Warrior Nerf

Oh wow is this arenamate? They seem to have some really distinguishable numbers :open_mouth:

To be fair I DO think that sub to a certain extent can be completely broken at the moment but mostly not because of the reasons people are listing here…

Yeah tbf I cannot understand the number of warriors coming in here to complain about mages…

But idk… I think my forum stay is coming to an end :smiley: If I can be muted for calling people out when other people are going unmuted for saying the most horrendous stuff makes the entire point of the forums incredibly boring…

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na its drustvar and its god miserable to play rogue in shuffle, i wont play it past the “tmnt shredder” mog which i wanted and even that was enough, rogue is god awful design for shuffle but this is nothing new

people just dont realise how it affects when they dont let it sap or spam shockwave every lobby with rogue in team and then storm bolt into blind for no reason

and then you come forum and you see someone say “omg rogue so op” cause they trinketed something random i guess

also related the other matter, ik but we just play along the rules what they state and pay the debts when opportunity present itself

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Which comb won awc twice back to back? Rmp as sub and warlock that literally says it all. But why should we explain it to someone who doesnt even know his rotation as rog kekw

its not only warriors rly, theres too many stuns in the game, every class has some stun and when its team of 3 in random setting and everyone spam their stuns it makes playing sub on that shuffle circus kinda meh

i mostly hate tho that ppl never let sap and when you kidney they dont know that you could do kidney → blind → sap so they disturb that at some point too

idk rogue dont feel fun for shuffle but its what i predicted that only classes that are not hurt by other peoples actions will be fun and effective in general

rogs and mages work in controlled enviroment in team that you build, propably not supprise to any, dont know where that leaves the game tho if we make it mostly about this shuffle and vacuum people from 2/3s into this, where does this leave the setup based specs i dont know

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Haha yeah it can be very frustrating… I just think people fail to understand how important DRs can be for a sub rogue especially in a burst meta for sub rogues :open_mouth:

Yeah the duel oneshot is still possible for example as well but I would like to see people explain why rogues are so broken instead of just mention it in a 3 word sentence :smiley:

:rofl: we aren’t talking about comps here but maybe that was too hard for you to understand :joy: But a sidenote: why shouldn’t the two best comps in the game be setup based comps such as jungle and RMP / RMD? I believe it is supposed to be like that. The comp that offers the greatest outplay potential played by the best players should win.

But why am I even bothering explaining something so trivial to someone who needs to buy boosts and is hardstuck 1400 if he doesn’t play with R1s? :slight_smile:

Haha oh yeah this can be so frustrating :smiley: I did this but instead of letting me sap the hunter went for a DR stun :smiley:

i don’t know fam , people can aoe fear my pet as demo during my tyrant burst and make my entire spec useless just for 1 aoe cc or tyrant cc

if arms get same demo treatment were people save their cc’s and use it moment warrior use blade storm it will hilariously kill the spec , similar how it turns demo into a joke because tyrant not immune to cc’s

its called counterplay by that metric lets make fist of fury unccable and let me do 100k ticks without u being able to stop it
the cc pets part of demo could use a cd for pet cc immunity

you know where irony tho ? if they took blade storm entirely it won’t change anything haha

cuz entire base damage and 50% healing reduction on top of spell that reduce it by 100% will make spec always busted in arena regardless how much they nerf it ,

i can only see it become bad if arena didn’t have any dampening , but sadly thats not the world we live in right now

and when i play sv there is mm in same lobby almost always after the mm buffs who scatter shot random on healer to dr my trap, and also like can see from representations that sv isnt one of the hot melees just like sub isnt

all these that rely on setup windows hurt most when other melee specs can rely on high sustain dmg through game and win in dampen

i think rog, sv and even mage specs are hurt most by this shuffle even tho ppl wont admit it, but it shows in representations for me clear enough, mage were among top when it was high dmg example and when dmg got tuned bit it immediately drop, cant rely on setup based gameplay in shuffle, its high sustain till dampen style gameplay that matters most, ww,ret,uhdk,arms currently provide that for melees best and for ranges there is the abomination of aug that just needs to be deleted from the game, thank you

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Dont waste your energy for this Trash rogue, he always write nonsense, and thinks his class is trash and b tier

Nobody talks about your useless favorite bracket

sub has the same representation as feral at 2.4 in 3v3 but okay boomer


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erm, lukien doesnt play shuffles as show in his record, he has duelist in arenas atm tho and nothing in shuffles so shuffle is not his favorite brachet

wait what i just see this, so your saying warriors are worse than sub rogs or mages in general?

where do you base this, which brachet and can i have some data, i personally look shuffle 2400 because that is the mode which made other modes obsolete for now but im willing to take data from other brachets too

idk check is check pvp he does.

u can do, but i personally dont do that, because i dont care about solo shuffle, and 3s is still the “real arena bracket” And the interest in shuffle is becoming less and less every season wouldnt be surprised, if they rework shuffle in the next xpax

Not on Low Elo, but at High Elo in 3v3 Bracket Yes (its only about 3v3) because like i said i dont f care about solo shuffle, in solo shuffle is aug the best performing class and after that idk some meele zugzug classes?

