Warrior Nerf

I hope we have 1 awc not rmp winning it gn im old have to sleep completely bonkers from gym and work

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yep ik, its horrible try it in shuffles :slight_smile:

thats why i only took the shredder mog on my sub, im not touching shuffle with it and i dont have mage to play with so i cant go 2s as i cant go lfg look for mage to play rm either

i imagine same reason lukien decided to not touch shuffles too, he had partner to play 2s with luckily, he didnt have to endure the shuffle fiesta. i think its good if can avoid shuffle

i wouldnt do it either as sub, but 3s with an good mage is alright, even Fmp is atm a S tier comp, so i think rmp have to be really strong

but rogue will be a good shuffle class, if assa is viable again, but i dont mind when assa isnt viable, hate to play against especially with the new cloak talent

the thing is, rmp feels even more strong, compared to shadowlands because mage got too much love after the rework, they are overloaded kitwise

and i mean rogue have now a bubble “cloak of shadows”

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yea assa definitely will see better action shuffle, mode more suited for the sustain dmg

as for 2s i think there lies rm angle too with fire having good tier and sub gaining buff and talent rework which i like more because i dont have to use danse macabra which playstyle wise felt unnatural to me to drop stealth to danse instead open from stealth to optimize the buff

there is still danse macabra but you dont have to play it, god i hope i dont have to use it

yep, thats why i dont like shuffle, its not about communication, or “good setups” its most likely, do much dmg as possible, trade the cds “right” which doesnt work anyway in the most cases, and just do dmg, until its unhealable

it is crazy to me, that solo shuffle games at 1.8/2k last for max 30-40 secounds, because its a oneshot max dps fiesta, and healer cant heal this overwhelming dmg

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Let’s not forget pressing Ignore Pain also get’s their CDs back faster. Spending rage reduces the CD of Overpower, Colosus Smash, Bladestorm and increases strength. Luckily Blizzard saw that and in 10.2 Ignore Pain will no longer interact with talents like these.


ah true forgot about that, yeah i wish i had ignore brain too as an feral, imagine beeing tanky and getting faster incarn back :joy:

atleast they know that this talent exist, maybe the next season will be better we will see :smile:

idk it could be fun too, alot classes are gaining crazy stuff so it reminds like mop where alot of classes were fun cos they were so crazy, imo its good if alot specs are made broken instead few 1-2, atleast people like mop alot and still many ppl think it was the best expansion and alot of things were broken there :smiley:

i mean yeah, but i still dont understand the big item level increase, i have 900k hp on the ptr lol

i hate mop because of comps like Ls d back in the days but everything else was :fire:

How friendly :smiley: And wow you are defending the almighty with his awesome opinions? You prefer to defend boosted people and call me trash? :open_mouth: I have never said that I think that sub is B-tier and I quote myself:

But I suppose that reading comprehension isn’t your strong suit? :wink:

Idk where you are but usually people on the forums like to refer to that as some sort of metric :smiley:

Yes but I wasn’t talking about that? :smiley: So you are saying that sub and feral is equally broken? :open_mouth:

A question for you: if sub is the most broken spec in the game together with aug why aren’t more people playing it in solo shuffle? :smiley: Why is it the 21th played spec above 2400? :open_mouth:

I did try some shuffles to experience the torture :smiley: But it is ABSOLUTELY NOT my favorite bracket but I think he likes to argue by putting false words into my mouth :open_mouth:

I HAVE played it (54 rounds) vs 190 + 130 in 3v3 :thinking: I wonder which one I like the most :open_mouth: Especially after all of my “hate posts” towards shuffle.

Indeed! But solo shuffle can be a good metric for when specs are really strong compared to others.

I was just confused about your statement on how sub and aug is the most broken when they are barely played in the bracket which is known for FOTM?

Like I said, I think sub can be extremely broken and especially in the 3v3 bracket (when you have a good team like RMP to back it up) but compared to the other brackets I think that sub is less of a problem compared to arms.

Maybe I would face you in 2v2 if we were at the same MMR… Maybe come back when you are 2.1k :wink:

Please quote because I never said that :wink:

Haha I didn’t know you were a liar :open_mouth: I said that when warrs went from 4% to 13% in SL that this might be an indication that they are strong… But I understand if you are struggling with reading :wink:

Still not :smiley: Read and you would understand.

I never played outlaw in shadowlands but okay :smiley:

This is impossible… two delusional people who keep lying…

You don’t… but I guess you need to rely on lying and boosts to get anything done :smiley:

shuffle is the worst hands down, 40min que for something that is complete out of your hands almost, you start setup opener and someone just randomly died to air cos heal was sleep or the person ran other side wall in mugambala from heal etc just random things and ppl prefer waiting 40min for this :exploding_head:

dip me in butter and roll me in flour and set on fire rather than spend my days being baked in this stupid mode that ruined pvp!

i was healing 2300 dps on 1900 druid and i saw fury mount alone other side of wall on start when me and destro went top for the locks portal and we looked the fury other side of that wall like what is this guy doing and his 2300 rating somehow even tho he dont even have brains

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Check Pvp Me im above 2.1 with both chars ww monk and feral ?

u did, i checked it on xunamate before this site got closed, it showed Rating/Mmr and Spec history Stop lying man

i mean thats for sure, but tbh Thanks to Trash Solo Shuffle, every other bracket is just Dead sadly, we only have Shuffle, and a little bit 3s who is also close to dying

