OK so first of all the OP is a moron and should simply turn warmode off if he doesn't like it, no question about that. The whole whine post stinks of brain dmg.
However, an interesting and relevant point was indeed brought in the thread by Jito: there are indeed more Horde that Alliance by an order of magnitude, and while as opposed to Jito I'm fine with it now (I like being outnumbered, makes the fights a challenge instead of free kills), in the long run this will be a problem. There is no reason to assume that the average Alliance pvper is better or worst than the average Horde pvper, but if there are more Horde than Alliance consistently, the ones with the incentive to turn Warmode off will be the severely outnumbered faction, because they are more likely to be repeatedly killed and see the 10% extra rewards not actually overcoming the risk. If more Alliance turn it off compared to Horde, this effect seesaws.
I've been playing mainly on my main, but I did play a bit on my 2 alts: another Alliance char and a Horde char. The Horde char hasn't met any alliance whatsoever so far. The Alliance one did meet lots of Horde, got ganked a couple of times and scored a few dozen kills along the leveling process. If things really are that more Alliance turn off their Warmode off with higher prevalence than Horde does, in the end it becomes a mode in which Horde simply get 10% more resources for free and Allies don't - and that's not really the point of Warmode at all.
What will probably happen, and hopefully Blizzard won't be too late with it, is adding extra incentives for the undermanned faction to turn Warmode on, similar to the Battlegrounds recruitment bonus. The trouble is that if Blizzard are too late with this, no amount of extra incentives will compensate for a severely undermanned faction.
20/08/2018 08:20Posted by Redoctoberand while as opposed to Jito I'm fine with it now (I like being outnumbered, makes the fights a challenge instead of free kills), in the long run this will be a problem.
For the record, I'm also fine with it in-game! My tolerance for when it gets unenjoyable hasn't been reached yet. But it probably will at some point if Blizzard doesn't intervene.
But forum-wise I'm definitely annoyed by it, as a topic, because I think this is beneath Blizzard's design standard. They're ignoring the elephant in the room, and that grinds my gears :P
And it doesn't help that other forum posters don't really engage in the discussion, but just go around spewing that stupid "Herp derp turn it off if you don't like it!" crap. That's starting to trigger me so hard :D
@Jito, well they are giving you a solution to the problem you have. Turn it off is a solution. What this thread is becoming is a discussion about faction imbalance on certain realms now. That is a different discussion entirely.
If we are discussing faction imbalance, my two cents are: Enable free realm transfers for all realms, and let people balance the imbalance out. It's not perfect and unlikely to happen however. Until then you have a choice, to turn the Warmode off. I think it's a great choice to have.
If we are discussing faction imbalance, my two cents are: Enable free realm transfers for all realms, and let people balance the imbalance out. It's not perfect and unlikely to happen however. Until then you have a choice, to turn the Warmode off. I think it's a great choice to have.
Take portal to Dogwind, click Warmode off. Problem solved.
"Oh no I want every benefit but not the downside of it. Buuhu"
Get a grip
"Oh no I want every benefit but not the downside of it. Buuhu"
Get a grip
20/08/2018 08:38Posted by Lucký@Jito, well they are giving you a solution to the problem you have. Turn it off is a solution.
I don't see that as a solution.
I like Warmode. When it works, it's awesome.
Right now, not 5 minutes ago, this was my experience:
This is awesome! Just 3 random Alliance players and 3 random Horde players near a World Quest objective, and then PvP happens! Amazing! Warmode thumbs-up!
But it is brief, because just 2 minutes ago the same scene looked like this:
The option of just turning Warmode off if you don't like it is always there. I completely acknowledge that.
But for the people who do enjoy Warmode, I think there are some design issues that are worth pointing out, because Blizzard needs to address them, otherwise the experience will deteriorate and become unenjoyable in the future.
I object a bit if the answer to anything in the game that you think Blizzard can improve upon is: "Well if you don't like it, then don't it."
That's ridiculous. As players we should want Blizzard to develop the game to the highest design standard possible. If there are issues, then Blizzard needs to address them. It shouldn't be down to the player to avoid those issues if they simply can't stomach them. It's Blizzard's job to fix the design issues in their own game. That's their friggin' job!
Then turn it off or man up group up and kill'em all.
