Warrior hit cap, weapon priority and more (Era lvl 60)


Yesterday I was lucky enough to get a spot for my guild’s Naxx, even though my gear really isn’t too great. And even luckier, I managed to get the Hatchet of Sundered Bone axe on an OS roll.

I am playing fprot and my main priority is getting tanking gear. As I’m a human, the hit cap is +6 for swords/maces, and +9 for axes. Until I got my axe I used Quel’serrar MH and the Warblade of the Hakkari OH, being capped at +6. Now I need +9. I have some blues with hit on them in the bank, but it would mean sacrificing A LOT of stats for the extra hit rating.

So my question is, which of the following should I choose until I get better gear:

  1. Quel’serrar MH, Naxx axe OH, 6% hit and uncapped for the OH
  2. Same weapons as above, 9% hit and sacrificing like 50str, 50agi, 50stam, heaps of def
  3. Naxx axe MH, ZG blade OH, 6% hit, no stat sacrifice but not hit capped for MH
  4. Quel’serrar MH, ZG blade OH, hit capped but no Naxx axe

If you want to check out the gear that I have, you can find that on Classic Armory. Character is Teldor on Earthshaker EU.

Thanks in advance! :slight_smile:

sim it and find out


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