Even if it is so that the other classes have more than needed utility and the affixes are there to make sure people use their other but damage abilities, why is the warrior made so that we cannot actually deal with ANY of the affixes? Especially the new affixes, Entangling-Avatar (1.5m CD)… Incorporeal-Shattering Throw (3m CD)… Afflicted-nothing.
Not only that we cannot help the group in any way, but we cannot even deal with Affixes.
Tbf for entangling we are already a very good choice, because we can spec intervene and intervene/leap out+ charge in again, etc. The problems are the affixes. Not the warrior… If afflicted was removed as a lame affix, then just having incorporeal as one unlucky affix for us, would be okay.
However, for example enhancement shamans have utility as if they were a support spec, but they get tuned as a pure dps, which is kind of lame. I think they should start categorizing “damage carries” and “damage supports” to balance it better. Dps meters are a joke anyway. The only reason people dislike this idea is most likely based on the damage meter… Maybe it would make sense, if blizzard introduced their own damage meter, and they show damage contribution. This would include the damage your presence contributed to the group with all utility things like auras, debuffs, etc. The main reason some players don’t want their spec to be a support just boils down to the stupid damage meter in the end anyway lol
Well, one thing that is probably going to nip the warrior in the but, is not our lack of utility. It is our damage profile. We are superstable, flatline DPS (with exception of arms tide build and OF fury warrior) that do not gain much from augmentation evokers and PI compared to certain other classes. As PI and AE kinda multiplies itself with classes own multipliers, the stronger the synergy the more it loops. The bigger the effect.
So I can easily see a world where warrior is no longer brought to high end. Basically it is the funnel DPS meta, the CD meta or Burst Meta, all over again - only this time it is the synergy meta.
Then it trickles down, the lads don’t know how to actual synergise at the lower level keys. All they know is that there are only certain classes brought into such comps. Warrior will never be one of them (if tides don’t somehow break into the meta). We will be kings of just undying pure stable and true output (perfect for PuG keys), yet we will never delete bosses/packs when all CDs are used in tandem. So our greatest strength is also our greatest weakness in these scenarios.
With AE being really powerful and fun to play, I forsee some grim times ahead. Even if we got heroism and baseline shockwave it would not matter - because it is not the core of the reason warrior falls behind at a high level. From there on, it is all community perception.
Taking away from other classes will never feel good for players that is why devs do not do it.
Giving warriors some utility will feel great for warriors, and will not hurt other classes directly.
Devs should rework Shield Block in arms to make it worth to use in some cases. For arms and fury.
Techincally it is worth using, if you are being targeted by something big bad that want to melee hit you. It is still the base SB DR%+blockrating effecting the damage.
Just in those cases as a DPS, things must have one really bad before then. But you could do that swap to 1h and shield to become a bit more tanky.
The best solution is often just to run tho. But if you cant, it is your best bet.
False: its not worth, it doens allown you to survive.
In Fury is wors cause cannot equip shield with macro rofl.
Always sad when warriors don’t know that the option is there.
Shieldblock is 35% DR against blocked hits. 6sec duration on a 12 sec CD, you can stack it with Dstance and Fregen. You can not use RB or Rampage, but BT is allowed.
To make a macro to swap to a shield, all you need is to have a
/equipslot 17 Shieldname
and a macro to swap back
/equipslot 17 Weapon
Then you can use these kind of macros to be able to cast abilities, without button bloat:
#showtooltip [equipped:shields] Shield Block; [noequipped:shields] Raging Blow
/cast [noequipped:shields] Raging Blow
/cast [equipped:shields] Shield Block
Hope you found this informative
I think arms warriors should have an offhand, so they’re something cooler than a mix between fury and prot with 1 sword.
I’d prefer a cross bow offhand, but a shield would also be cool
You troll right?
