Warrior Tank/DPS LF Guild for SL

Hello there!
After a very relaxing take on 8.3, I’m now ready to take it a bit more hardcore come Shadowlands, i want to try my hand at Mythic raiding and some high M+ content.

I’ve decided to play a tank class, most likely a Warrior, since i quite enjoy the playstyle. I want to try my hand at tanking, but it’s not a must for me, i can play DPS as well.

Some info about me, 31 years old, been playing WoW since Vanilla. I’ve been a GM, RL, Officer and member. I should be able to make every day of the, and all the regular raiding times, and i hope to find the right guild to get me into the mindset of a more “hardcore” player, if you think your guild could have a spot for me in Shadowlands, feel free to answer to this post. Server is not an issue, but i’d like to stay Alliance.

hey if you are interested to join draenor horde side we looking for officer to help with us with a new guild let me know if u are interested

Hello, i know you wanted to stay alliance, but Recursion on twisting nether, horde side is recruiting; (H) Twisting Nether, Recursion