Talking about Feral, because he said theres are “more ferals than sub rogues” pls open your eyes

Theres less Mm hunters around than Sub rogues, does that mean, that MM is bad? idk

and btw every r1 streamer is ranking sub rogue at S Tier but okay


sub is below arms by miles wdym man

arms, shadow, retri, ww, uhdk, balance, aug and then comes sub with the smallest ammount of players


uhdk, sv, ww, feral and again sub as last with the least ammount of representation

so these were data for 3v3 and 2v2 but all these support lukiens claim that sub is not doing great, what am i missing here?

isnt he right when he says that rogue is not the problem atm

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Typical whaazz fanboy u say?

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Na some random Rogue who is looking for an Excuse why he stuck at 1.8 rating, his class is not strong enough u know

and rmp in his eyes is b tier

I knoe i was talking w hin in bfa aswell and i asked him why he is not 2700 when rmp in s4 was godtier and he said cause rmp is bad since then i troll him.
Abd btw if u remember warrior was not good but lock was broken af he told me warrior is s tier i knew from that moment he is clueless and i will troll him for ever .

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ehm, he is acting like, that rogue is bad, while every r1 streamer rate it at s tier :joy:

Sub rogue doing great, especially at high rating with rmp? wym

at 2v2 u shouldnt care about anyway, its full of warri hunters and rdroods especially full of rdroods

its one of a problem in combination with rmp because mage got also a completely overloaded toolkit

idk biggest problem what i noticed so far is Aug Evoker, Ret/warri comps Rmp and maybe Boomy Ele? /ah and btw rdrood

Yeah he only saw rating when outlaw rogue was completely broken in shadowlands, but after that. a questionable Person who dont even know, when his comp/class is good /broken, i mean every r1 streamer rate it at S tier, i think they have a better Knowledge than a rnd 1,8 rogue? idk

yeah i remember, in 3s in every game was a destro lock, and sometimes even double destro , then u had some jungles and rmp´s thats it

If i remember correctly he once said that skillcapped tierlists are totally useless i said yea the awc champs have less clue than you we bow down to you.

We should let him be he does have a hard life as rog man. No front lukien

ik 10.2 will make sin/sub one of the top specs again in any brachet but currently if i look shuffle, 2v2, 3v3 2400 all rogue spec seem the least played among the 2400 top

im waiting on the 10.2 then i start talk of rogues really or what they need nerfed there, both specs looks becoming godtiers again but quite many specs are so will have to wait how they affect each other too

like destro is among the best specs on predictions but so are both arms/fury which are going to affect locks standing aswell so cant straight up state that “destro will be strong” i have to wait and see how it all settles down :thinking:

im happy their buffing rsham 10.2 it will go nice with the arms buffs in 2v2, arms+rsham is fun

What a clown :joy:

i cant wait for the sentence “my mates are the reason why i stuck at low rating, its the fault from my mates” :joy:

He is the best example of an LFG type who only looks for blame in others :joy:

I mean, it is Lukien who tf is Whazz? lukien have him on farmstatus, he knows rogue better than every other r1! thats why he knows when rogue is b tier and when not, but in his opinion, i think rogue is since vanilla b tier :joy:

Yeah bro, but keep in mind, sub rogue is a setup based comp, i am atm on 2.5 mmr in shuffle and even in this elo, people random stun targets, random dr, sometimes even as feral it is rough cuz they random stun the oponent heal 3 secounds before the dr goes of, and i cant clone because of it, feral have atleast pve dmg, but u cant land good setups as sub rogue in shuffle, because of 2 issues

1: teammates stun rnd a target on cd
2: teammates have to go on the same target, or safe the “dmg cds for the rogue go” but barerly anyone does that. they pop most likely burst cd in the opener to get counter pressure, its a zugzug shuffle

The next season will be a completely fiesta, i feel most likely rmp will be at the top, and ret warri (and maybe jungle? disc getting huge buffs, feral and sv, so also maybe is jungle back)

from what i have heard, boomy will be dead next ssn