Not sure if bug or intended (pretty sure it’s a bug) but Arms can’t change weapons at all while in combat. This means you can’t do any type of sword and board play as Arms. You can’t even switch between two 2H weapons.
As for lust, perhaps they should go back to the old way of lust only affecting your group? Maybe give lust to a few more classes. They could turn Power Infusion into a lust which removes the PI problem while also being a buff to group play. This then leaves the door open for Warrior to get a Bloodlust shout.
Not a troll, you said it was not possible. So I showed you how it is possible to do. I simply gave you the option to get it up and functioning.
If you want examples of where it could be useful, let us say offtank died and tankbuster is incoming, you must sacrifice taunt. You pop this on; you gain 10% armor damage reduction, 35% block damage reduction - on top of Dstance 15%, Fregen 30% and enrage 10% dmg reduction. Making it very likely for you to survive the hit safely and the following autoattacks. This grants your maintank 6 sec of reaction time to then taunt it off you.
Hope you found this informative
I stand corrected, somewhere down the line blizzard have now combatlocked shieldswaps. So it is no longer possible.
Feels bad man
Are you people seriously suggesting that ? Like its an option for M+. The idea of this topic is to discuss why warrior is supposed to have utilities added. The idea is to discuss why Blizzard keeps creating Meta and why are they making whole classes unplayable in M+.
Arms Warrior need a rework.
More utility for m+
Colossus smash can be parryed losing all your dps in boss open with bl and prepot , this will get u kicked from any pug raid at first try wipe
Pvp so hard to reach other mobility classes.
Dps should feel more like a heavy hitter more slow and tactical
My suggestions but open for better ideas :
Colossus smash reworked in colossal strikes : your next 5 mortal strikes hit 40% more damage and rend abilities do 20% more damage
Rend reworked : apply rend to all nearby enemies aoe
Remove mortal strike debuff , and add more dps overall with burst Windows
Life shout 30 % hp to all party raid baseline , caped so not stack possible with other warriors shouts , only aument the duration if used same time.
BLOODWAR BANNER : First skill in wow history to give LIFE LEECH % to ALL Players for 15 secs , so all raid will heal themself in bad moments , plus using life shout , all people will survive Bad moments , arms warrior utility restored .
Exactly what I was talking about… But this should go for the whole warrior class… Bloodwar Banner is a good idea. Giving leech or damage or whatever, it doesn’t have to be heroism, just the name Heroism goes for Warriors, not a shaman. But in general adding group utilities for the warrior to make it a desirable class for M+. Because the ones we have a nothing compared to the other classes’ utilities.
Sorry this is nonsens. Once there was 1 BL, 1 CR. Once, Warriors had been the only class with a leap. Im back from a break just recently - as i played my first key in DF, literally ALL groupmembers had sort of a leap. So Warrior having no BL bcos no class with a Tank specc has it - this is just not an argument.
Classes with a “leap”:
Warrior - Heroic Leap
Drakthyr - Rescue
Rogues - Hook
DH (Vengance) - Infernal Leap (Oh yeah, meta on use is a leap)
Did I forget anyone - or do you say leap as in, any mobility CD?
Warrior is not meant to be utility it’s supposed to be good old face smash dps,
Also they have shouts to nerf damage off mobs so that’s a utility hp shout and an ap shout so apart from ressing and time warp etc it’s about as full of utility as needed.
Also give warrior a time warp ability or a ress would not suit them at all it’s against their lore.
In essence warriors are quite literally the loud mouths of warcraft all their buffs are shouts and they scream a lot in a fight too.
Can you imagine a warrior heal or ress by doing pushups? That’d be hilarious.
@Gromred you mean rallying cry for the hp buff I presume.
Yes like I said all warriors like to shout a lot they have a ton of utility if the guy who made thread bothered to look in his spell book he’d have seen it
Arms was originally 2 1 handers or a 2 handed blade back in the day they changed it to just 2 hander so fury could have sm and titans grip.
If you want that there is wow classic