How would I know what you do? I only know my own experience, I have never had a WM session with zero opponents. If you have a different experience, oh well.
Because you state there is a primary objective, you therefore accept there are lesser objectives too. PvP quests are lesser WM objectives. Why shouldn’t someone WM on to complete an objective? All objectives in WM are part of what defines WM.
That’s directed at players complaining about WM. If you don’t like it, don’t WM on. That’s different from someone turning on WM to complete a PvP objective, that does like doing that. Why shouldn’t they?
We have different viewpoints, think what you want. It’s a discussion forum, express your views.
You made an idiot move and assumed my circumstances in game.
That quest is not an objective of WM, its objective is connected with WM but its not mandatory for WM to be active.
The phrasing used actually applies to the whole player base though regardless of who you direct it at. You even tried using it on me via Someoneelse’s quote and I’ve agreed that if players don’t like it then they shouldn’t turn it on.
Once again, it makes no sense to complete objectives in WM if you do not like participating in WM itself. The basis of this is that you don’t engage in content that you don’t like, those who do this are massively hypocritical and the quest should be removed to dissuade these players from joining a system they don’t intend to actually play in for any significant amount of time.
I do think what I want and express my views, I don’t see the relevance in telling me what I am already doing.
I never stated your circumstances in game. I speculated what the difference might be that could result in different experiences.
You are getting confused. WM is required to be active in order to complete WM PvP quests. Therefore they are each one objective within WM. There are other objectives, such as bounty looting, they are all part of WM. When a player chooses to do those activities, is up to them.
Correct, it applies to all players. When someone complains, I direct it at them.
That’s up to the individual player. Different players have different motivations. Maybe they want reward, so what? If they WM on, they took the risk, they got their reward. It’s up to enemy players to provide the risk. What makes no sense is when they complain about being attacked, that’s typically when I whip out the Blizz support quote.
You could apply that to many aspects of the game. The whole thing is reward driven. That’s the game. People play for rewards, and not always something they would prefer to take part in. I’d WPvP without any reward, but not everyone feels that way.
At the end of the day, it’s other players business what they do and why. It’s only when they complain on public forum, and I disagree, that I’ll challenge them on it.
It wont happen. They’ve effectively deleted PvP servers to there has to be some form of world PvP. They can’t convert them back to PvP, there would be mass outrage.
The only things they’ll so is remove the rewards or make some super duper new version of War Mode, probably buffing rewards greatly.
I think after every reset they should be an option you either toggle in warmode for the week or you toggle out for the week it stops people dipping and diving out of it especially ally for the weekly quest. For summoning they should be some way whilst grouped for people to be able to summon someone regardless if wm is on or off.
Blizz really didnt think wm through they just chucked it in and left it, its a massive mess really its totally broken