Warrior in pve - wheelchair class

Current state of warrior in PVE can be described by only: KEKW

  1. performance only within 55% of entire encounter due to mechanics of condemn working only above 80 and below 35%
  2. whole spec relies solely on Condemn dmg - every top raider warcraft log show that - around 45%+ condemn uptime
  3. entire performance is around 5k dps single target ONLY if the group performs good to bring down the boss down to 35% after initial execute phase
  4. whole class design is so bad it’s being carried by one ability from one covenant
  5. there are only two bosses in entire castle nathria, where warrior can perform above 5k:
    Huntsman - due to cleave (top raiders do around 8k dps)
    Lady Inerva - also due to cleave (significantly lower one, top raiders perform at around 6,5k+ dps)
  6. all of the above are taken from purple warcraft logs
  7. Warrior representation in high end raids is:

Mythic Shriekwing:
top 100 - 0 warriors

Mythic Huntsman Altimor
top100 - 56 place - ONE warrior

Mythic Hungering Destroyer
top100 - 0 warriors

Mythic Sun King
top100 - 3 warriors, 2 fury, one arms

Mythic Artificer Xy’mox
top100 - 0 warriors

Mythic Lady Inerva
top100 - 0 warriors

Mythic Council of Blood
top100 - 99 boomkins, one warlock, ofc 0 warriors

Mythic Sludgefist
top100 - 0 warriors

Mythic Stone Legion Generals
top100 - 2 warriors

Mythic Sire
top100 - 1 warrior

THAT'S 0,7%

There is no reason to take a warrior into a raid besides rallying cry and battle shout - if that was the purpose of design, then warriors are just shout bots, nothing more.

All three specs in pve are underperforming and even bringing purple logs doesn’t change anything so it’s not gameplay issue, or rotation issue, warrior is just dead in pve.


Am i understanding you correct in that you are saying that dps warriors are not doing above 5k dps on mythic bosses in the raid?
Beacuse this:

I might have missunderstood you but if you are looking at what it sounds like you are looking at you are just wrong (or a heck of a lot of people raid on friday that got in the list between you making this post and me writing this)

That list includes multi-target fights, he was talking about single target fights.

Please go through every single fight and you will again see it is just wrong.
Unless he is talking about very specific things.
But as far as I can see he is just wrong.

You see what he is doing is looking at the top 100 out of all the specs not just warrior so that does not show the story at all.
The lowest i see is on shriekwing with “only” 15warriors above 5000 dps.

Since you want to compare best warriors only in specific environment, let’s do it then:
(~~ stands for average)

Mythic Sludgefist (your link) SINGLE TARGET DPS

Warriors 1-10
dps range: 6590-6214 ~~ 6402 - warrior will be the base dps then for single target fight

Unholy DK 1-10
dps range: 7790-7142 ~~ 7466 -

unholy dks are 16% better

Druids (all specs) 1-10
dps range: 9139-8724 ~~ 8931 -

druids are 39,5% better

MMhunters 1-10
dps range: 8183-7792 ~~ 7987 -

mm hunters are 24,7% better

Mages 1-10
dps range: 9898-8829 ~~ 9363 -

mages are 46% better

WW Monk 1-10
dps range: 7795-7228 ~~ 7736 -

ww monk is 20,8% better

Ret Pal 1-10
dps range: 8519-7678 ~~ 8098 -

ret pal is 26,4% better

Spriest 1-10
dps range: 8702-7956 ~~ 8329 -

spriest is 30% better

Sub Rogue 1-10
dps range: 7321-6965 ~~ 7143 -

rogue is 11,6% better

Shamans, all specs 1-10
dps range: 7803-7352 ~~ 7577 -

shamans are 18% better

Afflock 1-10
dps range: 10035-8987 ~~ 9511 -

afflock is 48,5% better

Demon Hunters 1-10
dps range: 6649-6096 ~~ 6372 -

dh is 0,5% worst


at least they buff out magic damage dealers thats > physical damage dealers atm plus a niche defensive

That is you that want to only look at this from a specific environment

This is what you said.
This is just wrong.

Is more than 5000 dps.

Fury average on the whole raid 5,375.65dps
Arms average on the whole raid 5,115.22 dps.

I have no issues with that warrior needs to be buffed but your claim that warrior can not do 5000dps is just wrong.

You then use a completely different statistic to show your point.
The one you showed is irrelevant.

You then follow it up with looking at the top 10 you know the max logs the cheese logs the logs that is irrelevant to real situations.

Again to be clear here warrior does need to be buffed at least 1 spec but you are missreprestning where they are and you are misinforming people.

Sorry, i should be more precise, I used nominative case “you” just to relate the majority of average warrior players.

When we compare top in the world, of course you are right warriors need a buff, since my data proven that when we compare best players in the world and average warrior presence in the mythic CN, they are far behind.

I related only to data you provided with the link, I’m sorry you read it wrong way tho. Of course you can argue with me, but statistics are obvious and clear here.

It’s your data you used in this argument. Can you delete former topic then, if you consider it irrelevant? Cause obviously you are wrong then.

Hope you have a great day :slight_smile:

5k dps singel target is bad, come on thats more than decent

Everything is relative. In an HC it’s good and on a Mythic it’s bad.

Once more you go for “technically correct.” You did that with me in a prior debate in order to be superior, I then dismantled your entire line of argumentation and you fled instead of replying as you had nothing to reply with that could support your argument.

Once, sure, it might just be a one-time thing. When someone does it twice it’s a sign of a pattern, and the pattern you show is that you dishonestly wade into arguments in order to prove your superiority by pointing out the “technically correct” instead of actually debating the argument itself.


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