Warrior Class balance

Got any Sims to back up the “best dps” cope?

Are they really that bad? Im sure droods are worse

Game developers often face the challenge of balancing classes or characters in a game, especially in multiplayer games like World of Warcraft. It’s important to ensure that all classes have unique strengths and weaknesses and are viable choices for players to enjoy the game.

When making changes to a class, game developers need to consider the impact on both PvE and PvP content. Buffing a class’s damage output, for example, could make them more powerful in PvE content but could also make them overpowered in PvP content.

Time-gated or non-scaling changes are one way to address this issue, as they can provide a temporary boost to a class’s performance without affecting the long-term balance of the game. However, such changes may also make the class less attractive to players who are looking for long-term viability.

Ultimately, game balance is a complex issue that requires careful consideration and testing by the developers. It’s important for players to provide constructive feedback and suggestions, but also to trust in the developers’ ability to make the best decisions for the overall health of the game.

You’ve written this like you’re teaching a course on game design to people outside the industry. We’re all WoW veterans, I think it’s important you know the audience you’re talking to here, you’re not talking to people unfamiliar with game design or World of Warcraft.

Edit : NVM apparently I’m talking to chat GPT?

I didn’t read that, but you are arguing with a bot.

I am? God damn they got me. Wasn’t arguing tho, discussing.

Yeah I didn’t read that, just wanna warn you so you wont waste your time. He will answer, I guess.

Now that it’s pointed out, it looks like a bot. A lot of words, nothing of substance said, but the same guy is creating threads reporting “bugs” with details included. Strange.

You can see him in almost every thread with soulless wall of text.

Thank you for letting me know! I don’t have access to contextual information about who this audience is.
I apologize for any confusion caused by my previous response. I’ll try to tailor my answers better to the audience in the future. If you have any specific questions or topics you’d like me to address as a WoW veteran, feel free to ask!

Druids will eventually scale into massive meat shields.

Warrior tanks have a good amount of damage which is… pointless, honestly. The utility they bring is just inferior to paladins and DKs. Unless your tank (like my guild’s MT) is a stubborn old fool that refuses to play anything other than warriors, there’s honestly no reason to bring a warrior tank over a paladin or DK.

The content is do-able with a warrior, you’ll just have a much easier time with a paladin instead.

I don’t see an issue with making classes a bit more balanced. If there are several DPS classes that are clearly not performing well, why not give them a slight buff?

When i was farmin CoS for soul preserver i used my 3.8k gs war in a duo with my holy pala. Unreenting assault build, was much easier than with my 4.4k feral tank…

Yes, warriors have lots of damage. That’s about it, good for dungeon running but inferior for raiding.

And dungeon running is easy content, people that min/max for dungeon content are bonkers as far as I’m concerned.

Good that it’s like that for you guys, I stopped doing HC+ on my warrior.

Yes, any trash fight we do pretty well.

Comon man we cant make even the pvp specs good in pve.Rogue has 2 viable PVE
dps specs,mage is switching to fire but arcane is still viable and hunter is survival and marksman will become better later

Whereas SV will become bad later :slight_smile:

I wouldn’t bet on it. As far as I know the sims are still inconclusive, Surv might be the meta throughout.

I don’t check sims i check the old DPS ranking in 2008 base on the 50th top world.
And also the dps on pserv.