@Jito, the problems you are describing are not with Warmode then. If you encounter too many Horde players and feel overwhelmed, perhaps you could form questing groups or do them with a friend/guild member. Rally Alliance members on your realm to do something about it, or just transfer to a more balanced realm.
Yes warmode has a serious faction imbalance issue
No warmode shouldn't be removed from the game just because you got ganged....
It's should be fixed which will be hard
No warmode shouldn't be removed from the game just because you got ganged....
It's should be fixed which will be hard
20/08/2018 09:38Posted by Lucký@Jito, the problems you are describing are not with Warmode then. If you encounter too many Horde players and feel overwhelmed, perhaps you could form questing groups or do them with a friend/guild member. Rally Alliance members on your realm to do something about it, or just transfer to a more balanced realm.
I'd say they are.
There's the reward structure itself.
There's the way Blizzard shards players.
This is quite specific to Warmode. Asking Blizzard to do something about that is asking them to do something about Warmode.
Yeah, I could create groups. I could invite guildies. I could do this and I could do that. Again, I'm not trying to create excuses, I'm just presenting the gameplay experience as I see it: A lot of Horde players and few Alliance players. And then I'm saying this imbalance leads to some issues regarding the design of Warmode, vis á vis reward structure and sharding.
That is all.
And even if I did go all out on the self-help program and started to invite guildies and make groups and rally everyone, then I'd still run into the metaphorical brick wall that there are simply a lot more Horde players around!
I linked the images of my little questing experinece in Drustvar earlier. I counted 11 Horde players during that little trip. It seems insane if the solution to my World Quest problem is to rally 11 Alliance players to avoid getting constantly zerged by Horde. That's absurd.
20/08/2018 08:25Posted by Jitobut just go around spewing that stupid "Herp derp turn it off if you don't like it!" crap.
That's because most whines about warmode actually warrant this answer tbh. But yes, I agree that they will need to take action sooner rather than later if the mode is to keep significance.
Just turn war mode off if you don't want to get killed by the other faction.
I play in a server where the aliance is dead, and my class is the worst for wpvp/bgs. And guess what, while leveling up I found more aliance players, all lvl120 and with groups of minimum 4 players. I got rekt many times. But I don't come crying to the forums because of a game mode that let's me choose if I want pvp or not. I choose to have war mode on because I don't care what level, what class, or zone I'm. I've allways played pvp and allways will.
I play in a server where the aliance is dead, and my class is the worst for wpvp/bgs. And guess what, while leveling up I found more aliance players, all lvl120 and with groups of minimum 4 players. I got rekt many times. But I don't come crying to the forums because of a game mode that let's me choose if I want pvp or not. I choose to have war mode on because I don't care what level, what class, or zone I'm. I've allways played pvp and allways will.
20/08/2018 03:11Posted by Noregsits so hard to do questing with horde members camping wqs and alliance areas...I am sick of this world pvp bull !@#$ you all shove down our throughts...the idea of world pvp servers sucks hard core %^-*.. and needs to be removed. I only want to play, not stand for an hour to do a wq and only get killed by horde players who kill me while fighting mobs.
Turning on and off warmode requires like 10 IQ or something like that, try it.
20/08/2018 07:11Posted by Jito20/08/2018 07:05Posted by NazdregFirst off, Alliance is doing the same so just get off the high horse.
Clarify that statement, please.
Let's say a Warmode shard has 100 Horde players and 20 Alliance players.
Whatever it is the Horde players are doing, the Alliance players obviously cannot match them 1:1.
So if a lot of Horde players – let's say 30 players – are running around ganking, then it isn't possible for Alliance players to do the same, because THEY DON'T HAVE THE NUMBERS!!!!
Saying the gameplay experience is the same on Horde and Alliance side is just blatantly wrong. Why spew these stupid lies?!
Clarify what? That not all realms have less Alliance then horde?
Why is your experience in the matter more "real" then mine?
Dann tosspot..
21/08/2018 16:20Posted by NazdregWhy is your experience in the matter more "real" then mine?
Because yours is an anomaly and doesn't represent the general state of affairs, so therefore it's wrong to present it as such.
Saying that Alliance (a general term) is doing the same as the Horde (also a general term) is wrong when that's not the case for the vast majority of Alliance players. Then you should specify what you mean and say that on your server specifically it's this way. But insinuating that that the typical Alliance experience is akin to the way it is on your server is wrong.
