I have been playing warrior for a very long time and 4 years ago I got really into the Mythic+. I have always had a really difficult time getting invited into groups. The main reason for that is the warrior does not bring ANYTHING to the party as utility spell, but Rallying Cry and Battle Shout, which lets face it… it’s nothing compared to Battle Resurrection, Bloodlust, Mass Dispel, Power Infusion and etc. I personally believe that a Warrior is a Hero of the War… if any class should have a spell called Heroism it should be him. Please give Warrior Heroism.
Classes with tank spec cannot have hero/bl.
Instead of that play tank and you will be invited in pugs.
Please give me one good reason why tanks cannot have Heroism ? How can they have Battle Resurrection?
And no… the idea is to play what you like in order to enjoy the game, not play what is mandatory in order to actually play…
No amount of new utility would save warrior atm.
Just give warrior bloodlust or hero!!
Let us be the secend or third melee that bring BL and the first tank that have BL!
Op tank already have the best instant cr dk pala druid. Let us bring something to m+.
TL;DR: Warrior is fine, you should focus on building a network to push keys.
I got lower gear than you, and worse score. Yet I do not struggle with getting into the keys I want to. Sure, I get declined by a few, but it usually takes less than 5-10 min to find a spot. I won’t say you are not having your described experience, yet I don’t believe you are telling the whole story.
If you are trying to push above 23+, you are boned if you are behind the curve. Let us say you have only done 22’s, as 23 area is filled with players that has done most to all 23’s and is a lot more apealing. Now, combine that with that the higher you go - the more coordination is required. As such, networking is how you build your groups mainly.
Basically, you should aim for networking and adding players you enjoyed playing with as much as possible. Then treat them as work-partners, you post your key, then you ask around if anyone want to join and need your key - you also ask them what key they got, if they can help you, in long term.
Build a network and relations. It will help you over the bump, if you are stuck in the transition area between 1-23’s to 24+. If you pump and play mechanically sound, you will get invited more and more within the network. It will also grow, as you get more recognised within the community. It is a slower grind, but it is what pays off - when people start to know your name there, you made it.
I already answered why warrior do not need more utility so many times, that if I write it again it will be a reason to report me for spamming. So please, if interested, you can check the debates in the pletera of forum threads about warrior utility and you will see them there. Feel free to add your cents, but there is no need for another new thread about the same issue.
Reason: 0 tanks with hero/bl.
That’s the main reason. It’s not mine, I was just remarking.
And why not?
Why tanks can have CR and not BL what is the difference?
Why cant resto shamans have charge?
I have done almost every key on both side (tyrannical and fortified) on 22, but 3 on fortified. I have a Medium Average performance in Warcraft logs of 93 and best average of 99.3. Every time I have ran a key I was always with highest damage done, with the most interrupts done (unless of course there is a paladin tank), same goes for the crowd control done. I am absolutely topping everything possible for a warrior in 22 keys. I have 2979 score with 445 item level, yet still I stand in queues for hours and hours without getting an invite. And about building a network, how can I build a network of people to play with when I don’t have the chance to actually show them what I can do. The moments I was actually invited to a dungeon run, like I said I outperform everyone in the run, the problem is that these people are not really the people I actually can continue to push beyond 23+.
Encha does.
But I want it for resto! The point I was trying to make is, even if you have BL you wont get invited more lol.
Ignore that guy he is constantly on this forum gaslighting everybody about the state of the class, saying stuff like “I do not have this problem” “I am getting invited instantly” etc.
He is clearly lying, that is why he is afraid to show his main and only writes on alt.
I am 2969, and I have same exact experience as you, I can wait for hours to join 20+ keys, and I like you did some 23s, that should be enough for most group leaders to understand I know what to do.
Warrior is not a desirable class in M+, you are not wrong, and many other people including me noticed that and pointed that out.
Trust me, Heroism on Warrior is not only logical, but it will be game changing for the whole class.
It wont tho.
Exactly, so what is the problem?
You’re playing a dps that’s the problem. Theres so many of you that i’ll always rather take highest exp player. To solve this push yout own keys to gain score, etc.
Warrior is in a really good place in the aspect of dealing damage. We are actually in the top 5 classes on damage. We have very good sustain with healing ourselves and good defensives. We have 13-15 sec CD on our kick, we can have up to 3 spells that are CC, if we decide to sacrifice damage. We have Spell Reflection which is really amazing in certain situations, yet still we bring NOTHING to the party, but 5% Attack Power and Rallying Cry… that’s it. Warrior is made to be a completely selfish class, which makes it undesirable for M+ high keys.
I thought about this a lot, and heroism is not a solution. I even thought that maybe warriors need utility, but I concluded that they don’t personally. We don’t need any more abilities.
That means: I think it’s not problematic that warriors have too little, but rather that most classes have too many utility abilities. The designers of the game just want people to press those utility buttons more in PvE, so they introduced these annoying affixes
If the solution to the relative lack of utility of warriors is to suggest removing utility from other classes you are gonna have a bad time. Unfortunately it’s better to suggest arming us instead of asking for a general rebalance of utility for group content.
Glad to see you are on the grind of networking, it is a really slow process and it takes dedication and work. You will most likely not find a spot in a 23, as you are now in the transitional stage. Hopefully, you got some people you can do keys with on more or less the regular at this point.
Now, what I personally find helping to get into these clicks and groups, is to always be vigilant for opportunities in the social tab. They doing a 21, yet I do not need it? I would join it. They will likely blast it to a 22 if not 23 in one go - and you are then set in for the group. You can also use that strategy in pugs - but more often you will see people just leave - but as you mentioned yourself: you pump. So if you did impress, and at the end of the key throw in the whisper ‘you doing another one after this?’ the chances would be quite high to get the lock-in. Keep it up for long enough, then people will go ‘Oh, yeah - I know of him, solid, invite.’ even when you PuG.
Remember you can reverse the situation, by doing your own key. Then you are the one who decides what and who to bring. Use the chance to see if you can’t find some diamonds in the rough. Make them join discord for communication, see if you can’t see if they are interested in doing multiple runs - make sure to end the two-three m+ session in good humor. Become someone they want to rejoin. Once or twice, no dice. Three of four, they come back for more.
Again, it more for others, not yourself as you are on task - networking is a lot of work and social relations take a lot to get started. Even more to harden. If you want to push up the ladder, you need to work on it and take every opportunity you got. Don’t talk down on people, be the bigger man - it will often open doors to their friends and spheres. They talk down at you, don’t int - answer back in kind, as we do - but keep it under control. Burned bridged spread fast in a small environment. The higher you go, the smaller it becomes.
Keep this in mind. I expect to see you in the 24 bracket next week if you keep up the work. The closer to the cutting edge, the harder it will be to PuG. So continue to do your very best to get into the scene as a staple solid pick.