25 kill weekly quest was changed and it’s no longer possible in raid, only solo/small group. You won’t see as much Alliance raids as you saw in the past week.
I play on Defias, and in War Mode 100% of the time since pre-patch. Sometimes I play in the morning, sometimes in the evening or at night, sometimes during the day. But no matter what time it is/was, I have vastly different experience.
Before 8.1:
For every 5 Azerite / Tortollan WQs I visited at least 3 were ether camped by Horde or a lot of Horde (5+) and 1-2 or no Alliance at all.
On Kul Tiras, Horde constantly camped 2 FPs in Drustvar, and Tortollan FP in Stormsong. There is always small H…