Why is nonsense? That’s how the game is working.
Nonsense is to demand whatever cause potatoe.
What we need is pure damage, neither mobility, nor healing, utility, etcetera.
Why is nonsense? That’s how the game is working.
Nonsense is to demand whatever cause potatoe.
What we need is pure damage, neither mobility, nor healing, utility, etcetera.
It is a point with absolutely no sense at all saying „bcos a tank class never had BL“. Once noone but shaman had BL, once there was only one class with cr. So what im saying is the past shows, that your point is not valid. You can see utility gets and got spread around to other classes, why should it now be different?
You can go to California and discuss with devs.
You think it’s my opinion and thats only a fact.
Do you want an opinion? No problem: it’s not possible. Stop using raidbots or watata and learn a little bit of compound interest.
You want
1 * ( 1 + Colossus Smash ) * ( 1 + Avatar ) * ( 1 + Mastery ) * ( 1 + Heroism/Bloodlust )
augment by the face just to ensure Warrior have utility in groups.
No, warriors dont need utility: warriors need damage, battle is our ministry. Utility is for Mage Frost, Rogues, Druids, etcetera. We are warriors, we are in front of every lane.
Theres a lot of reasons about why warriors should not have BL.
Dude learn reading, i didnt even say i want warrior to have BL/ more utility or not. I just said your point of „wont be because it had never been this way“ is just a false argument as you can see on many examples over the years. No more no less.
First… reducing damage done by enemies is for protection warriors… Second, we are not talking about giving warrior the ability to resurrect allies in combat… We are talking about HEROism… which is supposed to be a Warrior thing… how is HEROism against the Warrior’s lore ?! And lastly… the only actually useful utility is the Rallying Cry, which is required extra talent points to be actually useful.
I think the argument of does warrior need extra utility is a valid one not because of class/character lore, its more that the content requires it. The content needs to have certain things to make it doable and the fact that you need to bring specific classes to perform at the higher end of the game breaks the content for specific roles so if you could supplement this onto other classes then everyone can enjoy the content on the class that they want to play. Lets take for example when it is the week that we have the dispel and cc affix. Warrior can use a fear/stun to cc one of them every now and again but why would you bring a warrior when you can just use a class that can deal with it all the time, Dispel affix a warrior is literally pointless in this regard. The only way you can progress onto doing higher keys is by doing your own keys and before you use that as the point of your argument the game should not be designed to force you into a corner there should always be multiple options and you should be able to join a high key and be useful. The fix for me will always be making affixes personal and only hinder the player that cannot deal with their own affix at least this adds a more dynamic aspect to a mythic + dungeon.
You can always mass-stun and fear. You should use them too.
You can always mass-stun and fear. You should use them too.
I mentioned this in my above post but you cannot do this as regularly as other classes meaning you are less likely to be brought to a grp
As a warrior myself, one thing I miss is having more ways to be independent.
I remember when Fury Warriors could use Ignore Pain, which makes it easier for Healers to focus on others who need healing while you get a temp defence for a short while.
I think one thing warriors should have is some kind of War cry, where it would provide the party with a buff to attack. Its no Bloodlust, but its enough to let parties have a good push of attack to finish off bosses or deal with a group of mobs quicker.
Heck, the War cry could even be based on your spec.
War Cry Fury - Increase Haste
War Cry Arms - Increase Attack
War Cry Protection - Increase Defence.
But those are just my thoughts.
Warriors do a get a good amount of debuff moves, such as stunning, slowing, fearing and if you’re in PVP, disarm and break shields. So Warriors are sort of like rogues. They don’t do much for the party, but they can do things to the enemy to make it easier for the party.
Fury warrior, in between its flat % damage reduction, its selfsustain options, spell reflect and even dstance for the big busters - is actually exactly what you remember as to this day. Someone the healer only glanses at on occasion. If Fury got ignore pain as well, I don’t think there is anything in this game that could one shot us that hasn’t killed everyone else 3 times over. We are super tanky. We don’t really need more of it.
The war cry idea could be an alright addition. Yet perhaps it could be turned to make our shouts more interesting picks in the talent tree. If intishout also reduced damage the enemy did, howl debuffed the enemies with slower attack-speed and berserker rage gave the affected targets mini-enrage when a fear got removed, then it would be actual options to pick. So some focus and love given to that from the devs could be neat.
Your final thoughts sing very true. Warrior do indeed have a toolkit that allows it to force the enemy to react and hindering the enemy. That is of course on top of our direct stops; fear, stuns and pummel. We are in a good spot and a good pick for most party comps.
Bring back Conqueror’s banner so we will have an unique buff like prist pi. Buff Rallying cry to make it strong group safe ability (Maybe make it heals + hp buff). Give us an utility to deal with new affixes. Fully rework arms and fury need some love too.
Warriors should/could have another shout buff. Something like boost morale but call it something else, where Versatility are increased with 5% for 10-15 seconds, or something like that.
I thought about this issue a lot now while playing.
Here my new changed opinion regarding warrior utility:
Spell reflect is sadly worthless in pugs, because people don’t understand to not interrupt, when I’m being targeted, so it really requires a group environment, where I shout in disc “don’t interrupt” for it to be as good as it can be and stay balanced.
This means imo that spell reflect should get a minor redesign to how it works, so pugs can benefit from it too. Alternatively a choice node for a more pug friendly alternative to spell reflect could make sense. I think the main counter argument would be: “If I play with low rio people, who don’t consider spell reflect, then that utility is meaningless anyway”, which I can understand ,but I’ve seen 3k+ rio people, who don’t consider this at all.
Then, rallying cry is very hard to balance between raid and M+ or even pvp utility. I suggest a choice node for rallying cry to grant a utility spell specialised for smaller groups. I would put the PvP Talent War banner there as a choice node with rallying cry and change its effect from CC reduction to group-wide CC removal. This will be strong in M+ and give warriors more counter play in PvP without relying on absurd damage to be useful. It would for example remove entangling for the whole group, which would give warriors at least a week, where they have their usefulness too. Putting heroism on a choice node with rallying cry is also sensible ofc.
What about reducing haste from Hero/BL and giving something equal to warrior? Maybe something it gives Crit or Crit Damage.
Which is exactly what would happen if you gave a tank class a heroism. Either all tanks have to have it or no tanks have it. If you give it to one tank that would be the only tank that people would take.
What is your point?! Shaman was the only healer that have bl until evoker came so what ? It’s not like resto shaman gets invites to m+ in legion bfa and shadowlands people would rather get an actual healer like resto druid or holy paladin. This would change nothing but make warrior have a chance to get invites to m+. If you want an actual tank you would rather replace dps and invite druid tank.
As for dps fire mage and evoker topping everything including m+ and have dispell, hard cc roots stuns group defensive and group utility and yet they have bl on top so what? One extra melee have bl would solve alot of comps or groups that dont already have bl in thier roster.
I dont really understand why you need it, DPS warriors look like they are getting invited into keys bearing in mind they make up more than 8% of the dps in all timed keys this season.
They are doing better on invites than some other classes.
And we all know that post 10.15 no one but mages and priests are getting invited. but that issue affects all other classes.
If you like to bring utility to the party play a shaman warrior who has the totems for this exact reason. Do not mess with the unique abilities of each class. Enough classes have got BL/HC type spells and it tends to be a trend…
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