Warrior T1 x6 Nerf

There are no words for this incompetence. Revert that change. Leave T1 as it was and never touch warrior again in SOD.


I think warrior tanks want a word with you if this is how you really feel

That thread talks about warrior tanks need to be better

I’m glad that the T1 6set got nerfed. I don’t want to be using the same set bonus the entire game and as it stands, nothing was ever going to compete with perma uptime on 10% crit and 10% damage.

I’m glad they nerfed the set—it was poorly designed. Yes, it was powerful, but it was boring and felt awful to play with. I want to play an MMORPG, not a series of mini-games full of WeakAuras.

No offesne mate, but i think you are not a good person to say what feels good or wrong about warrior. We dumbed down rotation to 3 buttons even. Pressing one button every 8-9 seconds for stance swap is not a big iq demand.

Who said it was a “big IQ demand”? I said it was “boring and felt awful to play with.”

I’ve played Warrior since Vanilla in 2005, and using the 6-piece T1 set is the worst state I’ve ever experienced—for me. If you enjoy it, good for you.

I’m not talking about numbers; I’m talking about how the class feels to play.
With all my years of experience, I’d say I’m a good candidate to judge when it feels awful to play.

What do you guy’s think of these echoes, not sure about them myself Im lazy and like staying in one stance for what ever I’m mainly doing rather than dancing about different stance to try get of a certain spell off