Hey Blizzard, please wake up :)

I agree craven is super strong. I honestly thought this would be the first legendary in SL thats gonna get nerfed but it pretty much avoided the bat. Everytime i face hunter with my warlock, i am close to just afk out of it.

everyone is running unity lol :smiley:

but while i share your hatred for Hunters in pvp, jsut be careful what you ask for, therres tons of damage legendaries that you have not had the pleasure of seeing in pvp.
nerfing craven will jsut make them switch

and then you will start moaning about the likes of a 1min cd Turtle for example or
the 35% crit dmg leggo

again i understand your frustration , but nerf X class because Y class is struggling you would need to think about the outcome

lets say they nerf craven…
but then all DoT classes become stronger , so then next patch , oh no … warlock / Shadow priest gets nerfed to compensate

its a balancing act, and while i truly agree it needs changing slightly, overnerfing it will only cause classes like ours to be hurt too

  • a happy medium would be buffing Agony to be not dispelable or corruption non dispel in pvp combat
    that way you dont need ramp up agony every GCD … ideas like this could help against hunters

I am NOT saying that def stance was the way to go. I agree - they should make it more similar to what did you say, S15 gameplay? But saying that you are objective and not biased towards warriors is being delusional. Sitting in defstance and outdmging other specs was NOT fine FROM MY POINT OF VIEW OF WHAT A DEFENSIVE STANCE IS.

There is nothing as 100% in a game where everyone has different opinions man.

Are you talking about my undergeared alt rogue with only 1 legendary? :rofl: You honestly try to reach for anything. I AM STILL NOT TALKING ABOUT SEASON 3. NOT. SEASON. 3. How dense are you?

Every opinion matters man. And thats why people like yourself will never be able to improve the game. It should be fun for everyone. It’s a game, it’s not your livelihood…

Are you actually mental?

Why 30 seconds? Why is that the magic number?

Because I am not critizing S3? I agreed on your points at the top. I am calling qidpuncher out for being biased.

Actually idk what is wrong with you but if this is all you can say then sure go ahead. I can just say that you are wrong and then our words will be against eachother but you will believe you are right because the world spins around you amiright? :wink:

:thinking: You are wrong, but since you are so insecure you can’t stop replying ;D I haven’t said anything about S3 yet you keep telling me that I Have 1400 in S3 while it is not even about S3. You can’t answer my representation numbers and then you straight up lie about other things we discussed. No point in discussing things with a child who has to get personal. Grow up man and get a life.


You just said im biased linking a thread where i state exactly what happens to warrior nowadays after the deff stance nerf. Was i wrong ? No. So how is that even close to biased, please find something where I’m actually biased instead of realistic.

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Want more Tee. Resto Shaman’s Lavaburst hits harder than Ele’s. And Ele’s and Enha’s Earth Shield heals for 2x more than Resto’s. Who the hell is designing this game?


Everyone dies “in a darn minute” if they are tanking damage. I see your point of warriors needing it. My solution would have been to increase defensives in dstance but nerf damage even more to force warriors out of it. I am not saying what blizzard did was a good solution. But you saying “ah dstance is fine because if they change it X will happen” while it was clearly strong since people could sit in it all game and still do massive damage.

How dense are you that for almost 2 days you have spent more time speaking about past seasons than the purpose of this thread to improve QoL of season 3?

Contribute your thoughts to S3 then or go to a different thread because your presence at the moment is useless.

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everyone dies in a minute yet this is the only change that made the vast majority of warriors swap their entire spec (that + the addition of set bonuses)

Did you even read the thread ? I stated clearly “Just increase the cd on parry & cost of ignore pain but don’t just gut an entire stance.”

Don’t think I’ve been even biased in the slightest in this thread. I was legit reacting to the OP stating that they should reduce Damage done by 50% while in dstance, how do i even have to justiffy myself like this wasn’t one of the most clueless ideas to begin with.


Guys we’re wasting our time responding to the rogue who plays at 1400 and has absolutely nothing to offer to a discussion about season 3 and is obsessed with talking about season 1 and 2.

Maybe in season 4 he will have something to say about season 3 :’)

Guys why do you even respond to him. He is one of the only 3 people on the forums I have on ignore list. He is delusional. Talking to him has no sense whatsoever. You won’t convince him because he is living in an alternative reality where Sub is B tier at best. While it’s probably the best expansion for Sub in history. The amount of cheesing Subs getting 2400 while not being able to push past 1800 in last 3 expansions is sick.

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I was legit thinking to myself as well that Lukien might actually become the first ever ‘person’ I put on ignore. I refuse to believe people are living freely with that much mental illness.

Now remember my topic and two clowns pretending that they were right even I clearly recorded a video add Lukien and it’s clear why WoW devs don’t read these forums. The amount of cancer and bias you can find here is ridiculus. Not going to lie I like to expose them and make fun of them but sometimes it’s like Don Quichote fighting windmills.

Now imagine devs reading this.

there will always be a stronger class. sometimes its your class, sometimes its another class

this has ALWAYS been the case.

@blizzard lets buff shadowpriest dots so they do 50% more damage and cannot be dispelled
oh and as soon as Tee reroll onto another class, be sure to buff that class too.

thank you blizzard

There is absolutely zero justification for a healer counterpart to be doing more damage with the SAME ability as the DPS spec.

Please stop talking on my thread, it’s been established that if there was an IQ test to type on this thread and you needed to score 10 or above, you would be locked out.

I don’t need to reroll as I have quit playing the season until the changes I listed in this post are acted on, but one thing for sure is that if I made a DK I’d get it to a rating in a day that you’ve never seen in your life.

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Stop talking on YOUR thread, stop talking on YOUR game, stop talking about YOUR class

oh dear , oh dear .

please overlord Tee may i require a buff to my class too ? or is it just Shadow priest at the moment

A player with a 45% win rate in 2v2 at 1500 rating needs a lot more than a buff in game :slight_smile:

yeh i need you to reroll to DK clearly for any action to be taken by blizzard … :wink:

I wait for 4 set to see if the game will feel more playable. My favourite castercleave (Ele/Boomy) is trash thanks to amazing game design. I can’t play with a guy I play since MoP regularly because suddenly our specs don’t work together while they were good together for few years.

you can play with him, , you just choose to only play the meta comps like 90% of the player base

… while i don’t care about rating ill just play with my friend

  • i feel like sometimes all people care about it showing off their rating like its some sort of measuring competition and in the process, lose a friend

TWD is pretty viable meta comp. Not S Tier but A or B at worst