The Problem is about the comp variety its same with feral back in Shadowlands, it had a “low representation” because feral was only with one comp Viable, and this was Jungle, and Jungle was in Sl ssn1/2 Completely Op

Same with Rogue, u see sometimes a rogue with an enhancer or ret, but in 99% of cases with a Mage (rmp)

Problem about Aug evoker is, he also only have 2 Comp varietys Feral and Dk, and i tell you, to face stuff like this, is Zero Fun

und cant kill anyone of them, and u have to accept, to die Slowely, its like Playing against Prot Pala in BFA or Sl

i would say Aug evoker is a bigger Problem than Sub Rogue, but Sub Rogue in combination with a Mage is Performing too Well Toolkit wise, alone the fact, that a mage can knockback now is crazy to me, and also the low cd on his deff cds now…

Depends, most likely not, when it comes to setup classes, but if it comes to zugzug classes who does a high amount of dmg, then yeah for sure

never saw one to be fair

Like i said before, because sub rogue is setup based, and in shuffle everyone drs the stuns, before u can do a setup, while in rmp sub rogue is overperforming

Not the Class itself, but the Comp Synergie (Feral Aug evoker) (Sub Rmp) This Synergie have to be Nerfed

i dont know who is boosted, or not, and no i dont have the intention to deffend someone “who is boosted” or who is not, but i only wrote my opinion

fave does not need to defend me lukien can link screenshots from chats or something to proof his point im waiting , i justt know fave for 10 years almost i guess wod s3 or?

i streamed my dh games in s2 of sl lukien and my alt dh was higher than your whole existance if u wanna flame me xD so i cba talking to u.

and playing rog is on the same lvl as beeing boosted most unfair broken class since the launch of arena.

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Haha this is actually getting scary…? You can ask all the people I have been playing with. I didn’t even want to go from sub to assa in S1 but people didn’t want to play with sub :frowning:

Yeah I think it is kinda sad… I wish they would have made SoloQ integrated in 3v3 somehow instead of making this “side-bracket”.

Yes I agree! Representation can be very bad as a metric for when a spec is broken or not. Especially when we talk about specs with very niche comps such as RMP or jungle.

I agree! Pre-nerf aug was the worst thing I have ever experienced :joy:

Indeed it becomes very boring and I think the game should avoid scenarios like these.

YES but this is what I am talking about! When you have that combination with rogue / mage we can have a very interesting discussion on how the game becomes extremely different (especially when you have a mage and a rogue with good synergy etc). The question then becomes “Is it due to outplay potential or because they are just broken?”. That is why I am trying to engage discussion about other brackets than the top 0.1%. If the spec is broken - why isn’t every FOTM playing it? CAN the spec be broken in combination with good players? If yes - how can we change it to make it balanced?

I think another issue as well can be - if we only have X comps that allow for really big outplay potential - how should we deal with the comps with less outplay potential?

I think an analogy could be: if each comp is represented with a car - the fastest car might not win if you have a good race driver in the worst car. But if the point is to see who is fastest it doesn’t matter how good the race driver is if his car cannot exceed 50km / h (fastest is 100km / h). Do you see my point?

Exactly! Which is also why I think that shuffle itself is kinda bad - why should we reward zugzug? Like in S1 with assa you won by default most of the time… Extremely boring.

Yes! I do not disagree with this. I just think there is a difference saying: “sub is broken” and “sub is broken to an extent when played in RMP”.

Yes good then I agree with you.

Yeah I understand. And again I am sorry if I offend you - sometimes I just like to engage with this kind of “spark” to try for a discussion. Make people think about more things than their own opinion you know? (The only thing I dislike about you is the relation you have to Rakar)

Ah yes! The “I won’t prove anything I will let you prove something” argument :joy:

I remember seeing you playing with m-glads and struggling at 2k :open_mouth: In SL S2 that’s kinda yikes tbh… I know it is useless talking to you because things seem to go in to one ear and out through the other :smiley: But I suppose being “2.7k” and unable to breach 2k in solo shuffle as arms with 367 games played shows your skill :joy: Yeah I don’t think I will be replying anymore sorry… Come back once you get duelist in df…

:rofl: Why aren’t you playing one then? :open_mouth: I would love to see you stream some games of you getting 2.4k easily as a rogue!


now here come the excuses lets hear em

The credibility of someone who needs to buy boosts is close to zero :slight_smile:

The fact still stands that you are unable to reach even duelist if you aren’t boosted by R1s :joy: Maybe you should learn some humility? :slight_smile:

614 games at 1961 rating and you come in here trying to rating shame? :rofl: Thanks for the good laugh :smiley:

Probably because sub is a controll specc that needs communication, and that is nonexsistant in shuffle.


All good dude, i was also a bit toxic and took it too personal :joy:

Idk why blizz couldnt do one thing right, people asked for SOLO QUE and not shuffle, like Solo que, how everyone knows from Privat server, just a Solo que 3s Mode, fast ques, fast games :sob: Every Blizz Ceo is just du…

I dont like the Fact, that some Classes are Limited to only one Comp, and in this one Comp they are Completely overperforming, so if u nerf one of those Specs, a one class can be completely “unplayable, in competitive high games” so sadly really hard to balance

Well i know him since Wod because of the Guild from a Friend :smile:

There exist communication in Shuffle, its called ZUGZUG and ooga booga meele dongo longo, just train the Warlock, until he´s dead

and the first one who dies, getting flamed

or the classic one, dying behind a pillar and then flaming the heal with “HELLO CAN I GET A HEAL WTF??”


Yea btw is candy still playing ?

yep, but only pve