiragarde - lots of Horde almost no Alliance, sometime Alliance raided Dazar’Alor
In 99% of situations Alliance was gathering raid only as a response to Horde camping somewhere. Very rarely Horde FP in Drustvar was camped by Alliance, and usually wiped by more Horde.
In 8.1:
- For every 5 Azerite / Tortollan WQs I visit 3 are EMPTY, with occasional Horde or Alliance coming in.
- On Kul Tiras, sometimes Horde camping neural FPs in Drusvar, sometimes Alliance camping horde’ FP, both happen not often, and usually until all killed res and wipe campers. Same in Stormsong.
- On Zandalar, didn’t see Fort Victory being camped even once, and don’t see a lot of Alliance there ether. Tortollans in Vol’dun always switching when there is a WQ, sometimes it’s Horde, sometimes it’s Alliance, none stays for long.
- Assaults on Kul Tiras mainly populated by Alliance, with Horde raids appearing regularly.
- Assaults on Zandalar mainly populated by Horde, with Alliance raids appearing regularly.
One thing that happened a lot in the past week - Alliance actively gathering raids for 25 kill weekly quest. But it was changed, so these raids are no more.
What 8.1 changed drastically - there are a lot LESS raids/bounties outside of Assaults. A lot LESS camps of different FPs and WQs. On both sides.
On my roams thorough WQs looking for targets I still meet more Horde than Alliance, and hordes much more often are in Gank-groups while majority of Alliance are solo WQuesters for %.
And btw, I also asked two of my friends - they both said same things as me.