Warrior defensive stance - nerf

It’s fine until you think about ignore pain being excellent paired with it.
Most of the time you cannot even break the shield unless you’re with all offensive cds up.

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Here is my take on it: Abilities in Def stance should only be usable if you wield 1h weapon (+shield).
I played tbc a lot and when you play warrior there you not only stance dance but you also swap weapons all the time, make that a thing here too.


then you would remove every offensive capability from defstance entirely.

Sure im fine with that but in exchange warrior will need utility or youre either instant dead or useless.

Just increase the cd on parry & cost of ignore pain but don’t just gut an entire stance.

While I don’t think what the person has posted is a good suggestion, I’m kind of shocked you said Warriors need utility to compensate such a thing. It already has the most utility in game, I can’t understand why you’d need more? the class is already overloaded compared to most.

Anyway, I think what you suggested would have been better, or healthier overall. But they should remove Warriors hitting 10k from charge, that’s kind of stupid… it’s suppose to be a gap closer.

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I mean, to ya’ll Dstance complainers, if you all think that warriors do too much damage while their output is reduced by 20%, perhaps it says more about warrior damage output in general rather than Dstance.

Dstance in itself is just as much of a benefit to you than it is to the warrior

As an added note, it’s just the design choice that Blizzard has went with. Mitigation over healing, and it’s beneficial in some situations and not in others.


Glad someone said it.


so you want to cut dstance entirely. Ill be a sitting duck doing no dmg when in dstance and if im not in dstance i just get blown the fck up dying in a good minute.

You need ANYTHING to compensate that lol.

Warrior doesnt need anything but with that suggestion you would basically remove warrior from the game.

Yeah idk personally not playing the charge talent tho i can see why its problematic. Execute hits for too much too imo.

Also if its about me you can just give me MoP warrior back where my abilities do the dmg whereas now 90% of my dmg is MS and Execute. Trust me, id prefer that much more.

What? no, I’m not saying remove charge. I’m saying stop it from hitting 10k.

I’ve heard people being hit for 30k, but idk if thats true or not. 10k’s generally what I see.

Yep, the damage is literally like 2 - 3 buttons and auto swing. Be nice if they reworks how it did damage to something more complex so it’s not that simple to do tons of damage. I don’t miss 2nd wind though, that was crazy early on in MoP.

well my comment was directed at the suggestion to only let warriors use abilities with a shield and 1hand while in deffstance. That would in fact make warrior entirely useless or at least Deffstance that is unless you play against a heavy setup comp.

i think its mostly 10-15k crits but paired with a 30k + execute you can just onetap ppl

well yeah nobody wants s12/s13 back, talking about s15 where 2nd wind was not problematic at all and warrior was in a super healthy state. Mostly due to Caster just dominating but every melee still had their place :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh, I don’t think I read that part. Kinda switched off after seeing 50% dmg reduction.

Yeah it’s alot, there’s not alot you can do to stop it either.

I’m not sure, I didn’t play much past the first patch of MoP I was pretty casual and just used 2s to cap my hunter and Duelled.

The thing with shadowlands is that damage / oneshots is completly f*cked. If they nerf warrior damage they need to nerf sub rouge burst damage aswell for example. My point was that in this scenario defensive stance does not even feel like a “defensive” ability.

Thats why I think that making it something you press when you see that people burst you would make it a “better ability”.

Overall a lot of things need to change in SL, just feels like some parts are not fair at all now though.

warrior is in a very strong position, but there are classes that have a lot more and better deff tools than warr.
such as mage, rog, bm

Ohh and also sp.

I agree that existance of Ignore Pain is rather the problem here. It’s so strong that Warriors don’t even bind Slam anymore.

dstance is what we’re complaining about now? come on

I agree, there are a lot of things that should be changed about the game. The thing which bothers me about dstance is the constant effect it has. Mage’s IB atleast has a 4min cooldown.

I think something like:
Rogue, Hunter, Mage

  • High damage, low survival

Warrior, paladin, death knight

  • Medium damage, medium survival


  • Low damage, high survival

Would be the best way to distribute damage and survival - nowadays it doesnt really feel like it. Some classes just outdamage due to them being in meta. Of course it is also hard to balance around 1v1, 2v2, 3v3 AND 10v10, but as it is now something needs to change.

What do you think we should talk about to make the game better then? I try to raise concerns about the game so maybe developers will do something.

Also a cool idea.

how else am I supposed to trinket a disarm and still be un-killable while completely LOS of my team

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Tbf Dstance has been a point of contention for longer than it hasn’t in this iteration.

You can’t really make it feel fair to play against in its current form.

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I think this is a problem on its own - what kind of game do we have where some classes arent able to be in the open and getting “blown the fck up”. As you mentioned somewhere else I believe a healthy state for warriors would be to make them do more damage from “abilities” rather than execute and MS.

Imo all damage and healing should be nerfed a lot, while we dont want 5h damp games I still think it is more fun for people when they can play for longer rather than to be dead and wait. This is mostly about bgs though but I think it could be implemented in arenas as well.

So like everyone else outside of warriors?

Thats just straight up wrong because other classes have utility for themself instead of tankiness

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