Hello there!
After a very relaxing take on 8.3, I’m now ready to take it a bit more hardcore come Shadowlands, i want to try my hand at Mythic raiding and some high M+ content.
I’ve decided to play a tank class, most likely a Warrior, since i quite enjoy the playstyle. I want to try my hand at tanking, but it’s not a must for me, i can play DPS as well.
Some info about me, 31 years old, been playing WoW since Vanilla. I’ve been a GM, RL, Officer and member. I should be able to make every day of the, and all the regular raiding times, and i hope to find the right guild to get me into the mindset of a more “hardcore” player, if you think your guild could have a spot for me in Shadowlands, feel free to answer to this post. Server is not an issue, but i’d like to stay Alliance.