What an arrogant statement, most of the people that play Warmode are going about their business, be it horde or alliance.21/08/2018 17:39Posted by Jito21/08/2018 16:20Posted by NazdregWhy is your experience in the matter more "real" then mine?
Because yours is an anomaly and doesn't represent the general state of affairs, so therefore it's wrong to present it as such.
Just because you're getting camped by a large couple of horde doesn't change the fact that you could do exact same thing they're doing. But you're not you're on the forums crying about it how much the faction imbalance sucks and have contributed nothing to how it could be fixed.
Next time don't be a douchebag, thinking your experience is more vailed then someone elses.
21/08/2018 18:35Posted by BasstaperWhat an arrogant statement, most of the people that play Warmode are going about their business, be it horde or alliance.
How is it an arrogant statement to say that an anecdotal experience – which is the opposite of what appears to be the general state of affairs – is not a fair way to evaluate the faction imbalance in Warmode?
In science terms, his experience would be called an outlier. That is not arrogant to say. It is simply factual.
21/08/2018 18:35Posted by BasstaperJust because you're getting camped by a large couple of horde doesn't change the fact that you could do exact same thing they're doing. But you're not you're on the forums crying about it how much the faction imbalance sucks and have contributed nothing to how it could be fixed.
But here's the deal.
Take this as an example:
There are a handful Horde players down there. I am alone. I can get a group you say? It's 05:45 o' clock in the morning! There are no other Alliance players with Warmode on in the zone!
Here's another example:
05:57 o' clock in the morning.
There are 7 Horde doing the quest down there. I'm alone. There are zero Alliance in the area. What would you have me do? Wake up all the sleeping Alliance players who still play with Warmode on and tell them to log in and assist me in Drustvar with a quest?!
There are simply not enough Alliance players around to "group up" as you say. If I were to do the "camping" as you suggest, then I would have to be able to gather as many Alliance players – if not more – than there are Horde players in a particular area. But that is simply not possible, because there aren't that many Alliance players playing with Warmode on. It's that simple.
Most often the Alliance experience looks like this:
You're there alone. The Horde players are also there alone – but because they're the high populated faction they tend to see more people of their own faction hanging around.
Because I play Alliance, I tend to see enemy Horde players all around – not friendly Alliance players I can group with. Such is the gameplay experience of being on the low-populated faction.
How about you supply me with numbers that show me that there is more horde players then alliance players.
You keep bringing science into it,so back it up with numbers then.since you are so eager to slaughter my opinion.
You keep bringing science into it,so back it up with numbers then.since you are so eager to slaughter my opinion.
21/08/2018 20:16Posted by NazdregHow about you supply me with numbers that show me that there is more horde players then alliance players.
I don't need a meteorologist to tell me it's a cloudy day if I can look up and see clouds filling the sky.
And I don't need numbers to tell me that Horde outnumber Alliance in Warmode when I can see it plainly with my own eyes.
15 minutes ago, world quest:
If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.
And if every zone and area I go to with Warmode on is filled with Horde players, then there are probably an abundance of them compared to Alliance players!
21/08/2018 20:22Posted by EndërIt's funny to see that your experience is the only and true one. Anybody else that experience something diferent is not the normal thing....
I haven't seen anyone present a couple of screenshots of them doing world quests in various areas and running into a bunch of Alliance players everywhere they go.
If you do have such an experience, then take a few screenshots and share them with the rest of us.
So far all I'm reading is that some people object to this notion that Horde far outnumber Alliance, but unless they can present an alternative reality, then simply objecting without having anything that suggests the contrary, well, that doesn't count for much.
21/08/2018 20:26Posted by Jito21/08/2018 20:22Posted by EndërIt's funny to see that your experience is the only and true one. Anybody else that experience something diferent is not the normal thing....
I haven't seen anyone present a couple of screenshots of them doing world quests in various areas and running into a bunch of Alliance players everywhere they go.
If you do have such an experience, then take a few screenshots and share them with the rest of us.
So far all I'm reading is that some people object to this notion that Horde far outnumber Alliance, but unless they can present an alternative reality, then simply objecting without having anything that suggests the contrary, well, that doesn't count for much.
If you read my post you would know why I took no screenshots, but anyway. You want to talk about numbers? just check this link:
Or just google the wow population and see that everywhere they have the same statistics....